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adding simple dockerfile
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.dockerignore adding simple dockerfile vor 4 Jahren
.editorconfig Initial commit vor 6 Jahren
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.gitignore Initial commit vor 6 Jahren
.travis.yml Add tests vor 6 Jahren
Dockerfile adding simple dockerfile vor 4 Jahren
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Monero Prometheus exporter

Environment Variables

  • DAEMON_HOST - monerod host, default: http://localhost:18081
  • PORT - port to expose metrics on, default: 9396

Metrics Exported

  • monerod_block_difficulty - Last block difficulty
  • monerod_block_reward - Last block reward
  • monerod_connections_incoming - Number of incoming connections
  • monerod_connections_outgoing - Number of outgoing connections
  • monerod_tx_chain - Number of transactions in total
  • monerod_tx_mempool - Number of transactions in the mempool

Pretty Screenshots

You can use Grafana to create a dashboard to show everyone how cool you are.

Grafana Screenshot


Released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE for more information.