/* * Copyright 2018 Excitable Aardvark * * Licensed under the 3-Clause BSD license. See LICENSE in the project root for * more information. */ const Daemon = require('monero-rpc').Daemon const express = require('express') const prometheus = require('prom-client') const util = require('util') const DAEMON_HOST = process.env.DAEMON_HOST || 'http://localhost:18081' const PORT = process.env.PORT || 9396 const Gauge = prometheus.Gauge const app = express() const daemon = new Daemon(DAEMON_HOST) const getInfo = util.promisify(daemon.getInfo.bind(daemon)) const getLastBlockHeader = util.promisify(daemon.getLastBlockHeader.bind(daemon)) const difficulty = new Gauge({ name: 'monerod_block_difficulty', help: 'Last block difficulty' }) const incomingConnections = new Gauge({ name: 'monerod_connections_incoming', help: 'Number of incoming connections' }) const mempoolSize = new Gauge({ name: 'monerod_tx_mempool', help: 'Number of transactions in the mempool' }) const outgoingConnections = new Gauge({ name: 'monerod_connections_outgoing', help: 'Number of outgoing connections' }) const reward = new Gauge({ name: 'monerod_block_reward', help: 'Last block reward' }) const txCount = new Gauge({ name: 'monerod_tx_chain', help: 'Number of transactions in total' }) app.get('/metrics', (req, res) => { Promise.all([ getInfo(), getLastBlockHeader() ]) .then(([info, header]) => { difficulty.set(Number(header.difficulty)) incomingConnections.set(Number(info.incoming_connections_count)) mempoolSize.set(Number(info.tx_pool_size)) outgoingConnections.set(Number(info.outgoing_connections_count)) reward.set(Number(header.reward / 1e12)) txCount.set(Number(info.tx_count)) res.end(prometheus.register.metrics()) }) .catch(e => { console.log(e) }) }) app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Listening on :${PORT}`))