[Unit] Description=Wownero Full Node After=network.target [Service] User=wownero Group=wownero WorkingDirectory=~ RuntimeDirectory=wownero # Clearnet config # Type=forking PIDFile=/run/wownero/wownerod.pid ExecStart=/usr/bin/wownerod --config-file /etc/wownerod.conf \ --detach --pidfile /run/wownero/wownerod.pid # Tor config # ## We have to use simple, not forking, because we cannot pass --detach ## because stderr/stdout is not available when detached, but torsocks ## attempts to write to it, and fails with 'invalid argument', causing ## wownerod to fail. #Type=simple #Environment=DNS_PUBLIC=tcp ## The following is needed only when accessing wallet from a different ## host in the LAN, VPN, etc, the RPC must bind to, but ## by default torsocks only allows binding to localhost. #Environment=TORSOCKS_ALLOW_INBOUND=1 #ExecStart=/usr/bin/torsocks /usr/bin/wownerod --config-file /etc/wownerod.conf \ # --non-interactive Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target