## Wownero Explorer A simple web interface for searching the Wownero blockchain. ## Quick-Start ### Docker The fastest way to get it up and running to test it locally is to use the pre-made Docker container: ``` export DAEMON_URI=http://so.wow.candy.surf:34568 docker run -d \ --name wownero-explorer \ --rm \ -p 80:8000 \ -e DAEMON_URI=$DAEMON_URI \ lalanza808/wownero-explorer:latest ``` You could also just use `docker-compose`, though it will download a reverse proxy image: ``` export DAEMON_URI=http://so.wow.candy.surf:34568 docker-compose up -d ``` Navigate to http://localhost/ to browse the explorer. ### Rust Alternatively, if you'd like to build/run using native Rust tools, follow these steps: 1. Install Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install 2. Clone this repo: `git clone https://git.wownero.com/lza_menace/wownero-explorer && cd wownero-explorer` 3. Pin the nightly version of rust to the local directory: `rustup override set nightly` 4. [Pick a Wownero node](https://wownero.com) if you don't have one and apply the `DAEMON_URI` environment variable: `export DAEMON_URI=http://so.wow.candy.surf:34568` 5. Run the application: `cargo run` 6. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/ ## Full Installation I'm using [Traefik](https://docs.traefik.io/getting-started/concepts/) as a reverse proxy in order to handle automatic TLS certification with Let's Encrypt and to avoid manage Nginx configs. If you want to run the full installation you will need a registered domain and control of DNS records. I don't feel like paying for a cluster for this simple app so I'm using `docker-compose` on a single box that I can recreate easily often to avoid config drift. 1. Create new file, `docker-compose.prod.yml` as a copy of `docker-compose.yml` 2. Uncomment labels under `wownero-explorer` service 3. Change labels to match external DNS name 4. Set `${ACME_EMAIL}` either as hardcoded string or pass as environment variable 5. Run `docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d` ## Questions? Ask around in IRC: https://webchat.freenode.net/?room=#wownero