Makin money, ya bitch, can ya dig it?
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lza_menace 10fbd8d66e
update dashboard with portfo in btc
před 1 rokem
grafana update dashboard with portfo in btc před 1 rokem
static adding some documentation před 4 roky
.gitignore Initial commit před 4 roky
LICENSE Initial commit před 4 roky adding some documentation před 4 roky make improvements to dashboards and logic of trading script před 1 rokem
docker-compose.yaml make improvements to dashboards and logic of trading script před 1 rokem
env-example make improvements to dashboards and logic of trading script před 1 rokem
requirements.txt reconcile orders, update dashboard, refactor db, refactor trade project před 4 roky make improvements to dashboards and logic of trading script před 1 rokem make improvements to dashboards and logic of trading script před 1 rokem


Experimental market maker script for TradeOgre. As of now it checks if the bid-ask spread is over a certain threshold and places a buy and sell order above and below the current bid and ask.

This is still a work in progress.


# Setup secrets and adjust parameters
cp env-example .env
vim .env

# Run containers
docker-compose up -d


This is a command line tool with an option to run continuously or only once.

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--market-maker] [--balances] [--update-orders]
                [--market-data] [--run]

Helpful TradeOgre trading script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --market-maker   Put in buy/sell orders
  --balances       Update coin balances of both base and currency
  --update-orders  Update status of orders
  --market-data    Update market data
  --run            Run continuously

View the results/metrics in your browser at http://localhost:3000 with the Grafana password specified. You'll need to add a datasource for the PostgreSQL database. Dial that in and your graphs should start working. Here's what it looks like: