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import logging
import requests
from tipbot.db import User
from tipbot.helpers.decorators import wallet_rpc_required, log_event, check_debug
from tipbot import wownero
from tipbot import config
def mine(update, context):
# Check that enough arguments were provided
if len(context.args) < 1:
update.message.reply_text('Not enough arguments passed. Include hash rate per second to estimate.')
return False
# Check that hash rate arg is an actual number
hr = float(context.args[0])
update.message.reply_text('Invalid hashrate provided')
return False
# Run the numbers, tell the user
payload = {'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'id':'0', 'method':'getlastblockheader'}
headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
r = + '/json_rpc', json=payload, headers=headers, timeout=5)
j = r.json()
diff = float(j['result']['block_header']['difficulty'])
lbr = float(j['result']['block_header']['reward'])
ttb = diff / hr
update.message.reply_text('The estimated time to find a block with {0:.2f} kh/s at diff {1:.2e} is {2:.2f} days. On average you will earn {3:.2f} WOW per day'.format(
hr/1e3, diff, ttb/(60*60*24), (lbr/1e11)/(ttb/(60*60*24))
update.message.reply_text('Something b0rked -_-')
return False