import requests from flask import url_for from random import choice from suchwow import config from suchwow import wownero intro = ["Whatup", "What is up", "What the fuck is up", "What in the fuck is up", "Yo"] insults = ["fart sacks", "dick lips", "shit stains", "chodes", "dipshits", "dick nipples", "turd burglars", "shit birds", "meat sticks", "meat puppets"] def post_discord_webhook(post): wallet = wownero.Wallet() post_wow_address = wallet.get_address(account=post.account_index) content = f"{choice(intro)} {choice(insults)}, new SuchWow post is up! #{} by {post.submitter}. Tip WOW to `{post_wow_address}` to show support! {url_for('post.uploaded_file', filename=post.image_name)}" msg = {"content": content} discord_webhook_url = config.DISCORD_URL r =, data=msg) r.raise_for_status() post.to_discord = True print(f"Posted #{} to Discord")