{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %}
< Go Back {% if post.hidden %}

You cannot see this post

{% else %}

{{ post.title }}

{{ post.text }}

{% if not post.approved %} {% endif %}

Submitted by {{ post.submitter }} at {{ post.timestamp }}


Vote for this post by sending WOW to the following address:
{{ address }}

{% if qr_code %}

{% endif %}
WOW Received
{% if transfers.in %} {% else %}

No WOW received yet. Show this post some love!

{% endif %}
WOW Sent
{% if transfers.out %} {% else %}

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{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if config.DEBUG %} {{ post.show() }} {% endif %} {# {% if "auth" in session %} {% if session.auth.preferred_username == post.submitter %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} #}
{% endblock %}