import json import click import arrow from math import ceil from datetime import datetime, timedelta from random import choice from os import makedirs, path, remove from flask import Flask, request, session, redirect from flask import render_template, flash, url_for from flask_session import Session from suchwow import config from suchwow.models import Post, Profile, Comment, Notification, db, Moderator from suchwow.routes import auth, comment, post, profile, leaderboard, api from suchwow.utils.decorators import login_required, moderator_required from suchwow.utils.helpers import post_webhook, get_latest_tipped_posts from suchwow.utils.helpers import get_top_posters, get_top_posts from suchwow.reddit import make_post from suchwow.discord import post_discord_webhook from suchwow import wownero, filters app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_envvar("FLASK_SECRETS") app.secret_key = app.config["SECRET_KEY"] Session(app) app.register_blueprint(post.bp) app.register_blueprint(auth.bp) app.register_blueprint(profile.bp) app.register_blueprint(comment.bp) app.register_blueprint(leaderboard.bp) app.register_blueprint(api.bp) app.register_blueprint(filters.bp) @app.route("/") def index(): itp = 15 page = request.args.get("page", 1) submitter = request.args.get("submitter", None) content = request.args.get("content", None) if content == 'latest_tipped': posts = get_latest_tipped_posts() return render_template( "index.html", posts=posts[0:30], title="Latest Tipped Memes" ) try: page = int(page) except: flash("Wow, wtf hackerman. Cool it.") page = 1 posts = if submitter: posts = posts.where(Post.submitter==submitter) paginated_posts = posts.paginate(page, itp) total_pages = ceil(posts.count() / itp) return render_template( "index.html", posts=paginated_posts, page=page, total_pages=total_pages, title="Latest Memes" ) @app.route("/mod") @moderator_required def mod_queue(): posts = return render_template("index.html", posts=posts) @app.route("/about") def about(): return render_template("about.html") @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(error): flash("nothing there, brah") return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.cli.command("init") def init(): # create subdirs for i in ["uploads", "db", "wallet"]: makedirs(f"{config.DATA_FOLDER}/{i}", exist_ok=True) # init db db.create_tables([Post, Profile, Comment, Notification, Moderator]) @app.cli.command("post_reddit") @click.argument('last_hours') def post_reddit(last_hours): posts = Post.approved==True, Post.to_reddit==False ).order_by(Post.timestamp.asc()) for p in posts: if p.hours_elapsed() < int(last_hours): if not p.to_reddit: _p = make_post(p) if _p: p.to_reddit = True return @app.cli.command("create_accounts") def create_accounts(): wallet = wownero.Wallet() for post in if post.account_index not in wallet.accounts(): account = wallet.new_account() print(f"Created account {account}") @app.cli.command("payout_users") def payout_users(): wallet = wownero.Wallet() _fa = wownero.from_atomic _aw = wownero.as_wownero for post in submitter = Profile.get(username=post.submitter) balances = wallet.balances(post.account_index) url = url_for('',, _external=True) if balances[1] > 0.1: print(f"Post #{} has {balances[1]} funds unlocked and ready to send. Sweeping all funds to user's address ({submitter.address}).") sweep = wallet.sweep_all(account=post.account_index, dest_address=submitter.address) print(sweep) if "tx_hash_list" in sweep: amount = 0 for amt in sweep["amount_list"]: amount += int(amt) # post_webhook(f"Paid out :moneybag: {_aw(_fa(amount))} WOW to `{post.submitter}` for post [{}]({url})") # god damn you eimernase, why'd you ruin this for me? :P @app.cli.command("add_admin") @click.argument("username") def add_admin(username): if not Moderator.filter(username=username): m = Moderator(username=username) print(f"Added {username}") post_webhook(f"Moderator `{username}` added :ship_it_parrot: by console :black_flag:") else: print("That moderator already exists") @app.cli.command("remove_admin") @click.argument("username") def remove_admin(username): m = Moderator.filter(username=username).first() if m: m.delete_instance() print(f"Deleted {username}") post_webhook(f"Moderator `{username}` removed :excuseme: by console :black_flag:") else: print("That moderator doesn't exist") @app.cli.command("show") @click.argument("post_id") def post_id(post_id): p = Post.filter(id=post_id).first() if p: print( else: print("That post doesn't exist") @app.cli.command("load_cache") def load_cache():'loading top posters into cache') get_top_posters()'done')'loading latest tipped into cache') get_latest_tipped_posts()'done') for i in [1, 3, 7, 30]:'loading top posts last {i} days into cache') get_top_posts(i)'done') if __name__ == "__main__":