import re import six import warnings from .address import address from .numbers import from_atomic, PaymentID from . import exceptions class Payment(object): """ A payment base class, representing payment not associated with any :class:`Account `. This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user, it is used by backends. """ payment_id = None amount = None timestamp = None transaction = None local_address = None note = '' _reprstr = "{} @ {} {:.12f} id={}" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.amount = kwargs.pop('amount', self.amount) self.timestamp = kwargs.pop('timestamp', self.timestamp) self.payment_id = kwargs.pop('payment_id', self.payment_id) self.transaction = kwargs.pop('transaction', self.transaction) self.local_address = kwargs.pop('local_address', self.local_address) self.note = kwargs.pop('note', self.note) if len(kwargs): raise ValueError("Excessive arguments for {}: {}".format(type(self), kwargs)) def __repr__(self): return self._reprstr.format( self.transaction.hash, self.transaction.height or 'pool', self.amount, self.payment_id) class IncomingPayment(Payment): """ An incoming payment (one that increases the balance of an :class:`Account `) """ _reprstr = "in: {} @ {} {:.12f} id={}" class OutgoingPayment(Payment): """ An outgoing payment (one that decreases the balance of an :class:`Account `) """ destinations = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.destinations = kwargs.pop('destinations', []) super(OutgoingPayment, self).__init__(**kwargs) _reprstr = "out: {} @ {} {:.12f} id={}" class Transaction(object): """ A Monero transaction. Identified by `hash`, it can be a part of a block of some `height` or not yet mined (`height` is `None` then). This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user, it is used by backends. """ hash = None fee = None height = None timestamp = None key = None blob = None confirmations = None output_indices = None json = None @property def size(self): if not self.blob: raise exceptions.TransactionWithoutBlob( "Transaction has no blob, hence the size cannot be determined. " "Perhaps the backend prunes transaction data?") return len(self.blob) @property def outputs(self): if not self.json: raise exceptions.TransactionWithoutJSON( 'Tx {:s} has no .json attribute'.format(self.hash)) outs = [] for i, vout in enumerate(self.json['vout']): outs.append(OneTimeOutput( pubkey=vout['target']['key'], amount=from_atomic(vout['amount']), index=self.output_indices[i] if self.output_indices else None, height=self.height, transaction=self)) return outs def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.hash = kwargs.get('hash', self.hash) self.fee = kwargs.get('fee', self.fee) self.height = kwargs.get('height', self.height) self.timestamp = kwargs.get('timestamp', self.timestamp) self.key = kwargs.get('key', self.key) self.blob = kwargs.get('blob', self.blob) self.confirmations = kwargs.get('confirmations', self.confirmations) self.output_indices = kwargs.get('output_indices', self.output_indices) self.json = kwargs.get('json', self.json) def __repr__(self): return self.hash class OneTimeOutput(object): """ A Monero one-time public output (A.K.A stealth address). Identified by `pubkey`, or `index` and `amount` together, it can contain differing levels of information on an output. This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user, it is used by backends. """ pubkey = None amount = None index = None height = None mask = None transaction = None unlocked = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.pubkey = kwargs.get('pubkey', self.pubkey) self.amount = kwargs.get('amount', self.amount) self.index = kwargs.get('index', self.index) self.height = kwargs.get('height', self.height) self.mask = kwargs.get('mask', self.mask) self.transaction = kwargs.get('transaction', self.transaction) self.unlocked = kwargs.get('unlocked', self.unlocked) def __repr__(self): # Try to represent output as (index, amount) pair if applicable because there is no RPC # daemon command to lookup outputs by their pubkey ;( if self.pubkey: return self.pubkey else: return '(index={},amount={})'.format(self.index, self.amount) def __eq__(self, other): # Try to compare pubkeys, then try to compare (index,amount) pairs, else raise error if self.pubkey and other.pubkey: return self.pubkey == other.pubkey elif None not in (self.index, other.index, self.amount, other.amount): return self.index == other.index and self.amount == other.amount else: raise TypeError('Given one-time outputs (%r,%r) are not comparable'.format(self, other)) def __ne__(self, other): return not(self == other) class PaymentManager(object): """ A payment query manager, handling either incoming or outgoing payments of an :class:`Account `. This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user, it is used by backends. """ account_idx = 0 backend = None def __init__(self, account_idx, backend, direction): self.account_idx = account_idx self.backend = backend self.direction = direction def __call__(self, **filterparams): fetch = self.backend.transfers_in if self.direction == 'in' else self.backend.transfers_out return fetch(self.account_idx, PaymentFilter(**filterparams)) def _validate_tx_id(txid): if not bool(re.compile('^[0-9a-f]{64}$').match(txid)): raise ValueError("Transaction ID must be a 64-character hexadecimal string, not " "'{}'".format(txid)) return txid class _ByHeight(object): """A helper class used as key in sorting of payments by height. Mempool goes on top, blockchain payments are ordered with descending block numbers. **WARNING:** Integer sorting is reversed here. """ def __init__(self, pmt): self.pmt = pmt def _cmp(self, other): sh = self.pmt.transaction.height oh = other.pmt.transaction.height if sh is oh is None: return 0 if sh is None: return 1 if oh is None: return -1 return (sh > oh) - (sh < oh) def __lt__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) > 0 def __le__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) >= 0 def __eq__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) == 0 def __ge__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) <= 0 def __gt__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) < 0 def __ne__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) != 0 class PaymentFilter(object): """ A helper class that filters payments retrieved by the backend. This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user, it is used by backends. """ def __init__(self, **filterparams): self.min_height = filterparams.pop('min_height', None) self.max_height = filterparams.pop('max_height', None) self.unconfirmed = filterparams.pop('unconfirmed', False) self.confirmed = filterparams.pop('confirmed', True) _local_address = filterparams.pop('local_address', None) _tx_id = filterparams.pop('tx_id', None) _payment_id = filterparams.pop('payment_id', None) if len(filterparams) > 0: raise ValueError("Excessive arguments for payment query: {}".format(filterparams)) if self.unconfirmed and (self.min_height is not None or self.max_height is not None): warnings.warn("Height filtering (min_height/max_height) has been requested while " "also asking for unconfirmed transactions. These are mutually exclusive. " "As mempool transactions have no height at all, they will be excluded " "from the result.", RuntimeWarning) if _local_address is None: self.local_addresses = [] else: if isinstance(_local_address, six.string_types) \ or isinstance(_local_address, six.text_type): local_addresses = [_local_address] else: try: iter(_local_address) local_addresses = _local_address except TypeError: local_addresses = [_local_address] self.local_addresses = list(map(address, local_addresses)) if _tx_id is None: self.tx_ids = [] else: if isinstance(_tx_id, six.string_types) or isinstance(_tx_id, six.text_type): tx_ids = [_tx_id] else: try: iter(_tx_id) tx_ids = _tx_id except TypeError: tx_ids = [_tx_id] self.tx_ids = list(map(_validate_tx_id, tx_ids)) if _payment_id is None: self.payment_ids = [] else: if isinstance(_payment_id, six.string_types) or isinstance(_payment_id, six.text_type): payment_ids = [_payment_id] else: try: iter(_payment_id) payment_ids = _payment_id except TypeError: payment_ids = [_payment_id] self.payment_ids = list(map(PaymentID, payment_ids)) def check(self, payment): ht = payment.transaction.height if ht is None: if not self.unconfirmed: return False if self.min_height is not None or self.max_height is not None: # mempool txns are filtered out if any height range check is present return False else: if not self.confirmed: return False if self.min_height is not None and ht < self.min_height: return False if self.max_height is not None and ht > self.max_height: return False if self.payment_ids and payment.payment_id not in self.payment_ids: return False if self.tx_ids and payment.transaction.hash not in self.tx_ids: return False if self.local_addresses and payment.local_address not in self.local_addresses: return False return True def filter(self, payments): return sorted( filter(self.check, payments), key=_ByHeight)