Release Notes ============= 0.99 ---- This is a test release before 1.0. The reference library for Ed25519 cryptography has been dropped and replaced with `pynacl`_ which is a wrapper over `libsodium`_, the industry standard lightning-fast C library. There are no backward-incompatible changes in the API. The aim is to have the software tested thoroughly before the first stable release. .. _`pynacl`: .. _`libsodium`: 0.9 --- The hashing library ``sha3`` has been replaced by ``pycryptodomex`` which is a more actively maintained project. However, the code still may work with the old ``sha3`` module. Just ignore the new dependency and run as usual. 0.8 --- Backward-incompatible changes: 1. The ``monero.prio`` submodule has been removed. Switch to ``monero.const``. 2. Methods ``.is_mainnet()``, ``.is_testnet()``, ``.is_stagenet()`` have been removed from ``monero.address.Address`` instances. Use ``.net`` attribute instead. 0.7 --- Backward-incompatible changes: 1. The ``Transaction.blob`` changes from hexadecimal to raw binary data (``bytes`` in Python 3, ``str`` in Python 2). Deprecations: 1. ``monero.const`` has been introduced. Transaction priority consts will move to ``monero.const.PRIO_*``. The ``monero.prio`` submodule has been deprecated and will be gone in 0.8. 2. Methods ``.is_mainnet()``, ``.is_testnet()``, ``.is_stagenet()`` have been deprecated and new ``.net`` property has been added to all ``monero.address.Address`` instances. The values are from among ``monero.const.NET_*`` and have string representation of ``"main"``, ``"test"`` and ``"stage"`` respectively. Likewise, ``monero.seed.Seed.public_address()`` accepts those new values. All deprecated uses will raise proper warnings in 0.7.x and will be gone with 0.8. 0.6 --- With version 0.6 the package name on PyPi has changed from `monero-python` to just `monero`. Backward-incompatible changes: 1. The ``.new_address()`` method of both ``Wallet`` and ``Account`` returns a 2-element tuple of (`subaddress`, `index`) where the additional element is the index of the subaddress within current account. 0.5 --- Backward-incompatible changes: 1. The ``ringsize`` parameter is gone from ``.transfer()`` and ``.transfer_multiple()`` methods of both ``Wallet`` and ``Account``. Since Monero 0.13 the ring size is of constant value 11. 2. The class hierarchy in ``monero.address`` has been reordered. ``Address`` now represents only master address of a wallet. ``SubAddress`` doesn't inherit after it anymore, but all classes share the common base of ``BaseAddress``. In particular, make sure that your code doesn't check a presence of Monero address by checking ``isinstance(x, monero.address.Address)``. That will not work for sub-addresses anymore. Replace it by ``isinstance(x, monero.address.BaseAddress)``.