#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import operator import logging import os import re import monero from monero.address import address from monero.numbers import as_monero from monero.wallet import Wallet from monero.backends.jsonrpc import JSONRPCWallet def url_data(url): gs = ( re.compile( r"^(?:(?P[a-z0-9_-]+)?(?::(?P[^@]+))?@)?(?P[^:\s]+)(?::(?P[0-9]+))?$" ) .match(url) .groupdict() ) return dict(filter(operator.itemgetter(1), gs.items())) def destpair(s): addr, amount = s.split(":") return (address(addr), as_monero(amount)) argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Transfer Monero") argsparser.add_argument( "-v", dest="verbosity", action="count", default=0, help="Verbosity (repeat to increase; -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG", ) argsparser.add_argument( "wallet_rpc_url", nargs="?", type=url_data, default="", help="Wallet RPC URL [user[:password]@]host[:port]", ) argsparser.add_argument( "-t", dest="timeout", type=int, default=30, help="Request timeout" ) argsparser.add_argument( "-a", dest="account", default=0, type=int, help="Source account index" ) argsparser.add_argument( "-p", dest="prio", choices=["unimportant", "normal", "elevated", "priority"], default="normal", ) argsparser.add_argument( "--save", dest="outdir", nargs="?", default=None, const=".", help="Save to file, optionally follow by destination directory (default is .)\n" "Transaction will be not relayed to the network.", ) argsparser.add_argument( "destinations", metavar="address:amount", nargs="+", type=destpair, help="Destination address and amount (one or more pairs)", ) args = argsparser.parse_args() prio = getattr(monero.const, "PRIO_{:s}".format(args.prio.upper())) level = logging.WARNING if args.verbosity == 1: level = logging.INFO elif args.verbosity > 1: level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=level, format="%(asctime)-15s %(message)s") w = Wallet(JSONRPCWallet(timeout=args.timeout, **args.wallet_rpc_url)) txns = w.accounts[args.account].transfer_multiple( args.destinations, priority=prio, relay=args.outdir is None ) for tx in txns: print( u"Transaction {hash}:\nfee: {fee:21.12f}\n" u"Tx key: {key}\nSize: {size} B".format( hash=tx.hash, fee=tx.fee, key=tx.key, size=len(tx.blob) >> 1 ) ) if args.outdir: outname = os.path.join(args.outdir, tx.hash + ".tx") outfile = open(outname, "wb") outfile.write(tx.blob) outfile.close() print(u"Transaction saved to {}".format(outname))