Make set_bans() input more intuitive

Instead of passing a list a specificly crafted dictionaries, you can now
just pass the ip, ban, and seconds parameters each. They can be single
elements or lists of the same size.
Jeffrey Ryan 3 years ago
parent 19a9519aea
commit ac43a16292

@ -587,22 +587,23 @@ class JSONRPCDaemon(object):
return self.raw_jsonrpc_request('hard_fork_info')
def set_bans(self, bans):
def set_bans(self, ip, ban, seconds):
Ban (or uban) other nodes by IP for a certain length of time.
Ban (or unban) other nodes by IP for a certain length of time.
:param bans: list of dict ban entries with the following structure:
ban = {
"host": str; Host to ban (IP in A.B.C.D form - will support I2P address in the future),
"ip": unsigned int; IP address to ban, in int format,
"ban": bool; Set true to ban,
"seconds": unsigned int; Number of seconds to ban node
:param ip: ip address of node to ban in two forms: 'a.b.c.d' str or 32-bit unsigned integer
:param bool ban: Whether to ban (True) or unban (False)
:param int seconds: Number of seconds to ban
* For a given entry, only one of "host" or "ip" must be provided, but both may be provided so long as they match.
* "seconds" does not need to be provided if "ban" is False
* Params "ip", "ban", and "seconds" can be single elements or they can be iterables of the same length. For example:
ips = ['', 611282986]
should_ban = [True, False]
seconds = [10000, None]
daemon.set_bans(ips, should_ban, seconds)
* "seconds" can be 0 or None if "ban" is False
@ -610,45 +611,61 @@ class JSONRPCDaemon(object):
if isinstance(bans, dict):
bans = [bans]
# Validate bans
for ban_info in bans:
host = ban_info.get('host')
ip = ban_info.get('ip')
ban = ban_info.get('ban')
seconds = ban_info.get('seconds')
if host is None and ip is None:
raise ValueError('host or ip must be provided for each ban')
elif ban is None:
raise ValueError('"ban" value must be provided for each ban entry')
elif seconds is None and ban:
raise ValueError('"seconds" value must be provided when an IP is banned')
if host:
if len(host.split('.')) != 4:
raise ValueError('host "{}" is incorrectly formatted'.format(host))
for ip_part in host.split('.'):
def is_valid_ip(ip):
if isinstance(ip, (int)):
return 0 <= ip < 2 ** 32
if len(ip.split('.')) != 4:
return False
for ip_part in ip.split('.'):
ip_part_num = int(ip_part)
if ip_part_num < 0 or ip_part_num >= 256:
raise ValueError('host "{}" is incorrectly formatted'.format(host))
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('host "{}" is incorrectly formatted'.format(host))
if ip and (ip < 0 or ip >= 2**32):
raise ValueError('ip number {} is out of range'.format(host))
if host is not None and ip is not None:
# check that "host" represents same logical address as "ip"
# both have already individually been checked for validity
# We could use the ipaddress package, but it is only standard after Python 3.3
a, b, c, d = map(int, host.split('.'))
ip_from_host = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d
if ip_from_host != ip:
raise ValueError('host "{}" does not represent ip "{}"'.format(host, ip))
if not isinstance(seconds, (NoneType, int)):
raise TypeError('"seconds" key in bans must be an int not a {}'.format(type(seconds)))
elif not isinstance(ban, bool):
raise TypeError('"ban" key in bans must be a bool not a {}'.format(type(ban)))
return False
return False
return True
if isinstance(ip, (str, int)): # If single element paramters
user_bans = [{
'ip': ip,
'ban': ban,
'seconds': seconds
else: # If params are iterables, contrust the list of ban entries
if not (len(ip) == len(ban) == len(seconds)):
raise ValueError('"ip", "ban", and "seconds" are not the same length')
user_bans = [{
'ip': ip[i],
'ban': ban[i],
'seconds': seconds[i]
} for i in range(len(ip))]
# Construct the bans parameter to be passed to the RPC command
bans = []
for ban_entry in user_bans:
curr_ip = ban_entry['ip']
curr_ban = bool(ban_entry['ban'])
curr_seconds = ban_entry['seconds']
if not is_valid_ip(curr_ip):
raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid IP address'.format(ip))
elif curr_ban and curr_seconds is None:
raise ValueError('Whenever "ban" is True, "seconds" must not be None')
elif curr_seconds is not None and curr_seconds < 0:
raise ValueError('"seconds" can not be less than zero')
ban = {}
if isinstance(curr_ip, int):
ban['ip'] = curr_ip
ban['host'] = curr_ip
if curr_seconds is not None:
ban['seconds'] = curr_seconds
ban['ban'] = curr_ban
return self.raw_jsonrpc_request('set_bans', params={'bans': bans})
