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set -e
3 years ago
4 years ago
mkdir -p "$APPDIR"
mkdir -p "$APPDIR/usr/share/applications/"
mkdir -p "$APPDIR/usr/bin"
3 years ago
cp "$PWD/src/assets/wowllet.desktop" "$APPDIR/usr/share/applications/wowllet.desktop"
cp "$PWD/src/assets/images/appicons/64x64.png" "$APPDIR/wowllet.png"
cp "$PWD/build/bin/wowllet" "$APPDIR/usr/bin/wowllet"
3 years ago
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib /linuxdeployqt/squashfs-root/AppRun feather.AppDir/usr/share/applications/wowllet.desktop -bundle-non-qt-libs
find feather.AppDir/ -exec touch -h -a -m -t 202101010100.00 {} \;
# Manually create AppImage (reproducibly)
# download runtime
wget -nc
echo "24da8e0e149b7211cbfb00a545189a1101cb18d1f27d4cfc1895837d2c30bc30 runtime-x86_64" | sha256sum -c
mksquashfs feather.AppDir feather.squashfs -info -root-owned -no-xattrs -noappend -fstime 0
# mksquashfs writes a timestamp to the header
printf '\x00\x00\x00\x00' | dd conv=notrunc of=feather.squashfs bs=1 seek=$((0x8))
3 years ago
rm -f wowllet.AppImage
cat runtime-x86_64 >> wowllet.AppImage
cat feather.squashfs >> wowllet.AppImage
chmod a+x wowllet.AppImage