36 Coding guidelines
layters edited this page 1 month ago


The neroshop code base is divided into 4 parts for flexibility, readability and just keeping the code organized.

  • console: contains the code for the neroshop command line interface, also known as neroshop-console
  • core: contains the core functionality of neroshop
  • daemon: contains the code for the neroshop daemon executable, also known as neromon
  • gui: contains the code that interfaces with QML, a JavaScript-like language through the Qt C++ library and interacts with the GUI.

The core directory is also divided into sections:

  • .: the root directory which contains marketplace-specific code that have to do with products, listings, orders, etc.
  • crypto: contains cryptographic algorithms such as SHA-256 hash functions and public-key encryption algorithms like RSA.
  • database: contains code for specific databases such as sqlite3 or lmdb
  • network: contains code for privacy networks such as Tor and i2p.
  • price: contains APIs from several cryptocurrency price aggregators and cryptocurrency exchanges used for fetching currency prices.
  • protocol: contains code for certain types of protocols
  • tools: contains helper and utility code
  • wallet: contains the different kinds of blockchain wallets supported by neroshop

The entire source code can be found in the src/ folder and the code for the user interface can be found in the qml/ folder.

Naming conventions

Naming conventions - snake_case vs camelCase

You may use snake_case any where in the code but camelCase is only allowed in the gui and qml code. Variable names should also be in snake_case form though it is not required in the gui portion of the codebase.

Naming conventions - files

File names should be lowercase and file names containing separate words should be separated using an underscore _.

All cpp files should have a header file, with files containing a main function being the exception to the rule. Headers do not need their own cpp files.

Include order and placement

Place the minimum necessary includes into a header file, as anyone else who uses that header will be forced to #include all of them too. In larger projects, this leads towards slower builds, dependency issues, and all sorts of other nastiness.

Any includes not used in the header file, but used in the source file should be added to the source file instead.

Use forward declaration when necessary.

Header files should be included in the particular order (This won't be enforced though so ignore if you want):

    1. hpp file corresponding to this cpp file (if applicable)
    1.1. A blank line
    2. headers from the same component,
    2.1. A blank line
    3. headers from other components (third party)
    3.1. A blank line
    4. system headers (with C system headers being first and C++ system headers being last)

Namespace usages

  • Never use using namespace std; as naming conflictions could occur. Use std:: instead. This applies to all namespaces.
  • Namespaces must be lowercase and namespaces containing separate words should be separated using an underscore _.


4 spaces for each line of code. No tabs allowed.


Files from console, daemon, and gui can all depend on files from core but core must never depend on either of them.

Most importantly, core MUST NOT depend on Qt as it is intended to be solely used for the user interface and the GUI library can be replaced at anytime.