You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

186 lines
11 KiB

// neroshop
#include "../src/neroshop.hpp"
using namespace neroshop;
namespace neroshop_crypto = neroshop::crypto;
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(__ANDROID__)
#define NEROSHOP_DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH "/home/" + neroshop::device::get_user() + "/neroshop"
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define NEROSHOP_DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH "C:/Users/" + neroshop::device::get_user() + "/AppData/Local/neroshop"
static void register_user() {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();//std::unique_ptr<db::Sqlite3> database = std::make_unique<db::Sqlite3>();
if(!database->open("data.sqlite3")) {//(":memory:")) { // In-memory databases are temporary and written in RAM. They do not support WAL mode either
neroshop::print(SQLITE3_TAG "\033[91mSQLite::open failed");
Wallet * wallet = new Wallet();
std::string wallet_name;
std::string wallet_pwd;
std::string wallet_confirm_pwd;
std::cout << "Please enter your desired wallet name:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, wallet_name);
if(wallet_name.empty()) wallet_name = "auth"; // default wallet name
std::cout << "Please enter your desired wallet password:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, wallet_pwd);
std::cout << "Please confirm your wallet password:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, wallet_confirm_pwd);
// Create a directory in home folder for wallets
// todo: make wallet path customizable by user
if(!std::filesystem::is_directory(NEROSHOP_DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH)) {
if(!std::filesystem::create_directories(NEROSHOP_DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH)) {
neroshop::print("FAILED TO MAKE WALLET DIRECTORY", 1);
neroshop::print(std::string("\033[1;97mcreated directory \"") + NEROSHOP_DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH + "\"");
// Create a random wallet
wallet->create_random(wallet_pwd, wallet_confirm_pwd, NEROSHOP_DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH + "/" + wallet_name);
// Provide user with their mnemonic
std::cout << "Store these words safely. These 25 words are the key to your account. If you lose them, your account goes bye-bye:\n\033[1;36m";
std::cout << wallet->get_seed() << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// And their secret view and spend key pairs too ...
std::cout << "Secret view key: " << wallet->get_monero_wallet()->get_private_view_key() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Secret spend key: " << wallet->get_monero_wallet()->get_private_spend_key() << std::endl;
// Get SHA256 hash of the primary address
std::string primary_address = wallet->get_monero_wallet()->get_primary_address();
std::string user_auth_key = neroshop_crypto::sha256(primary_address); // temp
neroshop::print("Primary address: \033[1;33m" + primary_address + "\033[1;37m\nSHA256 hash: \033[1;32m" + user_auth_key);
// Store auth credentials in database
// todo: make this command (DB entry) a client request that the server must respond to and the consensus must agree with
database->execute_params("INSERT INTO users(key) VALUES($1)", { user_auth_key });
static bool auth_with_wallet_file() {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();//std::unique_ptr<db::Sqlite3> database = std::make_unique<db::Sqlite3>();
if(!database->open("data.sqlite3")) {//(":memory:")) { // In-memory databases are temporary and written in RAM. They do not support WAL mode either
neroshop::print(SQLITE3_TAG "\033[91mSQLite::open failed");
Wallet * wallet = new Wallet();
// Initialize monero wallet with existing wallet file
std::string wallet_password;// = "supersecretpassword123"; // Apparently passwords are not used nor required for mnemonics. ONLY wallet files use passwords
//std::cout << "Please upload your wallet file:\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your wallet password:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, wallet_password);
// Upload wallet via file dialog
wallet->upload(true, wallet_password);
// Get the hash of the primary address
std::string primary_address = wallet->get_monero_wallet()->get_primary_address();
std::string user_auth_key = neroshop_crypto::sha256(primary_address); // temp
neroshop::print("Primary address: \033[1;33m" + primary_address + "\033[1;37m\nSHA256 hash: " + user_auth_key);
//$ echo -n "528qdm2pXnYYesCy5VdmBneWeaSZutEijFVAKjpVHeVd4unsCSM55CjgViQsK9WFNHK1eZgcCuZ3fRqYpzKDokqSKp4yp38" | sha256sum
// Check database to see if user key (hash of primary address) exists
bool user_key_found = database->get_integer_params("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE key = $1)", { user_auth_key });
// If user key is not found in the database, then create one. This is like registering for an account
if(!user_key_found) {
// In reality, this function will return false if user key is not registered in the database
neroshop::print("user key not found in database. Please try again or register", 1);
return false;
// Save user information in memory
int user_id = database->get_integer_params("SELECT id FROM users WHERE key = $1", { user_auth_key });
// This number will scale as the user count grows
int min_digits = 15; // 15 digits = 100 trillionth place (000,000,000,000,000)
int precision = min_digits - std::min<int>(min_digits, std::to_string(user_id).size());
std::string formatted_user_id = std::string(precision, '0').append(std::to_string(user_id));
neroshop::print("Welcome back, user " + formatted_user_id, 4);
// Set user_id
// ...
return true;
static bool auth_with_seed() {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();//std::unique_ptr<db::Sqlite3> database = std::make_unique<db::Sqlite3>();
if(!database->open("data.sqlite3")) {//(":memory:")) { // In-memory databases are temporary and written in RAM. They do not support WAL mode either
neroshop::print(SQLITE3_TAG "\033[91mSQLite::open failed");
Wallet * wallet = new Wallet();
// Initialize monero wallet with existing wallet mnemonic
std::string wallet_seed;// = "hefty value later extra artistic firm radar yodel talent future fungal nutshell because sanity awesome nail unjustly rage unafraid cedar delayed thumbs comb custom sanity";
std::cout << "Please enter your wallet mnemonic:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, wallet_seed);
// todo: allow user to specify a custom location for the wallet keyfile or use a default location
// Get the hash of the primary address
std::string primary_address = wallet->get_monero_wallet()->get_primary_address();
std::string user_auth_key = neroshop_crypto::sha256(primary_address); // temp
neroshop::print("Primary address: \033[1;33m" + primary_address + "\033[1;37m\nSHA256 hash: " + user_auth_key);
//$ echo -n "528qdm2pXnYYesCy5VdmBneWeaSZutEijFVAKjpVHeVd4unsCSM55CjgViQsK9WFNHK1eZgcCuZ3fRqYpzKDokqSKp4yp38" | sha256sum
// Check database to see if user key (hash of primary address) exists
bool user_key_found = database->get_integer_params("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE key = $1)", { user_auth_key });
// If user key is not found in the database, then create one. This is like registering for an account
if(!user_key_found) {
// In reality, this function will return false if user key is not registered in the database
neroshop::print("user key not found in database. Please try again or register", 1);
return false;
// Save user information in memory
int user_id = database->get_integer_params("SELECT id FROM users WHERE key = $1", { user_auth_key });
// This number will scale as the user count grows
int min_digits = 15; // 15 digits = 100 trillionth place (000,000,000,000,000)
int precision = min_digits - std::min<int>(min_digits, std::to_string(user_id).size());
std::string formatted_user_id = std::string(precision, '0').append(std::to_string(user_id));
neroshop::print("Welcome back, user " + formatted_user_id, 4);
// Set user_id
// ...
return true;
static bool auth_with_keys() {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();//std::unique_ptr<db::Sqlite3> database = std::make_unique<db::Sqlite3>();
if(!database->open("data.sqlite3")) {//(":memory:")) { // In-memory databases are temporary and written in RAM. They do not support WAL mode either
neroshop::print(SQLITE3_TAG "\033[91mSQLite::open failed");
Wallet * wallet = new Wallet();
// Initialize monero wallet with existing wallet mnemonic
std::string primary_address;
std::string secret_view_key;
std::string secret_spend_key;
std::cout << "Please enter your primary address:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, primary_address);
std::cout << "Please enter your secret view key:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, secret_view_key);
std::cout << "Please enter your secret spend key (optional):\n";
std::getline(std::cin, secret_spend_key);
// todo: allow user to specify a custom location for the wallet keyfile or use a default location
wallet->restore_from_keys(primary_address, secret_view_key, secret_spend_key);
// Get the hash of the primary address
std::string user_auth_key = neroshop_crypto::sha256(primary_address); // temp
neroshop::print("Primary address: \033[1;33m" + primary_address + "\033[1;37m\nSHA256 hash: " + user_auth_key);
//$ echo -n "528qdm2pXnYYesCy5VdmBneWeaSZutEijFVAKjpVHeVd4unsCSM55CjgViQsK9WFNHK1eZgcCuZ3fRqYpzKDokqSKp4yp38" | sha256sum
// Check database to see if user key (hash of primary address) exists
bool user_key_found = database->get_integer_params("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE key = $1)", { user_auth_key });
// If user key is not found in the database, then create one. This is like registering for an account
if(!user_key_found) {
// In reality, this function will return false if user key is not registered in the database
neroshop::print("user key not found in database. Please try again or register", 1);
return false;
// Save user information in memory
int user_id = database->get_integer_params("SELECT id FROM users WHERE key = $1", { user_auth_key });
// This number will scale as the user count grows
int min_digits = 15; // 15 digits = 100 trillionth place (000,000,000,000,000)
int precision = min_digits - std::min<int>(min_digits, std::to_string(user_id).size());
std::string formatted_user_id = std::string(precision, '0').append(std::to_string(user_id));
neroshop::print("Welcome back, user " + formatted_user_id, 4);
// Set user_id
// ...
return true;
int main() {
return 0;