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976 lines
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#include "wallet.hpp"
#include "tools/logger.hpp"
#include "tools/tools.hpp"
#include "tools/process.hpp" // for monerod daemon process
#include <cmath>
#include <filesystem>
neroshop::Wallet::Wallet() : process(nullptr), percentage(0.0), monero_wallet_obj(nullptr)
monero::monero_network_type neroshop::Wallet::network_type(monero_network_type::STAGENET);
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()) {
// remove listener
monero_wallet_obj->remove_listener (*this);//int listener_count = monero_wallet_obj->get_listeners().size();if(listener_count > 0) { std::cout << NEROSHOP_TAG "still need to delete listeners (" << listener_count << ")" << std::endl; }
// close monero wallet
// reset (delete) monero wallet
monero_wallet_obj.reset(); // will call monero_wallet_full destructor
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) std::cout << "monero wallet deleted\n"; // just to confirm that the monero wallet has been set to nullptr after deletion
// destroy process
if(process.get()) {
process.reset(); // this will call the process destructor which should auto kill the process
if(!process.get()) std::cout << "wallet process deleted\n";
// clear password hash
std::cout << "wallet deleted\n";
// Thought: account creation date could be used as the wallet's restore height
// Reminder: path is the path and name of the wallet without the .keys extension
int neroshop::Wallet::create_random(const std::string& password, const std::string& confirm_pwd, const std::string& path) {
if(confirm_pwd != password) {
neroshop::print("Wallet passwords do not match", 1);
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::PasswordsDoNotMatch);
if(monero::monero_wallet_full::wallet_exists(path + ".keys")) {//if(std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path + ".keys")) {
neroshop::print("Wallet file with the same name already exists", 1);
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::AlreadyExists);
// This is deprecated :(
////monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet_random (path, password, network_type/*, const monero_rpc_connection &daemon_connection=monero_rpc_connection(), const std::string &language="English", std::unique_ptr< epee::net_utils::http::http_client_factory > http_client_factory=nullptr*/));
monero::monero_wallet_config wallet_config_obj;
wallet_config_obj.m_path = path;
wallet_config_obj.m_password = password;
wallet_config_obj.m_network_type = this->network_type;
monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet (wallet_config_obj, nullptr));
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()) std::cout << "\033[1;35;49m" << "created wallet \"" << path << ".keys\"" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// Sign password to generate a temporary password hash (signature) that will be used to verify password whenever user inactivity is detected or when user attempts to withdraw funds
password_hash = sign_message(password, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);
std::cout << "password hash generated: " << password_hash << "\n";
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::Ok);
int neroshop::Wallet::create_from_seed(const std::string& seed, const std::string& password, const std::string& confirm_pwd, const std::string& path) {
if(confirm_pwd != password) {
neroshop::print("Wallet passwords do not match", 1);
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::PasswordsDoNotMatch);
if(monero::monero_wallet_full::wallet_exists(path + ".keys")) {
neroshop::print("Wallet file with the same name already exists", 1);
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::AlreadyExists);
// This is deprecated :(
////monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet_from_mnemonic (path, password, network_type, mnemonic));
monero::monero_wallet_config wallet_config_obj;
wallet_config_obj.m_path = path;
wallet_config_obj.m_password = password;
wallet_config_obj.m_network_type = this->network_type;
wallet_config_obj.m_seed = seed;
monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet (wallet_config_obj, nullptr));
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) return static_cast<int>(WalletError::IsNotOpened);
std::cout << "\033[1;35;49m" << "created wallet \"" << path << ".keys\" (from seed)" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// Sign password to generate a temporary password hash (signature) that will be used to verify password whenever user inactivity is detected or when user attempts to withdraw funds
password_hash = sign_message(password, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);
std::cout << "password hash generated: " << password_hash << "\n";
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::Ok);
// To restore a view-only wallet, leave the spend key blank
int neroshop::Wallet::create_from_keys(const std::string& primary_address, const std::string& view_key, const std::string& spend_key, const std::string& password, const std::string &confirm_pwd, const std::string& path) {
if(confirm_pwd != password) {
neroshop::print("Wallet passwords do not match", 1);
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::PasswordsDoNotMatch);
if(monero::monero_wallet_full::wallet_exists(path + ".keys")) {
neroshop::print("Wallet file with the same name already exists", 1);
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::AlreadyExists);
// This is deprecated :(
////monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet_from_keys(path, password, network_type, primary_address, view_key, spend_key));
monero::monero_wallet_config wallet_config_obj;
wallet_config_obj.m_path = path;
wallet_config_obj.m_password = password;
wallet_config_obj.m_network_type = this->network_type;
wallet_config_obj.m_primary_address = primary_address;
wallet_config_obj.m_private_view_key = view_key;
wallet_config_obj.m_private_spend_key = spend_key;
monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet (wallet_config_obj, nullptr));
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) return static_cast<int>(WalletError::IsNotOpened);
std::cout << "\033[1;35;49m" << "created wallet \"" << path << ".keys\" (from keys)" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// Sign password to generate a temporary password hash (signature) that will be used to verify password whenever user inactivity is detected or when user attempts to withdraw funds
password_hash = sign_message(password, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);
std::cout << "password hash generated: " << password_hash << "\n";
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::Ok);
int neroshop::Wallet::restore_from_seed(const std::string& seed)
// This is deprecated :(
//monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet_from_mnemonic("", "", network_type, mnemonic)); // set path to "" for an in-memory wallet
monero::monero_wallet_config wallet_config_obj;
wallet_config_obj.m_path = "";
wallet_config_obj.m_password = "";
wallet_config_obj.m_network_type = this->network_type;
wallet_config_obj.m_seed = seed;
wallet_config_obj.m_restore_height = 0;
monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet (wallet_config_obj, nullptr));
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) return static_cast<int>(WalletError::IsNotOpened);
std::cout << "\033[1;35;49m" << "restored in-memory wallet (from seed)" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::Ok);
int neroshop::Wallet::restore_from_keys(const std::string& primary_address, const std::string& view_key, const std::string& spend_key)
// Check validity of primary address
if(!monero_utils::is_valid_address(primary_address, this->network_type)) {
neroshop::print("Invalid Monero address", 1);
return false;
// This is deprecated :(
//monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet_from_keys ("", "", network_type, primary_address, view_key, spend_key)); // set path to "" for an in-memory wallet
monero::monero_wallet_config wallet_config_obj;
wallet_config_obj.m_path = "";
wallet_config_obj.m_password = "";
wallet_config_obj.m_network_type = this->network_type;
wallet_config_obj.m_primary_address = primary_address;
wallet_config_obj.m_private_view_key = view_key;
wallet_config_obj.m_private_spend_key = spend_key;
monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet (wallet_config_obj, nullptr));
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) return static_cast<int>(WalletError::IsNotOpened);
std::cout << "\033[1;35;49m" << "restored in-memory wallet (from keys)" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::Ok);
int neroshop::Wallet::open(const std::string& path, const std::string& password) {
if(!monero::monero_wallet_full::wallet_exists(path)) {
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::DoesNotExist);
try {
monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero::monero_wallet_full::open_wallet(path, password, this->network_type));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::string error_msg = e.what();
neroshop::print(error_msg, 1);//tools::error::invalid_password
if(neroshop::string::contains(error_msg, "wallet cannot be opened")) {
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::BadNetworkType);
} else if(neroshop::string::contains(error_msg, "invalid password")) {
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::WrongPassword);
} else {
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::IsOpenedByAnotherProgram);
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) {
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::IsNotOpened);
std::cout << "\033[1;35;49m" << "opened wallet \"" << path << "\"\033[0m" << std::endl;
// Sign password to generate a temporary password hash (signature) that will be used to verify password whenever user inactivity is detected or when user attempts to withdraw funds
password_hash = sign_message(password, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);
std::cout << "password hash generated: " << password_hash << "\n";
return static_cast<int>(WalletError::Ok);
void neroshop::Wallet::close(bool save)
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
std::string neroshop::Wallet::upload(bool open, std::string password) { // opens the wallet file
// open file dialog to retrieve walletfile path
// reminder: use this function for an upload button instead
// then call neroshop::Wallet::open when user presses a "submit" button.
char file[1024];
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
FILE *f = popen("zenity --file-selection --title \"Select Wallet\"", "r");//--filename "/home/${USER}/"
fgets(file, 1024, f);
// consider
std::string filename(file); // "wallet.keys" file
filename = filename.substr(0, filename.find(".")); // remove ".keys" extension
if(!monero::monero_wallet_full::wallet_exists(filename + ".keys")) { neroshop::print("wallet not found", 1); return ""; } // check if wallet file is valid (or exists)
if(open == true) neroshop::Wallet::open(filename, password);// will apply ".keys" ext to the wallet file
return std::string(filename + ".keys");
bool neroshop::Wallet::verify_password(const std::string& password) {
return verify_message(password, this->password_hash);
// refer to
void neroshop::Wallet::transfer(const std::string& address, double amount) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
std::packaged_task<void(void)> transfer_task([this, address, amount]() -> void {
// Check if address is valid
if(!monero_utils::is_valid_address(address, monero_wallet_obj->get_network_type())) {
neroshop::print("Monero address is invalid", 1); return;
// Convert monero to piconero
double piconero = 0.000000000001;
uint64_t monero_to_piconero = amount / piconero; //std::cout << neroshop::string::precision(amount, 12) << " xmr to piconero: " << monero_to_piconero << "\n";
// TODO: for the 2-of-3 escrow system, take 0.5% of order total in piconeros
// Check if amount is zero or too low
if((amount < piconero) || (monero_to_piconero == 0)) {
neroshop::print("Nothing to send (amount is zero)", 1); return;
// Check if balance is sufficient
std::cout << "Wallet balance (spendable): " << monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance() << " (picos)\n";
std::cout << "Amount to send: " << monero_to_piconero << " (picos)\n";
if(monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance() < monero_to_piconero) {
neroshop::print("Wallet balance is insufficient", 1); return;
// Send funds from this wallet to the specified address
monero_tx_config config; // Configures a transaction to send, sweep, or create a payment URI.
config.m_account_index = 0; // withdraw funds from account at index 0
config.m_address = address; // address that will be receiving the funds
config.m_amount = monero_to_piconero;
config.m_relay = true;
// Sweep unlocked balance?
if(monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance() == monero_to_piconero) {
neroshop::print("Sweeping unlocked balance ...");
config.m_amount = boost::none;
// Create the transaction
std::shared_ptr<monero_tx_wallet> sent_tx = monero_wallet_obj->create_tx(config);
bool in_pool = sent_tx->m_in_tx_pool.get(); // true
// Get tx fee and hash
uint64_t fee = sent_tx->m_fee.get(); // "Are you sure you want to send ...?"
std::cout << "Estimated fee: " << (fee * piconero) << "\n";
//uint64_t deducted_amount = (monero_to_piconero + fee);
std::string tx_hash = monero_wallet_obj->relay_tx(*sent_tx); // recipient receives notification within 5 seconds
std::cout << "Tx hash: " << tx_hash << "\n";
std::future<void> future_result = transfer_task.get_future();
// move the task (function) to a separate thread to prevent blocking of the main thread
std::thread worker(std::move(transfer_task));
worker.detach(); // join may block but detach won't//void transfer_result = future_result.get();
void neroshop::Wallet::transfer(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>& payment_addresses) { // untested
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
monero_tx_config tx_config = monero_tx_config();
tx_config.m_account_index = 0; // withdraw funds from this account
tx_config.m_relay = false; // create transaction and relay to the network if true
double piconero = 0.000000000001;
// Calculate the total amount owed
double total_amount = 0.000000000000;
for (const auto& address : payment_addresses) {
total_amount += address.second;
std::cout << "Total amount to pay: " << total_amount << " (xmr)\n";
// Check if balance is sufficient
uint64_t total_to_piconero = total_amount / piconero;
std::cout << "Wallet balance (spendable): " << monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance() << " (picos)\n";
std::cout << "Amount to send: " << total_to_piconero << " (picos)\n";
if(monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance() < total_to_piconero) {
neroshop::print("Wallet balance is insufficient", 1); return;
// Add each destination
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<monero_destination>> destinations; // specify the recipients and their amounts
for(const auto& address : payment_addresses) {
// Check if address is valid
if(!monero_utils::is_valid_address(address.first, monero_wallet_obj->get_network_type())) {
neroshop::print(address.first + " is not a valid Monero address", 1);
continue; // skip to the next address
// Convert monero to piconero
uint64_t monero_to_piconero = address.second / piconero; //std::cout << neroshop::string::precision(address.second, 12) << " xmr to piconero: " << monero_to_piconero << "\n";
destinations.push_back(std::make_shared<monero_destination>(address.first, monero_to_piconero));
// Print address and amount
std::cout << "Address: " << address.first << ", Amount: " << address.second << std::endl;
tx_config.m_destinations = destinations;
// Create the transaction, confirm with the user, and relay to the network
std::shared_ptr<monero_tx_wallet> created_tx = monero_wallet_obj->create_tx(tx_config);
uint64_t fee = created_tx->m_fee.get(); // "Are you sure you want to send ...?"
monero_wallet_obj->relay_tx(*created_tx); // recipient receives notification within 5 seconds
std::string neroshop::Wallet::sign_message(const std::string& message, monero_message_signature_type signature_type) const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->sign_message(message, signature_type, 0, 0);
bool neroshop::Wallet::verify_message(const std::string& message, const std::string& signature) const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->verify_message(message, monero_wallet_obj.get()->get_primary_address(), signature).m_is_good;
monero::monero_subaddress neroshop::Wallet::create_subaddress(unsigned int account_idx, const std::string & label) const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
monero_subaddress subaddress = monero_wallet_obj->create_subaddress(account_idx, label);
// we have to make sure that each newly generated subaddress is unique (meaning it has never been used)
if(subaddress.m_is_used.get()) {
throw std::runtime_error("subaddress " + subaddress.m_address.get() + " was previously used. Is your wallet node properly synced?");////neroshop::print("subaddress " + subaddress.m_address.get() + " was previously used");
return subaddress;
// NOTE: It is IMPOSSIBLE to change the network type of a pre-existing monero wallet, but it can be set before its creation
void neroshop::Wallet::set_network_type(monero::monero_network_type network_type) {
if(get_network_type() == network_type) return;
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot change the network type of " + get_network_type_string() + " wallet");
this->network_type = network_type;
void neroshop::Wallet::set_network_type_by_string(const std::string& network_type) {
if(network_type == "mainnet") set_network_type(monero_network_type::MAINNET);
if(network_type == "testnet") set_network_type(monero_network_type::TESTNET);
if(network_type == "stagenet") set_network_type(monero_network_type::STAGENET);
std::cout << "Monero network type has been set to: " << network_type << std::endl;
std::string neroshop::Wallet::address_new() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
// Create a subaddress within an account (account_0 to be specific).
monero_subaddress subaddress = monero_wallet_obj->create_subaddress(0);//monero_subaddress monero::monero_wallet_full::create_subaddress ( uint32_t account_idx,const std::string & label = "" )
std::cout << "address_new: " << subaddress.m_address.get() << " (account_idx: " << subaddress.m_account_index.get() << ", subaddress_idx: " << subaddress.m_index.get() << ")" << std::endl;
//if subaddress has already been used
if(subaddress.m_is_used.get()) { std::cout << "subaddress " << subaddress.m_address.get() << " already in use!" << std::endl; return ""; }
return subaddress.m_address.get();// return the newly created subaddress
// store new subaddress//subaddress_list.push_back(subaddress.m_address.get());
} // generates a new subaddress from main account // "address new"
unsigned int neroshop::Wallet::address_book_add(const std::string& address, std::string description) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->add_address_book_entry(address, description);//unsigned int index = monero::monero_wallet_full::add_address_book_entry ( address, const std::string & description ); // adds an address book entry and returns the index of the added entry
void neroshop::Wallet::address_book_delete(unsigned int index) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
monero_wallet_obj->delete_address_book_entry(index);//void monero::monero_wallet_full::delete_address_book_entry ( uint64_t index );
//void neroshop::Wallet::explore(const std::string& address) {} // will detect address before opening explorer
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> neroshop::Wallet::get_addresses_all(unsigned int account_idx) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> addresses = {};
std::vector<unsigned int> subaddress_indices = {};
for(int i = 0; i < monero_wallet_obj->get_account(account_idx, true).m_subaddresses.size(); i++) {
addresses = monero_wallet_obj->get_subaddresses(account_idx, subaddress_indices); // retrieve subaddress from account at 'account_idx'
std::cout << addresses[i].m_index.get() << " " << addresses[i].m_address.get() << (addresses[i].m_is_used.get() ? " (used)" : "") << std::endl;
return addresses;
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> neroshop::Wallet::get_addresses_used(unsigned int account_idx) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> addresses = {};
std::vector<unsigned int> subaddress_indices = {};
for(int i = 0; i < monero_wallet_obj->get_account(account_idx, true).m_subaddresses.size(); i++) {
addresses = monero_wallet_obj->get_subaddresses(account_idx, subaddress_indices); // retrieve subaddress from account at 'account_idx'
if(addresses[i].m_is_used.get()) {
std::cout << addresses[i].m_index.get() << " " << addresses[i].m_address.get() << std::endl;
return addresses;
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> neroshop::Wallet::get_addresses_unused(unsigned int account_idx) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> addresses = {};
std::vector<unsigned int> subaddress_indices = {};
for(int i = 0; i < monero_wallet_obj->get_account(account_idx, true).m_subaddresses.size(); i++) {
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> unused_addresses = monero_wallet_obj->get_subaddresses(account_idx, subaddress_indices); // retrieve subaddress from account at 'account_idx'
if(!unused_addresses[i].m_is_used.get()) {
std::cout << ((std::find(recent_address_list.begin(), recent_address_list.end(), unused_addresses[i].m_address.get()) != recent_address_list.end()) ? "\033[91m" : "\033[0m") << unused_addresses[i].m_index.get() << " " << unused_addresses[i].m_address.get() << "\033[0m" << std::endl;// if subaddress is found in recent_address_list, mark it red
// skip any recently used subaddress (to ensure the uniqueness of a subaddress)
if(std::find(recent_address_list.begin(), recent_address_list.end(), unused_addresses[i].m_address.get()) != recent_address_list.end())
addresses.push_back(unused_addresses[i]); // store unused addresses in vector
return addresses;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<monero_transfer>> neroshop::Wallet::get_transfers() {
std::promise<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<monero_transfer>>> my_promise;
auto async_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [&my_promise, this]() -> void/*std::vector<std::shared_ptr<monero_transfer>>*/ {
monero_transfer_query transfer_query; // optional
auto transfers = monero_wallet_obj->get_transfers(transfer_query);
////return transfers;
return my_promise.get_future().get(); // return value inside promise
////return async_future.get();//.wait() for function that returns void
std::string neroshop::Wallet::generate_uri(const std::string& payment_address, double amount, const std::string& description, const std::string& recipient) {
bool has_amount = false;
bool has_recipient = false;
std::string monero_uri = "monero:" + payment_address;
if(amount > std::stod(neroshop::string::precision("0.000000000000", 12))) {
//std::cout << "amount (" << neroshop::string::precision(amount, 12) << ") is greater than 0.000000000000\n";
has_amount = true;
monero_uri = monero_uri + "?tx_amount=" + neroshop::string::precision(amount, 12);
if(!recipient.empty()) {
has_recipient = true;
std::string recipient_name = neroshop::string::swap_all(recipient, " ", "%20");
monero_uri = monero_uri + ((has_amount) ? "&recipient_name=" : "?recipient_name=") + recipient_name;
if(!description.empty()) {
std::string tx_description = neroshop::string::swap_all(description, " ", "%20");
monero_uri = monero_uri + ((has_amount || has_recipient) ? "&tx_description=" : "?tx_description=") + tx_description;
return monero_uri;
// override
// I get the error: "../../src/xcb_io.c:641: _XReply: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed." when using this function
// or maybe its just some random threading error
void neroshop::Wallet::on_sync_progress(uint64_t height, uint64_t start_height, uint64_t end_height, double percent_done, const std::string& message) {
// all of this takes place in a separate thread
// if monero_wallet is already synced, skip this function (this function keeps spamming throughout the entire app session -.-)
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) return;
std::cout << "Node Sync Thread ID: " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(wallet_data_mutex);
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto in_time_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now); // current time
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&in_time_t), "[%Y-%m-%d %l:%M:%S %p]");
std::string date = ss.str();
std::cout << "\033[0;35;49m" << date << " \033[1;33;49m" << "**********************************************************************" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\033[0;35;49m" << date << " \033[1;33;49m" << "Synced " << height << "/" << end_height;//<< "\033[0m" << std::endl;
unsigned int blocks_to_sync = end_height - height;
std::cout << "\033[1;33;49m" << " [Your node is " << blocks_to_sync << " block(s) behind]" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;//" blocks (" << blocks_to_sync / 60? << " minutes) behind]" << "\033[0m" << std::endl; // 1 block = 1 minute
std::cout << "\033[0;35;49m" << date << " \033[1;33;49m" << message << ": " << (percent_done * 100) << "% (actual: " << percent_done << ")\033[0m" << std::endl;
if((percent_done * 100) == 100) std::cout << "\033[0;35;49m" << date << " \033[1;32;49m" << "SYNCHRONIZATION DONE" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\033[0;35;49m" << date << std::endl;
std::cout << "\033[0;35;49m" << date << " \033[1;33;49m" << "**********************************************************************" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
this->percentage = percent_done;
this->height = height;
this->start_height = start_height;
this->end_height = end_height;
this->message = message;
if(percent_done == 1) this->height = end_height;
void neroshop::Wallet::on_output_received(const monero_output_wallet& output) {
// if wallet is not fully synced with a daemon, skip this function
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) return;
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) return;
uint64_t amount = output.m_amount.get();
std::string tx_hash = output.m_tx->m_hash.get();
bool is_confirmed = output.m_tx->m_is_confirmed.get(); // unlocked_balance (can be spent)
bool is_locked = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<monero_tx_wallet>(output.m_tx)->m_is_locked.get(); // balance (locked - still processing)
int account_index = output.m_account_index.get(); // should always be 0 (default)
int subaddress_index = output.m_subaddress_index.get();
// get balance (actual)
double piconero = 0.000000000001;
double balance = (amount * piconero);
// get the subaddress
std::string subaddress = get_address(subaddress_index);
// you've received some xmr but it may be unspendable for the meantime
if(is_locked) {
std::cout << "\033[1;92;49m" << "TX incoming (amount: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << balance << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << " xmr, txid: " << tx_hash << ", account_idx: " << account_index << ", subaddress_idx: " << subaddress_index << ")" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// store subaddress in recent_address_list (if not yet added)
if(std::find(recent_address_list.begin(), recent_address_list.end(), subaddress) == recent_address_list.end())
recent_address_list.push_back(subaddress);//std::cout << "recently used addresses (count): " << recent_address_list.size() << std::endl;
// your xmr can now be spent freely :)
// at this point, any recently used subaddress will be removed from vector returned by Wallet::addresses_unused() (this is the final confirmation) - sometimes this message shows twice
if(is_confirmed) {
std::cout << "\033[1;32;49m" << "You have received " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << balance << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << " xmr " << "(txid: " << tx_hash << ", account_idx: " << account_index << ", subaddress_idx: " << subaddress_index << ")" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// set message box text then show message box
// box text0 (label)
/*neroshop::Message::get_second()->set_text(String::to_string_with_precision(balance, 12) + " xmr was deposited into your account ", 0, 107, 61);//56, 117, 11);//if(get_monero_wallet() != nullptr) //neroshop::Message::get_second()->set_text(std::string("You have received " + String::to_string_with_precision(balance, 12) + " xmr"), 56, 117, 11);//34, 139, 34);//neroshop::Message message(std::string("output received: " + std::to_string(balance) + " xmr"), 34, 139, 34);//(address: " + String::get_first_n_characters(subaddress, 4) + ".." + String::get_last_n_characters(subaddress, 4) + ")"
neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(0)->set_relative_position((neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_width() / 2) - (neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(0)->get_width() / 2), ((neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_height() - neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(0)->get_height()) / 2) - 20);
std::cout << neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(0)->get_string() << " (width: " << (neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(0)->get_string().length() * 10) << ")" << std::endl;
// box text1
int text_gap = 10;//5; // space between text0 and text1 (vertically)
neroshop::Message::get_second()->set_text(String::get_first_n_characters(subaddress, 15) + ".." + String::get_last_n_characters(subaddress, 15) + " (idx: " + std::to_string(subaddress_index) + ")", 1);
neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(1)->set_relative_position(((neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_width() / 2) - (neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(1)->get_string().length()*10 / 2)) - (10 * std::to_string(subaddress_index).length()), neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(0)->get_relative_y() + neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_label(0)->get_height() + text_gap); // 1
// cancel button
neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_button(0)->set_color(214, 31, 31, 1.0);
neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_button(0)->set_relative_position((neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_width() / 2) - (neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_button(0)->get_width() / 2), neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_height() - neroshop::Message::get_second()->get_button(0)->get_height() - 20);//200-30(height)-20(bottompadding) = 150(button_y)
// show message box, labels and buttons
void neroshop::Wallet::on_balances_changed(uint64_t new_balance, uint64_t new_unlocked_balance) {
// if wallet is not fully synced with a daemon, skip this function
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) return;
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) return;
double piconero = 0.000000000001;
double balance = (new_balance * piconero);
double unlocked_balance = (new_unlocked_balance * piconero);
// if total balance is still locked, display it
// but if total balance is fully unlocked, then you already have the balance so no need to keep displaying it
if(unlocked_balance != balance) {
// balance updated (unlocked)
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << "\033[1;33;49m" << "balance: " << "\033[0m" << balance << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);// << std::endl;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << " (unlocked_balance: " << unlocked_balance << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << ")" << std::endl;
if(unlocked_balance == balance) {
std::cout << "\033[1;35;49m" << "Balance is now fully unlocked" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;// Your full balance can be spent now
//std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << "balance: " << balance << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);// << std::endl;
//std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << " (unlocked_balance: " << unlocked_balance << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << ")" << std::endl;//Japanese violet: 91, 50, 86
// daemon
// open the daemon before opening the wallet
void neroshop::Wallet::daemon_open(const std::string& daemon_dir, bool confirm_external_bind, bool restricted_rpc, std::string data_dir, unsigned int restore_height)
// Todo: use QProcess to launch monerod
// Check if there is another monerod process running in the background first
int monerod = Process::get_process_by_name("monerod");//(argv[1]);//cout << "pid: " << monerod << endl;
if(monerod != -1) { std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "monerod is running (ID:" << monerod << ")\033[0m" << std::endl; return; } // daemon that was previously running in the background // exit function
// search for monero daemon (that is packaged with neroshop executable)
////std::string daemon_dir = static_cast<std::string>(std::filesystem::current_path()) + "/external/monero-cpp/external/monero-project/build/release/bin/monerod";
// If neroshop's built-in Monero daemon does not exist, exit function
if(!std::filesystem::is_regular_file(daemon_dir)) { std::cout << "monerod not found. Please set the path to monerod or use a remote node instead" << "\n"; return; }
// if neroshop's daemon exists and remote is set to false //if(File::exists(daemon_dir) && remote == false) {
// if no other daemon is running, then use daemon that comes packaged with neroshop executable
std::string ip = (confirm_external_bind == true) ? "" : "";
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "daemon found: \"" << daemon_dir << "\"" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
std::string program = daemon_dir;
std::string args = (" --data-dir=" + data_dir) + (" --rpc-bind-ip=" + ip) + (" --rpc-bind-port=38081");
if(confirm_external_bind == true) { args = args + " --confirm-external-bind"; }
if(confirm_external_bind == true && restricted_rpc == true) { args = args + " --restricted-rpc"; }
if(neroshop::string::lower(this->get_network_type_string()) != "mainnet") args = args + (" --" + neroshop::string::lower(this->get_network_type_string()));
args = args + (" --detach"); //
std::cout << "\033[1;95;49m" << "$ " << daemon_dir + args << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// start the daemon (monerod) as a new process on launch
process = std::unique_ptr<Process>(new Process(daemon_dir, args));
monerod = process->get_handle();
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "started monerod (ID:" << monerod << ")\033[0m" << std::endl;
bool neroshop::Wallet::daemon_connect_local(const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { // connect to a running daemon (node)
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
// connect to the daemon
monero_wallet_obj->set_daemon_connection(monero_rpc_connection(std::string(""), username, password));
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "waiting for daemon" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
bool connected = false; bool synced = false;
while(!connected) {
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_connected_to_daemon()) {
connected = true;
// once connected to daemon, listen to sync progress (use this only on a detached daemon)
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "sync in progress .." << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// it is not safe to connect to a daemon that has not fully synced, so listen to the sync progress before attempting to do anything else
// wallet height is 938308 (2021-10-07) - will store all txs/balances but takes longer to sync //std::cout << "syncing from wallet height: " << monero_wallet_obj->get_height() << std::endl;
// daemon height is 1070393 (most recent) - will only store the most recent txs/balances and syncs almost instantly //std::cout << "syncing from daemon height: " << monero_wallet_obj->get_daemon_height() << std::endl;
// if height is wallet's height then it will sync from the time of the wallet's creation date to the current date which takes longer to sync
// if height is daemon height, it will sync instantly but balances will not be updated and you will not be able to generate unique addresses
// if height is zero, then it will sync from 80% but will still take long to sync
std::packaged_task<void(void)> sync_job([this]() {
// monero_wallet_obj->get_daemon_height() is the height that the wallet's daemon is currently synced to
monero_wallet_obj->sync(monero_wallet_obj->get_restore_height()/*monero_wallet_obj->get_daemon_height()*/, *this);////monero_wallet_obj->sync(0, *this);// 0 = start_height is the start height to sync from (ignored if less than last processed block) //(sync_listener);//monero_sync_result sync_result = monero_wallet_obj->sync(sync_listener); // synchronize the wallet with the daemon as a one-time synchronous process//if(sync_result.m_received_money) {neroshop::print(std::string("blocks fetched: ") + std::to_string(sync_result.m_num_blocks_fetched));neroshop::print("you have received money");}
// continue syncing in order to receive tx notifications
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "starting background sync" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
monero_wallet_obj->start_syncing(5000); // begin syncing the wallet constantly in the background (every 5 seconds)
// check if wallet's daemon is synced with the network
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_daemon_synced()) {
//synced = true;
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "daemon is now fully synced with the network" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// add new listener when done syncing
monero_wallet_obj->add_listener(*this); // add wallet_listener
std::future<void> job_value = sync_job.get_future();
// move the task (function) to a separate thread
std::thread worker(std::move(sync_job));
// todo: store wallet restore height in database on registration
return synced;
void neroshop::Wallet::daemon_connect_remote(const std::string& ip, const std::string& port, const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const monero_wallet_listener* listener) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
monero_wallet_obj->set_daemon_connection(monero_rpc_connection(std::string("http://" + ip + ":" + port)));//, username, password));
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_connected_to_daemon()) {
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "connected to daemon" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
std::packaged_task<void(void)> sync_job([this, listener]() {
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "sync in progress ..." << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
monero_wallet_obj->sync(monero_wallet_obj->get_restore_height(), (listener != nullptr) ? *const_cast<monero_wallet_listener*>(listener) : *this);//*this); // a start_height of 0 is ignored // get_restore_height() is the height of the first block that the wallet scans// get_daemon_height() is the height that the wallet's daemon is currently synced to (will sync instantly but will not guarantee unique subaddress generation)
// begin syncing the wallet constantly in the background (every 5 seconds) in order to receive tx notifications
// check if wallet's daemon is synced with the network
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_daemon_synced()) {////if(monero_wallet_obj->get_daemon_height() == monero_wallet_obj->get_daemon_max_peer_height()) {
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "daemon is now fully synced with the network" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// add new wallet_listener when done syncing
monero_wallet_obj->add_listener((listener != nullptr) ? *const_cast<monero_wallet_listener*>(listener) : *this);//(*this);
std::future<void> job_value = sync_job.get_future();
// move the task (function) to a separate thread to prevent blocking of the main thread
std::thread node_worker(std::move(sync_job));
// todo: store wallet restore height in database on registration
void neroshop::Wallet::daemon_close() {
if(!process) throw std::runtime_error("process is not initialized");
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
int monerod = process->get_handle();
if(monerod != -1) kill(static_cast<pid_t>(monerod), SIGTERM);
//delete process;
void neroshop::Wallet::wallet_info() {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
// wallet must be synced with a daemon in order to get the *most recent* wallet info
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
// get primary_address, balance, unlocked_balance, etc.
std::string restored_primary = monero_wallet_obj->get_primary_address(); // same as: monero_wallet_obj->get_account(0, true).m_primary_address.get()
std::cout << "primary_address: " << restored_primary << std::endl;
uint64_t balance_raw = monero_wallet_obj->get_balance(); // can specify account and subaddress indices
double piconero = 0.000000000001; // the smallest unit of a monero (monero has 12 decimal places) //
double balance = (double)balance_raw * piconero;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << "balance: " << balance << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << std::endl;
// account ---------------------------------------------------------------
// account_0 is the default/main account where the primary address derives from
monero_account account = monero_wallet_obj->get_account(0, true); // get account with subaddresses
uint64_t unlocked_balance_raw = account.m_unlocked_balance.get();
double unlocked_balance = (double)unlocked_balance_raw * piconero;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << "unlocked_balance: " << unlocked_balance << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << std::endl; // uint64_t
// view and spend keys ----------------------------------------------------
std::cout << "view_key: " << get_view_keys().first << std::endl;
std::cout << "spend_key: " << "(secret)" << std::endl; // since this is intended to be a view-only wallet
// subaddress -------------------------------------------------------------
// generate new subaddresses on the default account 0
std::cout << std::endl;
/*for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) wallet->address_new();
// get number of subaddresses
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "address count: " << wallet->get_address_count() << std::endl;
std::string last_subaddress = wallet->get_last_subaddress();
std::cout << "last subaddress created: " << last_subaddress << std::endl;*/
// setters
void neroshop::Wallet::set_tx_note(const std::string& txid, const std::string& tx_note) {} // "set_tx_note <txid> [free note text here]" - useful for filling address information
// getters
double neroshop::Wallet::get_sync_percentage() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(wallet_data_mutex);
return percentage;
unsigned long long neroshop::Wallet::get_sync_height() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(wallet_data_mutex);
return height;
unsigned long long neroshop::Wallet::get_sync_start_height() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(wallet_data_mutex);
return start_height;
unsigned long long neroshop::Wallet::get_sync_end_height() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(wallet_data_mutex);
return end_height;
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_sync_message() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(wallet_data_mutex);
return message;
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_primary_address() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_primary_address();// same as://monero_wallet_obj->get_account(0, true).m_primary_address.get();//monero_account monero::monero_wallet_full::get_account ( const uint32_t account_idx,bool include_subaddresses ) //const
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_address(unsigned int index) const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_account(0, true).m_subaddresses[index].m_address.get(); // account_idx "0" is default
unsigned int neroshop::Wallet::get_address_count() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_account(0, true).m_subaddresses.size();// all subaddresses will be created on the default account at index 0
//------------------------------------------------------- for some reason, "account.m_subaddresses[i].m_address.get()" fails, but "monero_wallet_obj->get_account(0, true).m_subaddresses.size()" usually succeeds ...->
double neroshop::Wallet::get_balance_raw(unsigned int account_index, unsigned int subaddress_index) const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
// get balance from subaddress
if(subaddress_index > 0) return monero_wallet_obj->get_balance(account_index, subaddress_index);//uint64_t monero::monero_wallet_full::get_balance ( uint32_t account_idx, uint32_t subaddress_idx ) //const
// get balance from account (primary address)
else return monero_wallet_obj->get_balance(account_index);//uint64_t monero::monero_wallet_full::get_balance ( uint32_t account_idx ) const
return 0.0;
} // "balance"
double neroshop::Wallet::get_unlocked_balance_raw(unsigned int account_index, unsigned int subaddress_index) const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
// get a subaddress's unlocked balance
if(subaddress_index > 0) return monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance(account_index, subaddress_index);//uint64_t monero::monero_wallet_full::get_unlocked_balance ( uint32_t account_idx, uint32_t subaddress_idx ) const
// get an account's unlocked balance (primary address)
else return monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance(account_index);//uint64_t monero::monero_wallet_full::get_unlocked_balance ( ) const//uint64_t monero::monero_wallet_full::get_unlocked_balance ( uint32_t account_idx ) const
return 0.0;
} // "balance"
double neroshop::Wallet::get_balance(unsigned int account_index, unsigned int subaddress_index) const {
double piconero = 0.000000000001;
return get_balance_raw(account_index, subaddress_index) * piconero;
double neroshop::Wallet::get_unlocked_balance(unsigned int account_index, unsigned int subaddress_index) const {
double piconero = 0.000000000001;
return get_unlocked_balance_raw(account_index, subaddress_index) * piconero;
std::vector<std::string> neroshop::Wallet::get_transactions() const {
std::vector<std::string> txs_list;
/* ****
// query incoming transfers to account 0
/*monero_transfer_query transfer_query;
transfer_query.m_is_incoming = true;
transfer_query.m_account_index = 0;
vector<shared_ptr<monero_transfer>> transfers = monero_wallet_obj->get_transfers(transfer_query);
// query unspent outputs
monero_output_query output_query;
output_query.m_is_spent = false;
vector<shared_ptr<monero_output_wallet>> outputs = wallet_restored->get_outputs(output_query);
// query a transaction by hash
monero_tx_query tx_query;
tx_query.m_hash = "314a0f1375db31cea4dac4e0a51514a6282b43792269b3660166d4d2b46437ca";
shared_ptr<monero_tx_wallet> tx = wallet_restored->get_txs(tx_query)[0];
for (const shared_ptr<monero_transfer> transfer : tx->get_transfers()) {
bool is_incoming = transfer->is_incoming().get();
uint64_t in_amount = transfer->m_amount.get();
int account_index = transfer->m_account_index.get();
return txs_list;
} // "show_transfers"
unsigned int neroshop::Wallet::get_transactions_count() const {return 0;}
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_last_subaddress() const
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
// unless wallet is synced to a daemon, you will not be able to get the *most recent* last subaddress created
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
unsigned int last = monero_wallet_obj->get_account(0, true).m_subaddresses.size() - 1;
return monero_wallet_obj->get_account(0, true).m_subaddresses[last].m_address.get();
// proof (proving the transaction was submitted) -
//std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_tx_note(const std::string& txid) const {return "";} // "get_tx_note <txid>" - useful for retrieving address information
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_private_view_key() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_private_view_key();
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_public_view_key() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_public_view_key();
std::pair<std::string, std::string> neroshop::Wallet::get_view_keys() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return std::make_pair(monero_wallet_obj->get_private_view_key(), monero_wallet_obj->get_public_view_key());
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_private_spend_key() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_private_spend_key();
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_public_spend_key() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_public_spend_key();
std::pair<std::string, std::string> neroshop::Wallet::get_spend_keys() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return std::make_pair(monero_wallet_obj->get_private_spend_key(), monero_wallet_obj->get_public_spend_key());
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_seed() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_seed();
//-Image * neroshop::Wallet::get_qr_code() const {} // returns address qrcode // "show_qr_code"
//-Image * neroshop::Wallet::get_qr_code(unsigned int address_index) const {} // returns the qrcode of the address at "index"
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_path() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->monero_wallet_full::get_path(); // returns the path of this wallet's file on disk (without the .keys ext)
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_description() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return "";
} // "wallet_info"
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_type() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return "";
} // "wallet_info": Normal, HW
unsigned int neroshop::Wallet::get_daemon_height() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_daemon_height();
unsigned int neroshop::Wallet::get_height() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_height();
unsigned int neroshop::Wallet::get_height_by_date(int year, int month, int day) const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return monero_wallet_obj->get_height_by_date(year, month, day);
monero::monero_network_type neroshop::Wallet::get_network_type() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) return this->network_type;
return monero_wallet_obj->get_network_type();
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_network_type_string() const {
switch(this->get_network_type()) {
case monero_network_type::MAINNET: return "mainnet"; break; // 0
case monero_network_type::TESTNET: return "testnet"; break; // 1
case monero_network_type::STAGENET: return "stagenet"; break; // 2
return "mainnet";
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_status() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
return "";
} // "status" - Check current status of wallet.
std::string neroshop::Wallet::get_version() const {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
//monero_version monero::monero_wallet_full::get_version();
return "";
} // "version" - Check software version.
monero_wallet_full * neroshop::Wallet::get_monero_wallet() const
return monero_wallet_obj.get();
// callbacks
void neroshop::Wallet::load_from_config(std::string/*const std::string&*/ password) // load configs on opening
//void neroshop::Wallet::set_daemon() {} // "set_daemon <host>[:<port>] [trusted|untrusted|this-is-probably-a-spy-node]" - connects to a daemon
//void neroshop::Wallet::refresh() {}
bool neroshop::Wallet::file_exists(const std::string& filename) const {
return monero::monero_wallet_full::wallet_exists(filename + ".keys");
bool neroshop::Wallet::is_valid_address(const std::string& address) const {
return monero_utils::is_valid_address(address, this->get_network_type());