You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

211 lines
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#pragma once
#define PICONERO 0.000000000001 // //
#define WOWOSHI 0.00000000001 //
#include <daemon/monero_daemon.h>
#include <daemon/monero_daemon_model.h>
#include <utils/gen_utils.h>
#include <utils/monero_utils.h>
#include <wallet/monero_wallet.h>
#include <wallet/monero_wallet_full.h>
#include <wallet/monero_wallet_keys.h>
#include <wallet/monero_wallet_model.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <utility> // std::pair
namespace neroshop {
class Process; // forward declaration
enum class WalletType {
Monero = 0,
enum class WalletNetworkType : uint8_t { // refer to daemon/monero_daemon_model.h
Mainnet = 0,
static std::map<WalletNetworkType, std::vector<std::string>> WalletNetworkPortMap {
{ WalletNetworkType::Mainnet, { "18081", "18089", "34568" } },
{ WalletNetworkType::Testnet, { "28081", "28089" } },
{ WalletNetworkType::Stagenet, { "38081", "38089" } },
enum class WalletError {
Ok = 0,
IsNotOpened, // monero_wallet_obj is nullptr
class Wallet : public monero_wallet_listener {
Wallet(WalletType wallet_type);
virtual ~Wallet();
virtual int create_random(const std::string& password, const std::string& confirm_pwd, const std::string& path);
virtual int create_from_seed(const std::string& seed, const std::string& password, const std::string& confirm_pwd, const std::string& path);
virtual int create_from_keys(const std::string& address, const std::string& view_key, const std::string& spend_key, const std::string& password, const std::string &confirm_pwd, const std::string& path);
virtual int restore_from_seed(const std::string& seed, uint64_t restore_height = 0); // In-memory wallet
virtual int restore_from_keys(const std::string& primary_address, const std::string& view_key, const std::string& spend_key); // In-memory wallet
virtual int open(const std::string& path, const std::string& password); // Password-protected wallet file
virtual void close(bool save = false);
std::string upload(bool open = true, std::string password = "");
bool verify_password(const std::string& password);
// todo: create a function that connects a hardware wallet
monero::monero_subaddress create_subaddress(unsigned int account_idx, const std::string & label = "") const; // generates a new subaddress from main account
virtual void transfer(const std::string& address, double amount);
virtual void transfer(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>& payment_addresses);
std::string address_new() const; // this function has been replaced by create_subaddress() and is deprecated. Will be removed soon
unsigned int address_book_add(const std::string& address, std::string description = "");
void address_book_delete(unsigned int index);
static std::string generate_uri(const std::string& payment_address, double amount = 0.000000000000, const std::string& description = "", const std::string& recipient = ""); // Generates a monero uri for qr code with the amount embedded into it
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> get_addresses_all(unsigned int account_idx);
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> get_addresses_used(unsigned int account_idx);
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> get_addresses_unused(unsigned int account_idx);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<monero_transfer>> get_transfers();
void on_sync_progress(uint64_t height, uint64_t start_height, uint64_t end_height, double percent_done, const std::string& message);
////void on_new_block (uint64_t height);
void on_balances_changed(uint64_t new_balance, uint64_t new_unlocked_balance);
void on_output_received(const monero_output_wallet& output);
////void on_output_spent (const monero_output_wallet &output);
// daemon or node-related functions
void daemon_open(const std::string& daemon_dir, bool confirm_external_bind = false, bool restricted_rpc = true, std::string data_dir = "", unsigned int restore_height = 0);
bool daemon_connect_local(const std::string& username = "", const std::string& password = "");
void daemon_connect_remote(const std::string& ip, const std::string& port, const std::string& username = "", const std::string& password = "", const monero_wallet_listener* listener = nullptr);
void daemon_close();
void wallet_info();
virtual std::string sign_message(const std::string& message, monero_message_signature_type signature_type) const;
virtual bool verify_message(const std::string& message, const std::string& signature) const;
// setters
void set_wallet_type(WalletType wallet_type);
virtual void set_network_type(WalletNetworkType network_type);
void set_network_type_by_string(const std::string& network_type);
void set_tx_note(const std::string& txid, const std::string& tx_note);
// getters
WalletType get_wallet_type() const;
virtual WalletNetworkType get_wallet_network_type() const;
static WalletNetworkType get_network_type();
std::string get_wallet_network_type_as_string() const;
static std::string get_network_type_as_string();
virtual std::string get_network_port() const;
double get_sync_percentage() const;
unsigned long long get_sync_height() const;
unsigned long long get_sync_start_height() const;
unsigned long long get_sync_end_height() const;
std::string get_sync_message() const;
virtual std::string get_primary_address() const;
virtual std::string get_address(unsigned int index) const; // returns address at index (primary address is index 0)
unsigned int get_address_count() const;
virtual uint64_t get_balance_raw() const;
virtual uint64_t get_balance_raw(unsigned int account_index) const;
virtual uint64_t get_balance_raw(unsigned int account_index, unsigned int subaddress_index) const;
virtual uint64_t get_unlocked_balance_raw() const;
virtual uint64_t get_unlocked_balance_raw(unsigned int account_index) const;
virtual uint64_t get_unlocked_balance_raw(unsigned int account_index, unsigned int subaddress_index) const;
virtual double get_balance() const;
virtual double get_balance(unsigned int account_index) const;
virtual double get_balance(unsigned int account_index, unsigned int subaddress_index) const;
virtual double get_unlocked_balance() const;
virtual double get_unlocked_balance(unsigned int account_index) const;
virtual double get_unlocked_balance(unsigned int account_index, unsigned int subaddress_index) const;
std::vector<std::string> get_transactions() const; // "show_transfers"
unsigned int get_transactions_count() const;
// subaddress
std::string get_last_subaddress() const; // returns the last subaddress to be created
virtual std::string get_private_view_key() const; // secret view key
virtual std::string get_public_view_key() const;
virtual std::pair<std::string, std::string> get_view_keys() const; // secret, public
virtual std::string get_private_spend_key() const; // secret spend key
virtual std::string get_public_spend_key() const;
virtual std::pair<std::string, std::string> get_spend_keys() const; // secret, public
virtual std::string get_seed() const;
virtual std::string get_seed_language() const;
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_seed_languages() const;
virtual std::string get_path() const;
std::string get_type() const; // "wallet_info": Normal, HW
virtual unsigned int get_daemon_height() const;
virtual unsigned int get_height() const;
virtual unsigned int get_height_by_date(int year, int month, int day) const;
std::string get_version() const;
// get wallet handles (monero, wownero, etc.)
virtual void * get_handle() const;
monero_wallet_full * get_monero_wallet() const;
//wownero_wallet_full * get_wownero_wallet() const;
std::vector<std::string> recent_address_list; // recently used addresses
// boolean functions
virtual bool is_opened() const;
virtual bool is_connected_to_daemon() const;
virtual bool is_synced() const;
virtual bool is_daemon_synced() const;
virtual bool file_exists(const std::string& filename) const;
virtual bool is_valid_address(const std::string& address) const;
static bool is_valid_monero_address(const std::string& address);
//static bool is_valid_wownero_address(const std::string& address);
static bool is_valid_openalias_address(const std::string& address);
bool is_cryptonote_based() const;
// friends
friend class Seller; // seller can access wallet private members
friend class WalletController;
WalletType wallet_type; // can switch between different wallets
static WalletNetworkType network_type;
std::unique_ptr<monero::monero_wallet_full> monero_wallet_obj;
//std::unique_ptr<wownero::wownero_wallet_full> wownero_wallet_obj;
std::unique_ptr<Process> process; // monerod process - every wallet will have its own process
volatile double percentage; // sync progress
mutable std::mutex wallet_data_mutex;
volatile unsigned int height, start_height, end_height;
/*volatile */std::string message;
uint64_t/*unsigned long long*/ restore_height;
std::string password_hash;
#endif // WALLET_HPP