You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2018 lines
109 KiB

#include "backend.hpp"
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonParseError>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QProcess> // Note: QProcess is not supported on VxWorks, iOS, tvOS, or watchOS.
#include <QUuid>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QImageReader>
#include <QImageWriter>
#include "../neroshop_config.hpp"
#include "../core/version.hpp"
#include "../core/protocol/p2p/serializer.hpp"
#include "daemon_manager.hpp"
//#include "../core/cart.hpp"
#include "../core/protocol/transport/client.hpp"
#include "../core/price/currency_converter.hpp" // neroshop::Converter::is_supported_currency
#include "../core/price/currency_map.hpp"
#include "../core/crypto/sha256.hpp" // sha256
#include "../core/database/database.hpp"
#include "../core/tools/script.hpp"
#include "../core/settings.hpp"
#include "script_controller.hpp" // neroshop::Script::get_table_string
#include "../core/tools/tools.hpp"
#include "../core/tools/logger.hpp"
#include "../core/tools/process.hpp"
#include "../core/category.hpp"
#include "../core/tools/regex.hpp"
#include "../core/crypto/rsa.hpp"
#include "enum_wrapper.hpp"
#include <future>
#include <thread>
namespace neroshop_filesystem = neroshop::filesystem;
neroshop::Backend::Backend(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {}
neroshop::Backend::~Backend() {
std::cout << "backend deleted\n";
QString neroshop::Backend::urlToLocalFile(const QUrl &url) const
return url.toLocalFile();
void neroshop::Backend::copyTextToClipboard(const QString& text) {
QClipboard * clipboard = QGuiApplication::clipboard();
std::cout << "Copied text to clipboard\n";
QString neroshop::Backend::imageToBase64(const QImage& image) {
QByteArray byteArray;
QBuffer buffer(&byteArray);;, "PNG"); // You can choose a different format if needed
return QString::fromLatin1(byteArray.toBase64().data());
QImage neroshop::Backend::base64ToImage(const QString& base64Data) {
QByteArray byteArray = QByteArray::fromBase64(base64Data.toLatin1());
QImageReader reader(byteArray);
const QImage image =;
return image;
double neroshop::Backend::weightToKg(double amount, const QString& unit_name) const {
return neroshop::Converter::to_kg(amount, unit_name.toStdString());
double neroshop::Backend::lgToKg(double amount) const {
return neroshop::Converter::lb_to_kg(amount);
QStringList neroshop::Backend::getCurrencyList() const
QStringList currency_list;
for (const auto& [key, value] : neroshop::CurrencyMap) {
currency_list << QString::fromStdString(key);
return currency_list;
int neroshop::Backend::getCurrencyDecimals(const QString& currency) const {
auto map_key = currency.toUpper().toStdString();
// Check if key exists in std::map
if(neroshop::CurrencyMap.count(map_key) > 0) {
auto map_value = neroshop::CurrencyMap[map_key];
int decimal_places = std::get<2>(map_value);
return decimal_places;
return 2;
QString neroshop::Backend::getCurrencySign(const QString& currency) const {
return QString::fromStdString(neroshop::Converter::get_currency_sign(currency.toStdString()));
bool neroshop::Backend::isSupportedCurrency(const QString& currency) const {
return neroshop::Converter::is_supported_currency(currency.toStdString());
void neroshop::Backend::initializeDatabase() {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
// mappings
if(!database->table_exists("mappings")) {
database->execute("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE mappings USING fts5(search_term, key, content, tokenize='porter unicode61');");
// favorites (wishlists)
if(!database->table_exists("favorites")) {
database->execute("CREATE TABLE favorites("
"user_id TEXT, "
"listing_key TEXT, "
"UNIQUE(user_id, listing_key)"
// cart
if(!database->table_exists("cart")) {
database->execute("CREATE TABLE cart(uuid TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "
"user_id TEXT"
// cart_items
database->execute("ALTER TABLE cart_item ADD COLUMN listing_key TEXT;");
database->execute("ALTER TABLE cart_item ADD COLUMN quantity INTEGER;");
database->execute("ALTER TABLE cart_item ADD COLUMN seller_id TEXT;"); // for a multi-vendor cart, specifying the seller_id is important!//database->execute("ALTER TABLE cart_item ADD COLUMN item_weight REAL;");
database->execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_cart_item ON cart_item (cart_id, listing_key);"); // cart_id and listing_key duo MUST be unique for each row
// orders (purchase_orders)
if(!database->table_exists("orders")) { // TODO: rename to order_requests or nah?
database->execute("CREATE TABLE orders(uuid TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);");//database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN ?col ?datatype;");
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN created_at TEXT DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;"); // creation_date // to get UTC time: set to datetime('now');
//database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN number TEXT;"); // uuid
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN status TEXT;");
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN customer_id TEXT REFERENCES users(monero_address);"); // the user that placed the order
// Data below this comment will be stored in order_data as JSON TEXT
//database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN weight REAL;"); // weight of all order items combined - not essential
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN subtotal INTEGER;");
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN discount INTEGER;");
//database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN shipping_method TEXT;");
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN shipping_cost INTEGER;");
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN total INTEGER;");
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN payment_option TEXT;"); // escrow (2 of 3), multisig (2 of 2), finalize (no escrow)
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN coin TEXT;"); // monero, wownero
database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN notes TEXT;"); // additional message for seller
//database->execute("ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN order_data TEXT;"); // encrypted JSON
// order_item
// TODO: remove order_item table and replace it with order_data JSON column
"order_id TEXT REFERENCES orders(uuid) ON DELETE CASCADE, "
"product_id TEXT REFERENCES products(uuid), "
"seller_id TEXT REFERENCES users(monero_address), "
"quantity INTEGER"
//database->execute("ALTER TABLE order_item ADD COLUMN unit_price ?datatype;");
//database->execute("ALTER TABLE order_item ADD COLUMN ?col ?datatype;");
std::string neroshop::Backend::getDatabaseHash() {
// Get contents from data.sqlite3 file
std::ifstream rfile (std::string("data.sqlite3").c_str(), std::ios::binary);
std::stringstream db_content;
db_content << rfile.rdbuf(); // dump file contents
// Get SHA256sum of data.sqlite3 contents
std::string sha256sum = neroshop::crypto::sha256(db_content.str());
std::cout << "sha256sum (data.sqlite3): " << sha256sum << std::endl;
return sha256sum; // database may have to be closed first in order to get the accurate hash
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getCategoryList(bool sort_alphabetically) const {
QVariantList category_list;
std::vector<Category> categories = predefined_categories; // Make a copy
if (sort_alphabetically) {
std::sort(categories.begin(), categories.end(), [](const Category& a, const Category& b) {
return <;
for (const auto& category : categories) {
QVariantMap category_object;
category_object.insert("name", QString::fromStdString(;
category_object.insert("description", QString::fromStdString(category.description));
category_object.insert("thumbnail", QString::fromStdString(category.thumbnail));
return category_list;
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getSubCategoryList(int category_id, bool sort_alphabetically) const {
QVariantList subcategory_list;
std::vector<Subcategory> subcategories = get_subcategories_by_category_id(category_id);
if (sort_alphabetically) {
std::sort(subcategories.begin(), subcategories.end(), [](const Subcategory& a, const Subcategory& b) {
return <;
for (const Subcategory& subcategory : subcategories) {
QVariantMap subcategory_obj;
subcategory_obj.insert("name", QString::fromStdString(;
subcategory_obj.insert("description", QString::fromStdString(subcategory.description));
subcategory_obj.insert("thumbnail", QString::fromStdString(subcategory.thumbnail));
subcategory_obj.insert("category_id", subcategory.category_id);
return subcategory_list;
int neroshop::Backend::getCategoryIdByName(const QString& category_name) const {
return get_category_id_by_name(category_name.toStdString());
int neroshop::Backend::getSubCategoryIdByName(const QString& subcategory_name) const {
return get_subcategory_id_by_name(subcategory_name.toStdString());
int neroshop::Backend::getCategoryProductCount(int category_id) const {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
std::string query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT search_term, key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = ?)";
std::string category = get_category_name_by_id(category_id);
int category_product_count = database->get_integer_params(query, { category });
return category_product_count;
bool neroshop::Backend::hasSubCategory(int category_id) const {
std::vector<Subcategory> subcategories = get_subcategories_by_category_id(category_id);
return (!subcategories.empty());
bool neroshop::Backend::saveAvatarImage(const QString& fileName, const QString& userAccountKey) {
std::string cache_folder = config_path + "/" + NEROSHOP_CACHE_FOLDER_NAME;
std::string avatars_folder = cache_folder + "/" + NEROSHOP_AVATAR_FOLDER_NAME;
std::string image_file = fileName.toStdString(); // Full path with file name
std::string image_name = image_file.substr(image_file.find_last_of("\\/") + 1);// get filename from path (complete base name)
image_name = image_name.substr(0, image_name.find_last_of(".")); // remove ext
std::string image_name_hash = neroshop::crypto::sha256(image_name);
std::string image_ext = image_file.substr(image_file.find_last_of(".") + 1);
// datastore/avatars/<account_key>
std::string key_folder = avatars_folder + "/" + userAccountKey.toStdString();
if (!neroshop_filesystem::is_directory(key_folder)) {
if (!neroshop_filesystem::make_directory(key_folder)) {
neroshop::print("Failed to create folder \"" + key_folder + "\" (ᵕ人ᵕ)!", 1);
return false;
neroshop::print("\033[1;97;49mcreated path \"" + key_folder + "\"");
// Generate the final destination path
std::string destinationPath = key_folder + "/" + (image_name_hash + "." + image_ext);
// Check if image already exists in cache so that we do not export the same image more than once
if(!neroshop_filesystem::is_file(destinationPath)) {
// Image Loader crashes when image resolution is too large (ex. 4096 pixels wide) so we need to scale it!!
QImage sourceImage;
QSize imageSize = sourceImage.size();
int maxWidth = 200; // Set the maximum width for the resized image
int maxHeight = 200; // Set the maximum height for the resized image
// Check if the image size is smaller than the maximum size
if (imageSize.width() <= maxWidth && imageSize.height() <= maxHeight) {
// Keep the original image since it's already within the size limits
} else {
// Calculate the new size while maintaining the aspect ratio
QSize newSize = imageSize.scaled(maxWidth, maxHeight, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
// Resize the image if it exceeds the maximum dimensions
if (imageSize != newSize) {
sourceImage = sourceImage.scaled(newSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
// Convert the QImage to QPixmap for further processing or saving
QPixmap resizedPixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(sourceImage);
// Save the resized image;
neroshop::print("exported \"" + fileName.toStdString() + "\" to \"" + key_folder + "\"", 3);
return true;
bool neroshop::Backend::saveProductThumbnail(const QString& fileName, const QString& listingKey) {
std::string cache_folder = config_path + "/" + NEROSHOP_CACHE_FOLDER_NAME;
std::string listings_folder = cache_folder + "/" + NEROSHOP_CATALOG_FOLDER_NAME;
// datastore/listings/<listing_key>
std::string key_folder = listings_folder + "/" + listingKey.toStdString();
if (!neroshop_filesystem::is_directory(key_folder)) {
if (!neroshop_filesystem::make_directory(key_folder)) {
neroshop::print("Failed to create folder \"" + key_folder + "\" (ᵕ人ᵕ)!", 1);
return false;
neroshop::print("\033[1;97;49mcreated path \"" + key_folder + "\"");
// Generate the final destination path
std::string thumbnail_image = "thumbnail.jpg";
std::string destinationPath = key_folder + "/" + thumbnail_image;
// Check if image already exists in cache so that we do not export the same image more than once
if(!neroshop_filesystem::is_file(destinationPath)) {
// Hopefully the image does not exceed 32 kB in file size :S
QImage sourceImage;
QSize imageSize = sourceImage.size();
int maxWidth = 192; // Set the maximum width for the resized image
int maxHeight = 192; // Set the maximum height for the resized image
// Convert the transparent background to white if necessary
if (sourceImage.hasAlphaChannel()) {
QImage convertedImage = QImage(sourceImage.size(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
QPainter painter(&convertedImage);
painter.drawImage(0, 0, sourceImage);
sourceImage = convertedImage;
// Check if the image size is smaller than the maximum size
if (imageSize.width() <= maxWidth && imageSize.height() <= maxHeight) {
// Keep the original image since it's already within the size limits
} else {
// Calculate the new size while maintaining the aspect ratio
QSize newSize = imageSize.scaled(maxWidth, maxHeight, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
// Resize the image if it exceeds the maximum dimensions
if (imageSize != newSize) {
sourceImage = sourceImage.scaled(newSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
// Convert the QImage to QPixmap for further processing or saving
QPixmap resizedPixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(sourceImage);
// Save the resized image, "JPEG");
neroshop::print("exported \"" + thumbnail_image + "\" to \"" + key_folder + "\"", 3);
return true;
bool neroshop::Backend::saveProductImage(const QString& fileName, const QString& listingKey) {
std::string cache_folder = config_path + "/" + NEROSHOP_CACHE_FOLDER_NAME;
std::string listings_folder = cache_folder + "/" + NEROSHOP_CATALOG_FOLDER_NAME;
std::string image_file = fileName.toStdString(); // Full path with file name
std::string image_name = image_file.substr(image_file.find_last_of("\\/") + 1);// get filename from path (complete base name)
image_name = image_name.substr(0, image_name.find_last_of(".")); // remove ext
std::string image_name_hash = neroshop::crypto::sha256(image_name);
std::string image_ext = image_file.substr(image_file.find_last_of(".") + 1);
// datastore/listings/<listing_key>
std::string key_folder = listings_folder + "/" + listingKey.toStdString();
if (!neroshop_filesystem::is_directory(key_folder)) {
if (!neroshop_filesystem::make_directory(key_folder)) {
neroshop::print("Failed to create folder \"" + key_folder + "\" (ᵕ人ᵕ)!", 1);
return false;
neroshop::print("\033[1;97;49mcreated path \"" + key_folder + "\"");
// Generate the final destination path
std::string destinationPath = key_folder + "/" + (image_name_hash + "." + image_ext);
// Check if image already exists in cache so that we do not export the same image more than once
if(!neroshop_filesystem::is_file(destinationPath)) {
// Image Loader crashes when image resolution is too large (ex. 4096 pixels wide) so we need to scale it!!
QImage sourceImage;
QSize imageSize = sourceImage.size();
int maxWidth = 1200; // Set the maximum width for the resized image
int maxHeight = 1200; // Set the maximum height for the resized image
// Check if the image size is smaller than the maximum size
if (imageSize.width() <= maxWidth && imageSize.height() <= maxHeight) {
// Keep the original image since it's already within the size limits
} else {
// Calculate the new size while maintaining the aspect ratio
QSize newSize = imageSize.scaled(maxWidth, maxHeight, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
// Resize the image if it exceeds the maximum dimensions
if (imageSize != newSize) {
sourceImage = sourceImage.scaled(newSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
// Convert the QImage to QPixmap for further processing or saving
QPixmap resizedPixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(sourceImage);
// Save the resized image;
neroshop::print("exported \"" + fileName.toStdString() + "\" to \"" + key_folder + "\"", 3);
return true;
QVariantMap neroshop::Backend::uploadProductImage(const QString& fileName, int image_id) {
QVariantMap image;
// Read image from file and retrieve its contents
std::ifstream product_image_file(fileName.toStdString(), std::ios::binary); // std::ios::binary is the same as std::ifstream::binary
if(!product_image_file.good()) {
std::cout << NEROSHOP_TAG "failed to load " << fileName.toStdString() << std::endl;
return {};
product_image_file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
size_t size = static_cast<int>(product_image_file.tellg()); // in bytes
// Limit product image size to 12582912 bytes (12 megabyte)
const int max_bytes = 12582912;
double kilobytes = max_bytes / 1024.0;
double megabytes = kilobytes / 1024.0;
if(size >= max_bytes) {
neroshop::print("Product upload image cannot exceed " + std::to_string(megabytes) + " MB (twelve megabyte)", 1);
return {};
std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(size);
if(!<char *>(&buffer[0]), size)) {
std::cout << NEROSHOP_TAG "error: only " << product_image_file.gcount() << " could be read";
return {}; // exit function
// Create the image VariantMap (object)
std::string image_file = fileName.toStdString(); // Full path with file name
std::string image_name = image_file.substr(image_file.find_last_of("\\/") + 1);
image_name = image_name.substr(0, image_name.find_last_of(".")); // remove ext
std::string image_name_hash = neroshop::crypto::sha256(image_name);
std::string image_ext = image_file.substr(image_file.find_last_of(".") + 1);
image["name"] = QString::fromStdString(image_name_hash + "." + image_ext);//fileName;
qint64 imageSize64 = static_cast<qint64>(size);
image["size"] = QVariant::fromValue(imageSize64);
image["id"] = image_id;
image["source"] = fileName;
return image;
int neroshop::Backend::getProductStarCount(const QVariantList& product_ratings) {
// Get total number of star ratings for a specific product
return product_ratings.size();
int neroshop::Backend::getProductStarCount(const QString& product_id) {
QVariantList product_ratings = getProductRatings(product_id);
return getProductStarCount(product_ratings);
int neroshop::Backend::getProductStarCount(const QVariantList& product_ratings, int star_number) {
// Get total number of N star ratings for a specific product
if(star_number > 5) star_number = 5;
if(star_number < 1) star_number = 1;
int star_count = 0;
for (const QVariant& variant : product_ratings) {
QVariantMap rating_obj = variant.toMap();
int rating_stars = rating_obj["stars"].toInt();
if (rating_stars == star_number) {
return star_count;
int neroshop::Backend::getProductStarCount(const QString& product_id, int star_number) {
QVariantList product_ratings = getProductRatings(product_id);
return getProductStarCount(product_id, star_number);
float neroshop::Backend::getProductAverageStars(const QVariantList& product_ratings) {
// Get number of star ratings for a specific product
int total_star_ratings = product_ratings.size();
if(total_star_ratings == 0) return 0.0f;
// Get number of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 star_ratings
int one_star_count = 0, two_star_count = 0, three_star_count = 0, four_star_count = 0, five_star_count = 0;
for (const QVariant& variant : product_ratings) {
QVariantMap rating_obj = variant.toMap();
int rating_stars = rating_obj["stars"].toInt();
if (rating_stars == 1) {
} else if (rating_stars == 2) {
} else if (rating_stars == 3) {
} else if (rating_stars == 4) {
} else if (rating_stars == 5) {
// Now calculate the average stars
float average_stars = (
(1 * static_cast<float>(one_star_count)) +
(2 * static_cast<float>(two_star_count)) +
(3 * static_cast<float>(three_star_count)) +
(4 * static_cast<float>(four_star_count)) +
(5 * static_cast<float>(five_star_count))) / total_star_ratings;
return average_stars;
float neroshop::Backend::getProductAverageStars(const QString& product_id) {
QVariantList product_ratings = getProductRatings(product_id);
return getProductAverageStars(product_ratings);
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getProductRatings(const QString& product_id) {
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
std::string command = "SELECT DISTINCT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = $1 AND content = 'product_rating'";
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = nullptr;
// Prepare (compile) statement
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_prepare_v2: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
// Bind value to parameter arguments
QByteArray productIdByteArray = product_id.toUtf8();
if(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, productIdByteArray.constData(), productIdByteArray.length(), SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_bind_text: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
QVariantList product_ratings;
// Get all table values row by row
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++) {
QVariantMap product_rating_obj; // Create object for each key (row)
std::string column_value = (sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i) == nullptr) ? "NULL" : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i));//std::cout << column_value << " (" << i << ")" << std::endl;
if(column_value == "NULL") continue; // Skip invalid columns
QString key = QString::fromStdString(column_value);//std::cout << key.toStdString() << "\n";
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(key.toStdString(), response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
int rescode = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key.toStdString() });
if(rescode != SQLITE_OK) neroshop::print("sqlite error: DELETE failed", 1);
//emit productRatingsChanged();
continue; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, skip to next iteration
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "product_rating") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"product_rating\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; continue; }
product_rating_obj.insert("key", key);
product_rating_obj.insert("rater_id", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["rater_id"].get<std::string>()));
product_rating_obj.insert("comments", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["comments"].get<std::string>()));
product_rating_obj.insert("signature", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["signature"].get<std::string>()));
product_rating_obj.insert("stars", value_obj["stars"].get<int>());
return product_ratings;
int neroshop::Backend::getSellerGoodRatings(const QVariantList& seller_ratings) {
int good_ratings_count = 0;
// Get seller's good (positive) ratings
for (const QVariant& variant : seller_ratings) {
QVariantMap rating_obj = variant.toMap();
int rating_score = rating_obj["score"].toInt();
if(rating_score == 1) {
return good_ratings_count;
int neroshop::Backend::getSellerGoodRatings(const QString& user_id) {
QVariantList seller_ratings = getSellerRatings(user_id);
return getSellerGoodRatings(seller_ratings);
int neroshop::Backend::getSellerBadRatings(const QVariantList& seller_ratings) {
int bad_ratings_count = 0;
// Get seller's bad (negative) ratings
for (const QVariant& variant : seller_ratings) {
QVariantMap rating_obj = variant.toMap();
int rating_score = rating_obj["score"].toInt();
if(rating_score == 0) {
return bad_ratings_count;
int neroshop::Backend::getSellerBadRatings(const QString& user_id) {
QVariantList seller_ratings = getSellerRatings(user_id);
return getSellerBadRatings(seller_ratings);
int neroshop::Backend::getSellerRatingsCount(const QVariantList& seller_ratings) {
return seller_ratings.size();
int neroshop::Backend::getSellerRatingsCount(const QString& user_id) {
QVariantList seller_ratings = getSellerRatings(user_id);
return getSellerRatingsCount(seller_ratings);
int neroshop::Backend::getSellerReputation(const QVariantList& seller_ratings) {
int good_ratings_count = 0, bad_ratings_count = 0;
int ratings_count = seller_ratings.size();
if(ratings_count <= 0) return 0; // seller has not yet been rated so his or her reputation will be 0%
// Get seller's good (positive) ratings
for (const QVariant& variant : seller_ratings) {
QVariantMap rating_obj = variant.toMap();
int rating_score = rating_obj["score"].toInt();
if(rating_score == 1) {
// Calculate seller reputation
double reputation = (good_ratings_count / static_cast<double>(ratings_count)) * 100;
return static_cast<int>(reputation); // convert reputation to an integer (for easier readability)
int neroshop::Backend::getSellerReputation(const QString& user_id) {
QVariantList seller_ratings = getSellerRatings(user_id);
return getSellerReputation(seller_ratings);
// returns an array of ratings objects
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getSellerRatings(const QString& user_id) {
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
std::string command = "SELECT DISTINCT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = $1 AND content = 'seller_rating'";
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = nullptr;
// Prepare (compile) statement
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_prepare_v2: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
// Bind value to parameter arguments
QByteArray userIdByteArray = user_id.toUtf8();
if(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, userIdByteArray.constData(), userIdByteArray.length(), SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_bind_text: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
QVariantList seller_ratings;
// Get all table values row by row
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++) {
QVariantMap seller_rating_obj; // Create object for each key (row)
std::string column_value = (sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i) == nullptr) ? "NULL" : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i));//std::cout << column_value << " (" << i << ")" << std::endl;
if(column_value == "NULL") continue; // Skip invalid columns
QString key = QString::fromStdString(column_value);//std::cout << key.toStdString() << "\n";
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(key.toStdString(), response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
int rescode = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key.toStdString() });
if(rescode != SQLITE_OK) neroshop::print("sqlite error: DELETE failed", 1);
//emit sellerRatingsChanged();
continue; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, skip to next iteration
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "seller_rating") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"seller_rating\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; continue; }
seller_rating_obj.insert("key", key);
seller_rating_obj.insert("rater_id", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["rater_id"].get<std::string>()));
seller_rating_obj.insert("comments", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["comments"].get<std::string>()));
seller_rating_obj.insert("signature", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["signature"].get<std::string>()));
seller_rating_obj.insert("score", value_obj["score"].get<int>());
return seller_ratings;
QString neroshop::Backend::getDisplayNameByUserId(const QString& user_id) {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string key = database->get_text_params("SELECT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = ?1 AND content = 'account' LIMIT 1;", { user_id.toStdString() });
if(key.empty()) return user_id; // Key will never be empty as long as it exists in DHT + database
std::string display_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT search_term FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1 AND LENGTH(search_term) <= 30 AND content = 'account'", { key });
if(!display_name.empty()) {
return QString::fromStdString(display_name);
// If the display name happens to be empty then it means the user's account (DHT) key is lost or missing
// or more often than not it is because the user did not set a display name, so deleting the key from the database for this reason is stupid, dangerous, and will have unintended consequences
// so its best to just return the user_id
if(display_name.empty()) {
// do nothing
return user_id;
QString neroshop::Backend::getKeyByUserId(const QString& user_id) { // not currently in use
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string key = database->get_text_params("SELECT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = $1 AND content = 'account' LIMIT 1;", { user_id.toStdString() });
return QString::fromStdString(key);
QVariantMap neroshop::Backend::getUser(const QString& user_id) {
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string key = database->get_text_params("SELECT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = $1 AND content = 'account' LIMIT 1;", { user_id.toStdString() });
if(key.empty()) return {};
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(key, response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
int rescode = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key });
if(rescode != SQLITE_OK) neroshop::print("sqlite error: DELETE failed", 1);
return {}; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, skip to next iteration
QVariantMap user_object;
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "user") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"user\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; return {}; }
user_object.insert("key", QString::fromStdString(key));
if(value_obj.contains("display_name") && value_obj["display_name"].is_string()) {
std::string display_name = value_obj["display_name"].get<std::string>();
user_object.insert("display_name", QString::fromStdString(display_name));
user_object.insert("monero_address", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["monero_address"].get<std::string>()));
user_object.insert("user_id", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["monero_address"].get<std::string>())); // alias
user_object.insert("public_key", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["public_key"].get<std::string>()));
if(value_obj.contains("avatar") && value_obj["avatar"].is_object()) {
const auto& avatar_obj = value_obj["avatar"];
QVariantMap avatar;
avatar.insert("name", QString::fromStdString(avatar_obj["name"].get<std::string>()));
user_object.insert("avatar", avatar);
user_object.insert("signature", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["signature"].get<std::string>()));
return user_object;
int neroshop::Backend::getCartMaximumItems() {
return neroshop::Cart::get_max_items();
int neroshop::Backend::getCartMaximumQuantity() {
return neroshop::Cart::get_max_quantity();
// not really used at the moment
int neroshop::Backend::getStockAvailable(const QString& product_id) {
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string key = database->get_text_params("SELECT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = $1 AND content = 'listing'", { product_id.toStdString() });
if(key.empty()) return 0;
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(key, response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
int rescode = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key });
if(rescode != SQLITE_OK) neroshop::print("sqlite error: DELETE failed", 1);
return 0; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, return
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "listing") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"listing\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; return 0; }
int quantity = value_obj["quantity"].get<int>();
return quantity;
return 0;
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getInventory(const QString& user_id, bool hide_illicit_items) {
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
neroshop::db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string command = "SELECT DISTINCT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = ?1 AND content = 'listing'";
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = nullptr;
// Prepare (compile) statement
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_prepare_v2: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
// Bind user_id to TEXT
QByteArray userIdByteArray = user_id.toUtf8();
if(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, userIdByteArray.constData(), userIdByteArray.length(), SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_bind_text (arg: 1): " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
// Check whether the prepared statement returns no data (for example an UPDATE)
if(sqlite3_column_count(stmt) == 0) {
neroshop::print("No data found. Be sure to use an appropriate SELECT statement", 1);
return {};
QVariantList inventory_array;
// Get all table values row by row
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
QVariantMap inventory_object; // Create an object for each row
QVariantList product_images;
QStringList product_categories;
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++) {
std::string column_value = (sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i) == nullptr) ? "NULL" : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i));//std::cout << column_value << " (" << i << ")" << std::endl;
if(column_value == "NULL") continue; // Skip invalid columns
QString key = QString::fromStdString(column_value);
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(key.toStdString(), response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
int rescode = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key.toStdString() });
if(rescode != SQLITE_OK) neroshop::print("sqlite error: DELETE failed", 1);
continue; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, skip to next iteration
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "listing") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"listing\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; continue; }
inventory_object.insert("key", key);
inventory_object.insert("listing_uuid", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["id"].get<std::string>()));
inventory_object.insert("seller_id", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["seller_id"].get<std::string>()));
inventory_object.insert("quantity", value_obj["quantity"].get<int>());
inventory_object.insert("price", value_obj["price"].get<double>());
inventory_object.insert("currency", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["currency"].get<std::string>()));
inventory_object.insert("condition", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["condition"].get<std::string>()));
if(value_obj.contains("location") && value_obj["location"].is_string()) {
inventory_object.insert("location", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["location"].get<std::string>()));
inventory_object.insert("date", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["date"].get<std::string>()));
const auto& product_obj = value_obj["product"];
////inventory_object.insert("product_uuid", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["id"].get<std::string>()));
inventory_object.insert("product_name", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["name"].get<std::string>()));
inventory_object.insert("product_description", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["description"].get<std::string>()));
// product category and subcategories
std::string category = product_obj["category"].get<std::string>();
if (product_obj.contains("subcategories") && product_obj["subcategories"].is_array()) {
const auto& subcategories_array = product_obj["subcategories"];
for (const auto& subcategory : subcategories_array) {
if (subcategory.is_string()) {
inventory_object.insert("product_categories", product_categories);
//inventory_object.insert("", QString::fromStdString(product_obj[""].get<std::string>()));
if (product_obj.contains("images") && product_obj["images"].is_array()) {
const auto& images_array = product_obj["images"];
for (const auto& image : images_array) {
if (image.contains("name") && image.contains("id")) {
const auto& image_name = image["name"].get<std::string>();
const auto& image_id = image["id"].get<int>();
QVariantMap image_map;
image_map.insert("name", QString::fromStdString(image_name));
image_map.insert("id", image_id);
inventory_object.insert("product_images", product_images);
if (product_obj.contains("thumbnail") && product_obj["thumbnail"].is_string()) {
inventory_object.insert("product_thumbnail", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["thumbnail"].get<std::string>()));
// Skip products with illegal categories/subcategories
if (hide_illicit_items) {
if(isIllicitItem(inventory_object)) {
return inventory_array;
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getListingsBySearchTerm(const QString& searchTerm, bool hide_illicit_items) {
// Transition from Sqlite to DHT:
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string command = "SELECT DISTINCT key FROM mappings WHERE (search_term MATCH ?1 OR search_term MATCH ?1 || '*') AND (content = 'listing') LIMIT ?2;";//"SELECT DISTINCT key FROM mappings WHERE (search_term MATCH ? OR search_term LIKE '%' || ? || '%' COLLATE NOCASE) AND (content MATCH 'listing');";//"SELECT DISTINCT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term MATCH ? AND content MATCH 'listing';";
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = nullptr;
// Prepare (compile) statement
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_prepare_v2: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
// Bind value to parameter arguments
QByteArray searchTermByteArray = searchTerm.toUtf8(); // Convert QString to std::string equivalent
if(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, searchTermByteArray.constData(), searchTermByteArray.length(), SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_bind_text: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};//database->execute("ROLLBACK;"); return {};
if(sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 2, NEROSHOP_MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_bind_int: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};//database->execute("ROLLBACK;"); return {};
// Check whether the prepared statement returns no data (for example an UPDATE)
if(sqlite3_column_count(stmt) == 0) {
neroshop::print("No data found. Be sure to use an appropriate SELECT statement", 1);
return {};
QVariantList catalog;
// Get all table values row by row
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++) {
QVariantMap listing; // Create an object for each row
QVariantList product_images;
QStringList product_categories;
std::string column_value = (sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i) == nullptr) ? "NULL" : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i));//std::cout << column_value << " (" << i << ")" << std::endl;
if(column_value == "NULL") continue; // Skip invalid columns
QString key = QString::fromStdString(column_value);
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(key.toStdString(), response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
int rescode = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key.toStdString() });
if(rescode != SQLITE_OK) neroshop::print("sqlite error: DELETE failed", 1);
//emit categoryProductCountChanged();//(category_id);
//emit searchResultsChanged();
continue; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, skip to next iteration
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
listing.insert("key", key);
listing.insert("listing_uuid", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("seller_id", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["seller_id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("quantity", value_obj["quantity"].get<int>());
listing.insert("price", value_obj["price"].get<double>());
listing.insert("currency", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["currency"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("condition", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["condition"].get<std::string>()));
if(value_obj.contains("location") && value_obj["location"].is_string()) {
listing.insert("location", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["location"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("date", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["date"].get<std::string>()));
if(value_obj.contains("quantity_per_order") && value_obj["quantity_per_order"].is_number_integer()) {
listing.insert("quantity_per_order", value_obj["quantity_per_order"].get<int>());
const auto& product_obj = value_obj["product"];
////listing.insert("product_uuid", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("product_name", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["name"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("product_description", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["description"].get<std::string>()));
// product category and subcategories
std::string category = product_obj["category"].get<std::string>();
if (product_obj.contains("subcategories") && product_obj["subcategories"].is_array()) {
const auto& subcategories_array = product_obj["subcategories"];
for (const auto& subcategory : subcategories_array) {
if (subcategory.is_string()) {
listing.insert("product_categories", product_categories);
//listing.insert("", QString::fromStdString(product_obj[""].get<std::string>()));
//listing.insert("", QString::fromStdString(product_obj[""].get<std::string>()));
if (product_obj.contains("images") && product_obj["images"].is_array()) {
const auto& images_array = product_obj["images"];
for (const auto& image : images_array) {
if (image.contains("name") && image.contains("id")) {
const auto& image_name = image["name"].get<std::string>();
const auto& image_id = image["id"].get<int>();
QVariantMap image_map;
image_map.insert("name", QString::fromStdString(image_name));
image_map.insert("id", image_id);
listing.insert("product_images", product_images);
// Skip products with illegal categories/subcategories
if (hide_illicit_items) {
if(isIllicitItem(listing)) {
// Append to catalog only if the key was found successfully
return catalog;
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getListings(int sorting, bool hide_illicit_items) {
// Transition from Sqlite to DHT:
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string command = "SELECT DISTINCT key FROM mappings WHERE content = 'listing';";
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = nullptr;
// Prepare (compile) statement
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_prepare_v2: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
// Check whether the prepared statement returns no data (for example an UPDATE)
if(sqlite3_column_count(stmt) == 0) {
neroshop::print("No data found. Be sure to use an appropriate SELECT statement", 1);
return {};
QVariantList catalog;
// Get all table values row by row
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
QVariantMap listing; // Create an object for each row
QVariantList product_images;
QStringList product_categories;
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++) {
std::string column_value = (sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i) == nullptr) ? "NULL" : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i));//std::cout << column_value << " (" << i << ")" << std::endl;
if(column_value == "NULL") continue; // Skip invalid columns
QString key = QString::fromStdString(column_value);
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(key.toStdString(), response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
int rescode = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key.toStdString() });
if(rescode != SQLITE_OK) neroshop::print("sqlite error: DELETE failed", 1);
//emit categoryProductCountChanged();//(category_id);
//emit searchResultsChanged();
continue; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, skip to next iteration
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "listing") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"listing\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; continue; }
listing.insert("key", key);
listing.insert("listing_uuid", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("seller_id", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["seller_id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("quantity", value_obj["quantity"].get<int>());
listing.insert("price", value_obj["price"].get<double>());
listing.insert("currency", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["currency"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("condition", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["condition"].get<std::string>()));
if(value_obj.contains("location") && value_obj["location"].is_string()) {
listing.insert("location", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["location"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("date", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["date"].get<std::string>()));
if(value_obj.contains("quantity_per_order") && value_obj["quantity_per_order"].is_number_integer()) {
listing.insert("quantity_per_order", value_obj["quantity_per_order"].get<int>());
const auto& product_obj = value_obj["product"];
////listing.insert("product_uuid", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("product_name", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["name"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("product_description", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["description"].get<std::string>()));
// product category and subcategories
std::string category = product_obj["category"].get<std::string>();//int product_category_id = get_category_id_by_name(product_category_name);
if (product_obj.contains("subcategories") && product_obj["subcategories"].is_array()) {
const auto& subcategories_array = product_obj["subcategories"];
for (const auto& subcategory : subcategories_array) {
if (subcategory.is_string()) {
listing.insert("product_categories", product_categories);
//listing.insert("", QString::fromStdString(product_obj[""].get<std::string>()));
// product attributes
if (product_obj.contains("attributes") && product_obj["attributes"].is_array()) {
const auto& attributes_array = product_obj["attributes"];
for (const auto& attribute : attributes_array) {
if (attribute.is_object() && attribute.contains("weight")) { // attributes is an array of objects
double weight = attribute["weight"].get<double>();
listing.insert("product_weight", weight);
// product images
if (product_obj.contains("images") && product_obj["images"].is_array()) {
const auto& images_array = product_obj["images"];
for (const auto& image : images_array) {
if (image.contains("name") && image.contains("id")) {
const auto& image_name = image["name"].get<std::string>();
const auto& image_id = image["id"].get<int>();
QVariantMap image_map;
image_map.insert("name", QString::fromStdString(image_name));
image_map.insert("id", image_id);
listing.insert("product_images", product_images);
// product thumbnail
if (product_obj.contains("thumbnail") && product_obj["thumbnail"].is_string()) {
listing.insert("product_thumbnail", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["thumbnail"].get<std::string>()));
// Skip products with illegal categories/subcategories
if (hide_illicit_items) {
if(isIllicitItem(listing)) {
switch(sorting) {
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortNone):
// Code for sorting by none - do nothing
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByCategory):
// Code for sorting by category - unavailable. Use getListingsByCategory() instead
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByMostRecent):
// Perform the sorting operation on the catalog based on the "most recent" criteria
std::sort(catalog.begin(), catalog.end(), [](const QVariant& a, const QVariant& b) {
QVariantMap listingA = a.toMap();
QVariantMap listingB = b.toMap();
QString dateA = listingA["date"].toString();
QString dateB = listingB["date"].toString();
// Convert 'Z' to UTC+0 offset
if (dateA.endsWith("Z")) {
dateA.replace(dateA.length() - 1, 1, "+00:00");
if (dateB.endsWith("Z")) {
dateB.replace(dateB.length() - 1, 1, "+00:00");
QDateTime dateTimeA = QDateTime::fromString(dateA, Qt::ISODateWithMs);
QDateTime dateTimeB = QDateTime::fromString(dateB, Qt::ISODateWithMs);
return dateTimeA > dateTimeB;
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByOldest):
std::sort(catalog.begin(), catalog.end(), [](const QVariant& a, const QVariant& b) {
QVariantMap listingA = a.toMap();
QVariantMap listingB = b.toMap();
QString dateA = listingA["date"].toString();
QString dateB = listingB["date"].toString();
// Convert 'Z' to UTC+0 offset
if (dateA.endsWith("Z")) {
dateA.replace(dateA.length() - 1, 1, "+00:00");
if (dateB.endsWith("Z")) {
dateB.replace(dateB.length() - 1, 1, "+00:00");
QDateTime dateTimeA = QDateTime::fromString(dateA, Qt::ISODateWithMs);
QDateTime dateTimeB = QDateTime::fromString(dateB, Qt::ISODateWithMs);
return dateTimeA < dateTimeB;
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByAlphabeticalOrder):
// Sort the catalog list by product name (alphabetically)
std::sort(catalog.begin(), catalog.end(), [](const QVariant& listing1, const QVariant& listing2) {
QString productName1 = listing1.toMap()["product_name"].toString();
QString productName2 = listing2.toMap()["product_name"].toString();
return QString::compare(productName1, productName2, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0;
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByPriceLowest):
// Perform the sorting operation on the catalog based on the "price lowest" criteria
std::sort(catalog.begin(), catalog.end(), [](const QVariant& a, const QVariant& b) {
QVariantMap listingA = a.toMap();
QVariantMap listingB = b.toMap();
return listingA["price"].toDouble() < listingB["price"].toDouble();
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByPriceHighest):
// Perform the sorting operation on the catalog based on the "price highest" criteria
std::sort(catalog.begin(), catalog.end(), [](const QVariant& a, const QVariant& b) {
QVariantMap listingA = a.toMap();
QVariantMap listingB = b.toMap();
return listingA["price"].toDouble() > listingB["price"].toDouble();
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByMostFavorited):
// Code for sorting by most favorited
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByMostSales):
// Code for sorting by most sales
// Code for handling unknown sorting value - do nothing
return catalog;
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getListingsByCategory(int category_id, bool hide_illicit_items) {
// Transition from Sqlite to DHT:
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string command = "SELECT DISTINCT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = ? AND content = 'listing';";
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = nullptr;
// Prepare (compile) statement
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_prepare_v2: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};
std::string category = get_category_name_by_id(category_id);
// Bind value to parameter arguments
if(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, category.c_str(), category.length(), SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_bind_text: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return {};//database->execute("ROLLBACK;"); return {};
// Check whether the prepared statement returns no data (for example an UPDATE)
if(sqlite3_column_count(stmt) == 0) {
neroshop::print("No data found. Be sure to use an appropriate SELECT statement", 1);
return {};
QVariantList catalog;
// Get all table values row by row
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
QVariantMap listing; // Create an object for each row
QVariantList product_images;
QStringList product_categories;
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++) {
std::string column_value = (sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i) == nullptr) ? "NULL" : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i));//std::cout << column_value << " (" << i << ")" << std::endl;
if(column_value == "NULL") continue; // Skip invalid columns
QString key = QString::fromStdString(column_value);
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(key.toStdString(), response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
int rescode = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key.toStdString() });
if(rescode != SQLITE_OK) neroshop::print("sqlite error: DELETE failed", 1);
//emit categoryProductCountChanged();//(category_id);
//emit searchResultsChanged();
continue; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, skip to next iteration
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "listing") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"listing\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; continue; }
listing.insert("key", key);
listing.insert("listing_uuid", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("seller_id", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["seller_id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("quantity", value_obj["quantity"].get<int>());
listing.insert("price", value_obj["price"].get<double>());
listing.insert("currency", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["currency"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("condition", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["condition"].get<std::string>()));
if(value_obj.contains("location") && value_obj["location"].is_string()) {
listing.insert("location", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["location"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("date", QString::fromStdString(value_obj["date"].get<std::string>()));
if(value_obj.contains("quantity_per_order") && value_obj["quantity_per_order"].is_number_integer()) {
listing.insert("quantity_per_order", value_obj["quantity_per_order"].get<int>());
const auto& product_obj = value_obj["product"];
////listing.insert("product_uuid", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["id"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("product_name", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["name"].get<std::string>()));
listing.insert("product_description", QString::fromStdString(product_obj["description"].get<std::string>()));
// product category and subcategories
std::string category = product_obj["category"].get<std::string>();
if (product_obj.contains("subcategories") && product_obj["subcategories"].is_array()) {
const auto& subcategories_array = product_obj["subcategories"];
for (const auto& subcategory : subcategories_array) {
if (subcategory.is_string()) {
listing.insert("product_categories", product_categories);
//listing.insert("weight", QString::fromStdString(product_obj[""].get<std::string>()));
//listing.insert("other_attr", QString::fromStdString(product_obj[""].get<std::string>()));
//listing.insert("code", QString::fromStdString(product_obj[""].get<std::string>()));
//listing.insert("tags", QString::fromStdString(product_obj[""].get<std::string>()));
if (product_obj.contains("images") && product_obj["images"].is_array()) {
const auto& images_array = product_obj["images"];
for (const auto& image : images_array) {
if (image.contains("name") && image.contains("id")) {
const auto& image_name = image["name"].get<std::string>();
const auto& image_id = image["id"].get<int>();//source,data, etc.
QVariantMap image_map;
image_map.insert("name", QString::fromStdString(image_name));
image_map.insert("id", image_id);
listing.insert("product_images", product_images);
// Skip products with illegal categories/subcategories
if (hide_illicit_items) {
if(isIllicitItem(listing)) {
return catalog;
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getListingsByMostRecent(int limit, bool hide_illicit_items) {
auto catalog = getListings(static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByMostRecent), hide_illicit_items);
if (catalog.size() > limit) {
catalog = catalog.mid(0, limit);
return catalog;
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::sortBy(const QVariantList& catalog, int sorting) {
// Make a copy of the catalog to work with
QVariantList sortedCatalog = catalog;
switch(sorting) {
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortNone):
// Code for sorting by none - do nothing
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByCategory):
// Code for sorting by category - unavailable. Use getListingsByCategory() instead
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByMostRecent):
// Perform the sorting operation on the catalog based on the "most recent" criteria
std::sort(sortedCatalog.begin(), sortedCatalog.end(), [](const QVariant& a, const QVariant& b) {
QVariantMap listingA = a.toMap();
QVariantMap listingB = b.toMap();
QString dateA = listingA["date"].toString();
QString dateB = listingB["date"].toString();
// Convert 'Z' to UTC+0 offset
if (dateA.endsWith("Z")) {
dateA.replace(dateA.length() - 1, 1, "+00:00");
if (dateB.endsWith("Z")) {
dateB.replace(dateB.length() - 1, 1, "+00:00");
QDateTime dateTimeA = QDateTime::fromString(dateA, Qt::ISODateWithMs);
QDateTime dateTimeB = QDateTime::fromString(dateB, Qt::ISODateWithMs);
return dateTimeA > dateTimeB;
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByOldest):
std::sort(sortedCatalog.begin(), sortedCatalog.end(), [](const QVariant& a, const QVariant& b) {
QVariantMap listingA = a.toMap();
QVariantMap listingB = b.toMap();
QString dateA = listingA["date"].toString();
QString dateB = listingB["date"].toString();
// Convert 'Z' to UTC+0 offset
if (dateA.endsWith("Z")) {
dateA.replace(dateA.length() - 1, 1, "+00:00");
if (dateB.endsWith("Z")) {
dateB.replace(dateB.length() - 1, 1, "+00:00");
QDateTime dateTimeA = QDateTime::fromString(dateA, Qt::ISODateWithMs);
QDateTime dateTimeB = QDateTime::fromString(dateB, Qt::ISODateWithMs);
return dateTimeA < dateTimeB;
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByAlphabeticalOrder):
// Sort the catalog list by product name (alphabetically)
std::sort(sortedCatalog.begin(), sortedCatalog.end(), [](const QVariant& listing1, const QVariant& listing2) {
QString productName1 = listing1.toMap()["product_name"].toString();
QString productName2 = listing2.toMap()["product_name"].toString();
return QString::compare(productName1, productName2, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0;
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByPriceLowest):
// Perform the sorting operation on the catalog based on the "price lowest" criteria
std::sort(sortedCatalog.begin(), sortedCatalog.end(), [](const QVariant& a, const QVariant& b) {
QVariantMap listingA = a.toMap();
QVariantMap listingB = b.toMap();
return listingA["price"].toDouble() < listingB["price"].toDouble();
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByPriceHighest):
// Perform the sorting operation on the catalog based on the "price highest" criteria
std::sort(sortedCatalog.begin(), sortedCatalog.end(), [](const QVariant& a, const QVariant& b) {
QVariantMap listingA = a.toMap();
QVariantMap listingB = b.toMap();
return listingA["price"].toDouble() > listingB["price"].toDouble();
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByAverageRating):
// Code for sorting by average rating
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByMostFavorited):
// Code for sorting by most favorited
case static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::Sorting::SortByMostSales):
// Code for sorting by most sales
// Code for handling unknown sorting value - do nothing
return sortedCatalog;
bool neroshop::Backend::isIllicitItem(const QVariantMap& listing_obj) {
std::string illegal_category_name = predefined_categories[25].name;
if (!listing_obj.contains("product_categories")) {
std::cerr << "No product categories found\n";
return false;
QStringList product_categories = listing_obj["product_categories"].toStringList();
if(product_categories.contains(QString::fromStdString(illegal_category_name))) {
std::cout << listing_obj["product_name"].toString().toStdString() << " contains illegal content so it has been excluded from listings" << "\n";
return true;
return false;
void neroshop::Backend::createOrder(UserController * user_controller, const QString& shipping_address) {
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getNodeListDefault(const QString& coin) const {
QVariantList node_list;
std::string network_type = neroshop::Script::get_string(neroshop::lua_state, "monero.network_type");
std::vector<std::string> node_table = neroshop::Script::get_table_string(neroshop::lua_state, coin.toStdString() + ".nodes." + network_type); // Get monero nodes from settings.lua////std::cout << "lua_query: " << coin.toStdString() + ".nodes." + network_type << std::endl;
for(auto strings : node_table) {
node_list << QString::fromStdString(strings);
return node_list;
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::getNodeList(const QString& coin) const {
const QUrl url(QStringLiteral(""));
QVariantList node_list;
QString coin_lower = coin.toLower(); // make coin name lowercase
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QEventLoop loop;
QObject::connect(&manager, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
auto reply = manager.get(QNetworkRequest(url));
QJsonParseError error;
const auto json_doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &error);
// Use fallback monero node list if we fail to get the nodes from the url
if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
neroshop::print("Error reading json from " + url.toString().toStdString() + "\nUsing default nodes as fallback", 2);
return getNodeListDefault(coin_lower);
// Get monero nodes from the JSON
QJsonObject root_obj = json_doc.object(); // {}
QJsonObject coin_obj = root_obj.value(coin_lower).toObject(); // "monero": {} // "wownero": {}
QJsonObject clearnet_obj = coin_obj.value("clear").toObject(); // "clear": {} // "onion": {}, "web_compatible": {}
// Loop through monero nodes (clearnet)
foreach(const QString& key, clearnet_obj.keys()) {//for (const auto monero_nodes : clearnet_obj) {
QJsonObject monero_node_obj = clearnet_obj.value(key).toObject();//QJsonObject monero_node_obj = monero_nodes.toObject();
QVariantMap node_object; // Create an object for each row
if(key.contains("38081") || key.contains("38089")) { // Temporarily fetch only stagenet nodes (TODO: change to mainnet port upon release)
node_object.insert("address", key);
node_object.insert("available", monero_node_obj.value("available").toBool());//std::cout << "available: " << monero_node_obj.value("available").toBool() << "\n";
////node_object.insert("", );//////std::cout << ": " << monero_node_obj.value("checks").toArray() << "\n";
node_object.insert("datetime_checked", monero_node_obj.value("datetime_checked").toString());//std::cout << "datetime_checked: " << monero_node_obj.value("datetime_checked").toString().toStdString() << "\n";
node_object.insert("datetime_entered", monero_node_obj.value("datetime_entered").toString());//std::cout << "datetime_entered: " << monero_node_obj.value("datetime_entered").toString().toStdString() << "\n";
node_object.insert("datetime_failed", monero_node_obj.value("datetime_failed").toString());//std::cout << "datetime_failed: " << monero_node_obj.value("datetime_failed").toString().toStdString() << "\n";
node_object.insert("last_height", monero_node_obj.value("last_height").toInt());//std::cout << "last_height: " << monero_node_obj.value("last_height").toInt() << "\n";
node_list.append(node_object); // Add node object to the node list
return node_list;
// Todo: use QProcess to check if monero daemon is running
bool neroshop::Backend::isWalletDaemonRunning() const {
/*int monerod = Process::get_process_by_name("monerod");
if(monerod == -1) { return false; }
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "monerod is running (ID:" << monerod << ")\033[0m" << std::endl;
return true;*/
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QString program = "monerod.exe";
QString program = "monerod";
QProcess process;
process.start("pgrep", QStringList() << program); // specific to Linux-based systems
if(process.exitCode() == 0) std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << program.toStdString() << " was already running in the background\033[0m" << std::endl;
return process.exitCode() == 0;
// TODO: replace function return type with enum
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::validateDisplayName(const QString& display_name) const {
// username (will appear only in lower-case letters within the app)
std::string username = display_name.toStdString();
// Empty display names are acceptable
if(display_name.isEmpty()) return { true, "" };
if(!neroshop::string_tools::is_valid_username(username)) {
std::string default_message = "Invalid username: " + username;
neroshop::print(default_message, 1);
if (username.length() < 2) {
std::string message = "must be at least 2 characters in length";
return { false, QString::fromStdString(message) };
if (username.length() > 30) {
std::string message = "cannot exceed 30 characters in length";
return { false, QString::fromStdString(message) };
if (std::regex_search(username, std::regex("\\s"))) {
std::string message = "cannot contain spaces\n";
return { false, QString::fromStdString(message) };
if (!std::regex_search(username, std::regex("^[a-zA-Z]"))) {
std::string message = "must begin with a letter (cannot start with a symbol or number)";
return { false, QString::fromStdString(message) };
if (!std::regex_search(username, std::regex("[a-zA-Z0-9]$"))) {
std::string message = "must end with a letter or number (cannot end with a symbol)";
return { false, QString::fromStdString(message) };
if (std::regex_search(username, std::regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]"))) {
std::string message = "contains invalid symbol(s) (only '.', '_', and '-' are allowed in between the display name)";
return { false, QString::fromStdString(message) };
if (username == "Guest") {
std::string message = "name \"Guest\" is reserved for guests only and cannot be used by any other user";
return { false, QString::fromStdString(message) };
return { false, QString::fromStdString(default_message) };
return { true, "" };
// TODO: replace function return type with enum
QVariantList neroshop::Backend::registerUser(WalletController* wallet_controller, const QString& display_name, UserController * user_controller, const QString& avatar) {
// Make sure daemon is connected first
if(!DaemonManager::isDaemonServerBound()) {
return { false, "Please wait for the local daemon IPC server to connect first" };
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
// Validate display name
auto name_validation_result = validateDisplayName(display_name);
if(!name_validation_result[0].toBool()) {
bool boolean_result = name_validation_result[0].toBool();
QString message_result = name_validation_result[1].toString();
return { boolean_result, message_result };
// Get wallet primary address and check its validity
std::string primary_address = wallet_controller->getPrimaryAddress().toStdString();//neroshop::print("Primary address: \033[1;33m" + primary_address + "\033[1;37m\n");
if(!wallet_controller->getWallet()->is_valid_address(primary_address)) {
return { false, "Invalid monero address" };
// Generate RSA key pair (this is for sending/receiving encrypted messages)
std::string public_key_filename = config_path + "/" + primary_address + ".pub";
std::string private_key_filename = config_path + "/" + primary_address + ".key";
EVP_PKEY * pkey = neroshop::crypto::rsa_generate_keys_get();
if(pkey == nullptr) {
return { false, "Failed to generate RSA key pair" };
// Get a copy of the public key
std::string public_key = neroshop::crypto::rsa_get_public_key(pkey);
std::string private_key = neroshop::crypto::rsa_get_private_key(pkey);
// Save the key pair to disk
if(!neroshop::crypto::rsa_save_keys(pkey, public_key_filename, private_key_filename)) {
return { false, "Failed to save RSA key pair" };
// Note: Multiple users can have the same display_name as long as the id is unique!
// initialize user obj
std::unique_ptr<neroshop::User> seller(neroshop::Seller::on_login(*wallet_controller->getWallet()));
user_controller->_user = std::move(seller);
if (user_controller->getUser() == nullptr) {
return {false, "user is NULL"};
if(!avatar.isEmpty()) {
user_controller->_user->upload_avatar(avatar.toStdString()); // will initialize avatar obj
// Store login credentials in DHT
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
// If client is not connect, return error
if (!client->is_connected()) return { false, "Not connected to local daemon IPC server" };
// Serialize user object
auto data = Serializer::serialize(*user_controller->_user);
std::string key = data.first;
std::string value = data.second;
// Send put and receive response
std::string response;
client->put(key, value, response);
std::cout << "Received response (put): " << response << "\n";
// Create cart for user
QString cart_uuid = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
cart_uuid = cart_uuid.remove("{").remove("}"); // remove brackets
database->execute_params("INSERT INTO cart (uuid, user_id) VALUES ($1, $2)", { cart_uuid.toStdString(), user_controller->_user->get_id() });
// Set cart id
emit user_controller->userChanged();
emit user_controller->userLogged();
// temp - remove soon
//user_controller->rateItem("8e12c9e7-7017-4bd0-95fe-9abbcd82c1ff", 3, "This product is aiight");
//user_controller->rateSeller("5AQFFwoqqBWMYCh6b2V6RyEKZS5ozqfCP1uLnf5FTHiqjk9qyDGoj62Vva2jz71nFGPsDgXAfv2q4GGaWyV2EQ2xTfgFPCw", 1, "This seller rocks");
// Display registration message
neroshop::print(((!display_name.isEmpty()) ? "Welcome to neroshop, " : "Welcome to neroshop") + display_name.toStdString(), 4);
return { true, QString::fromStdString(key) };
int neroshop::Backend::loginWithWalletFile(WalletController* wallet_controller, const QString& path, const QString& password, UserController * user_controller) {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
// Make sure daemon is connected first
if(!DaemonManager::isDaemonServerBound()) {
neroshop::print("Please wait for the local daemon IPC server to connect first", 1);
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::DaemonIsNotConnected);
// Open wallet file
std::packaged_task<int(void)> open_wallet_task([wallet_controller, path, password]() -> int {
int wallet_error = wallet_controller->open(path, password);
if(wallet_error != 0) {
if(wallet_error == static_cast<int>(WalletError::WrongPassword))
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::WrongPassword);
if(wallet_error == static_cast<int>(WalletError::IsOpenedByAnotherProgram))
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::WalletIsOpenedByAnotherProgram);
if(wallet_error == static_cast<int>(WalletError::DoesNotExist))
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::WalletDoesNotExist);
if(wallet_error == static_cast<int>(WalletError::BadNetworkType))
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::WalletBadNetworkType);
if(wallet_error == static_cast<int>(WalletError::IsNotOpened))
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::WalletIsNotOpened);
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::Ok);
std::future<int> future_result = open_wallet_task.get_future();
// move the task (function) to a separate thread to prevent blocking of the main thread
std::thread worker(std::move(open_wallet_task));
worker.detach(); // join may block but detach won't
int login_error = future_result.get();
if(login_error != 0) return login_error;
// Get the primary address
std::string primary_address = wallet_controller->getPrimaryAddress().toStdString();
// Check database to see if user key (hash of primary address) exists
bool user_found = database->get_integer_params("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM mappings WHERE search_term = ?1 AND content = 'account')", { primary_address });
// If user key is not found in the database, then create one. This is like registering for an account
if(!user_found) {
// In reality, this function will return false if user key is not registered in the database
neroshop::print("Account not found in database. Please try again or register", 1);
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::UserNotFound);
// Get the account DHT key
std::string account_key = database->get_text_params("SELECT key FROM mappings WHERE search_term = ?1 AND content = 'account'", { primary_address });
// Save user information in memory
std::string display_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT search_term FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1 AND LENGTH(search_term) <= 30 AND content = 'account'", { account_key });
std::unique_ptr<neroshop::User> seller(neroshop::Seller::on_login(*wallet_controller->getWallet()));
user_controller->_user = std::move(seller);
if(user_controller->getUser() == nullptr) {
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::UserIsNullPointer);
// Load RSA keys from file
std::string public_key_path = config_path + "/" + primary_address + ".pub";
std::string private_key_path = config_path + "/" + primary_address + ".key";
// Load public_key
std::ifstream public_key_file(public_key_path);
if (!public_key_file) {
// Handle file open error
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open public key file: " + public_key_path);
std::ostringstream buffer0;
buffer0 << public_key_file.rdbuf();
std::string public_key = buffer0.str();
// Load private_key
std::ifstream private_key_file(private_key_path);
if (!private_key_file) {
// Handle file open error
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open private key file: " + private_key_path);
std::ostringstream buffer;
buffer << private_key_file.rdbuf();
std::string private_key = buffer.str();
// Set RSA private key
emit user_controller->userChanged();
emit user_controller->userLogged();
// temp - remove soon
getProductStarCount("2b715653-da61-4ea0-8b5a-ad2754d78ba1", 5);
getProductStarCount("2b715653-da61-4ea0-8b5a-ad2754d78ba1", 4);
getProductStarCount("2b715653-da61-4ea0-8b5a-ad2754d78ba1", 3);
getProductStarCount("2b715653-da61-4ea0-8b5a-ad2754d78ba1", 2);
getProductStarCount("2b715653-da61-4ea0-8b5a-ad2754d78ba1", 1);
//user_controller->createOrder("12 Robot Dr. Boston MA 02115");
// Display message
neroshop::print("Welcome back, user " + ((!display_name.empty()) ? (display_name + " (id: " + primary_address + ")") : primary_address), 4);
return static_cast<int>(EnumWrapper::LoginError::Ok);
int neroshop::Backend::loginWithMnemonic(WalletController* wallet_controller, const QString& mnemonic, UserController * user_controller) {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
// Initialize monero wallet with existing wallet mnemonic
if(!wallet_controller->restoreFromSeed(mnemonic)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid mnemonic or wallet network type");
return false;
// Get the primary address
std::string primary_address = wallet_controller->getPrimaryAddress().toStdString();
// Check database to see if user key (hash of primary address) exists
bool user_key_found = database->get_integer_params("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE monero_address = $1)", { primary_address });
// If user key is not found in the database, then create one. This is like registering for an account
if(!user_key_found) {
// In reality, this function will return false if user key is not registered in the database
neroshop::print("user key not found in database. Please try again or register", 1);
return false;
// Save user information in memory
int user_id = database->get_integer_params("SELECT id FROM users WHERE monero_address = $1", { primary_address });
// Display message
std::string display_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT name FROM users WHERE monero_address = $1", { primary_address });
neroshop::print("Welcome back, user " + ((!display_name.empty()) ? (display_name + " (id: " + primary_address + ")") : primary_address), 4);
return true;
int neroshop::Backend::loginWithKeys(WalletController* wallet_controller, UserController * user_controller) {
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
// Get the wallet from the wallet controller
neroshop::Wallet * wallet = wallet_controller->getWallet();
// Initialize monero wallet with existing wallet mnemonic
std::string primary_address;
std::string secret_view_key;
std::string secret_spend_key;
std::cout << "Please enter your primary address:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, primary_address);
std::cout << "Please enter your secret view key:\n";
std::getline(std::cin, secret_view_key);
std::cout << "Please enter your secret spend key (optional):\n";
std::getline(std::cin, secret_spend_key);
// todo: allow user to specify a custom location for the wallet keyfile or use a default location
wallet_controller->restoreFromKeys(primary_address, secret_view_key, secret_spend_key);
// Get the hash of the primary address
std::string user_auth_key;// = neroshop::algo::sha256(primary_address);
////Validator::generate_sha256_hash(primary_address, user_auth_key); // temp
neroshop::print("Primary address: \033[1;33m" + primary_address + "\033[1;37m\nSHA256 hash: " + user_auth_key);
//$ echo -n "528qdm2pXnYYesCy5VdmBneWeaSZutEijFVAKjpVHeVd4unsCSM55CjgViQsK9WFNHK1eZgcCuZ3fRqYpzKDokqSKp4yp38" | sha256sum
// Check database to see if user key (hash of primary address) exists
bool user_key_found = database->get_integer_params("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE key = $1)", { user_auth_key });
// If user key is not found in the database, then create one. This is like registering for an account
if(!user_key_found) {
// In reality, this function will return false if user key is not registered in the database
neroshop::print("user key not found in database. Please try again or register", 1);
return false;
// Save user information in memory
int user_id = database->get_integer_params("SELECT id FROM users WHERE key = $1", { user_auth_key });
// Display message
std::string display_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT name FROM users WHERE monero_address = $1", { primary_address });
neroshop::print("Welcome back, user " + ((!display_name.empty()) ? (display_name + " (id: " + primary_address + ")") : primary_address), 4);
return true;
return false;
int neroshop::Backend::loginWithHW(WalletController* wallet_controller, UserController * user_controller) {
return false;
QVariantMap neroshop::Backend::getNetworkStatus() const {
// Make sure daemon is connected first
if(!DaemonManager::isDaemonServerBound()) {
return {};
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
// Get network status from local node in IPC mode
std::string response;
client->get("status", response); //std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
return {};
QVariantMap network_status;
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("connected_peers") && response_obj["connected_peers"].is_number_integer()) {
int connected_peers = response_obj["connected_peers"].get<int>();
network_status["connected_peers"] = connected_peers;
if (response_obj.contains("active_peers") && response_obj["active_peers"].is_number_integer()) {
int active_peers = response_obj["active_peers"].get<int>();
network_status["active_peers"] = active_peers;
if (response_obj.contains("idle_peers") && response_obj["idle_peers"].is_number_integer()) {
int idle_peers = response_obj["idle_peers"].get<int>();
network_status["idle_peers"] = idle_peers;
return network_status;