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#include "process.hpp"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
#include <unistd.h> // fork, execvp
//#include <sys/types.h> // ?
#include <dirent.h> // closedir, opendir
#include <signal.h> // kill
#include <fstream>
#include "logger.hpp"
#include "filesystem.hpp" // neroshop::filesystem
#include "string.hpp"
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
handle = -1; // default
neroshop::Process::Process(const std::string& program, const std::string& arg) : Process()
if(!create(program, arg)) {
neroshop::print("Process creation failed", 1);
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
std::cout << DOKUN_UI_TAG "process (" << name << ") has been deallocated" << std::endl;
terminate(); // kill pid
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int, bool>> neroshop::Process::process_list({});
void * neroshop::Process::open()
#ifdef _WIN32
this->handle = static_cast<void *>(OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId()));
return this->handle;
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
return nullptr;
bool neroshop::Process::create(const std::string& program, const std::string& argument)
#ifdef _WIN32
ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof (si);
ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof(pi));
// static_cast<LPSTR>(const_cast<char *>(program.c_str()))
std::string cmd = program + argument;
// Start the child process.
NULL,//static_cast<LPCTSTR>("glue.exe"), // No module name (use command line)
static_cast<LPSTR>(const_cast<char *>(cmd.c_str())),//static_cast<LPCTSTR>("glue.exe srlua.exe main.lua main.exe"), // Command line
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, // No creation flags
NULL, // Use parent's environment block
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
&pi ) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
== 0)
return false;
// Wait until child process exits.
WaitForSingleObject (pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
// Close process and thread handles.
CloseHandle (pi.hProcess);
CloseHandle (pi.hThread );
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
pid_t child_pid = fork (); // holds the process id (pid)
if (child_pid != 0) {
// the handle is basically the process id (pid)
this->handle = static_cast<pid_t>(child_pid);
this->name = program.substr(program.find_last_of("\\/") + 1);//program;
// store process information in "process_list"
process_list.push_back(std::make_tuple(program, child_pid, (child_pid != -1)));
else {
std::vector<std::string> arg_split = neroshop::string::split(argument, " ");
char * arg_list[arg_split.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < arg_split.size(); i++)
arg_list[i] = static_cast<char *>(const_cast<char *>(arg_split[i].c_str()));
//std::cout << arg_list[i] << std::endl;
arg_list[arg_split.size()] = nullptr; // arg_list must end with a nullptr
/* Now execute PROGRAM, searching for it in the path. */
execvp (static_cast<char *>(const_cast<char *>(program.c_str())), arg_list);
/* The execvp function returns only if an error occurs. */
fprintf (stderr, "an error occurred in execvp\n");
abort ();
return true;
bool neroshop::Process::terminate()
#ifdef _WIN32
return (TerminateProcess(static_cast<HANDLE>(this->handle), 0) != 0);
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
if(handle == -1) return true; // if pid has already been killed then no need to kill it again, so exit function
// kill function doesn't even work -.-
if(kill(static_cast<pid_t>(handle), SIGKILL) != 0) {// 0=success, -1=failure // #include <signal.h>
std::cout << "FAILED to kill process: " << handle << std::endl;
return false;
// just to be sure process has been killed
// this doesn't work either LOL
//std::system(std::string("kill " + std::to_string(handle)).c_str());
handle = -1;// set handle to default value so we know its been properly deleted
////std::cout << DOKUN_UI_TAG "process (" << name << ") terminated\n";
return true;
return false;
bool neroshop::Process::terminate(const Process& process)
#ifdef _WIN32
return (TerminateProcess(static_cast<HANDLE>(process.get_handle()), 0) != 0);
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
// kill function doesn't even work -.-
return const_cast<Process&>(process).terminate();//return (kill(static_cast<pid_t>(process.get_handle()), SIGTERM) != -1); //0=success, -1=failure// #include <signal.h>
return false;
void neroshop::Process::terminate_by_process_id(int process_id) {
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
while(process_id != -1) {
if(kill(static_cast<pid_t>(process_id), SIGTERM) < 0) // kill all instances of this process
std::cout << "FAILED to kill process " << process_id << std::endl;
void neroshop::Process::terminate_by_process_name(const std::string& process_name) {
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
while(neroshop::Process::get_process_by_name(process_name) != -1) {// while this process is still running
if(kill(static_cast<pid_t>(neroshop::Process::get_process_by_name(process_name)), SIGTERM) < 0) // kill all instances of this process
std::cout << "FAILED to kill process " << process_name << std::endl;
void neroshop::Process::exit(int code)
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
void neroshop::Process::show_processes(void) { // displays all processes from current session
for(int i = 0; i < process_list.size(); i++) {
<< "\033[1;35;49mprocess[" << i << "] ("
<< "name: " << std::get<0>(process_list[i]) << ", "
<< "id: " << std::get<1>(process_list[i]) << ", "
<< "status: " << std::get<2>(process_list[i])
<< ")\033[0m"
<< std::endl;
#ifdef _WIN32
void * neroshop::Process::get_handle() const
return this->handle;
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
int neroshop::Process::get_handle() const
return handle;
std::string neroshop::Process::get_name() const {
return name;
int neroshop::Process::get_process_by_name(const std::string& process_name) { // UPDATE(2022-02-05): this doesn't work as well as I expected it to :/
int pid = -1;
// Open the /proc directory
DIR *dp = opendir("/proc");
if (dp != NULL)
// Enumerate all entries in directory until process found
struct dirent *dirp;
while (pid < 0 && (dirp = readdir(dp)))
// Skip non-numeric entries
int id = atoi(dirp->d_name);
if (id > 0)
// Read contents of virtual /proc/{pid}/cmdline file
std::string cmdPath = std::string("/proc/") + dirp->d_name + "/cmdline";
std::ifstream cmdFile(cmdPath.c_str());
std::string cmdLine;
std::getline(cmdFile, cmdLine);
if (!cmdLine.empty())
// Keep first cmdline item which contains the program path
size_t pos = cmdLine.find('\0');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
cmdLine = cmdLine.substr(0, pos);
// Keep program name only, removing the path
pos = cmdLine.rfind('/');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
cmdLine = cmdLine.substr(pos + 1);
// Compare against requested process name
if (process_name == cmdLine)
pid = id;
return pid;
void * neroshop::Process::get_active()
#ifdef _WIN32
return static_cast<void *>(GetCurrentProcess());
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
return nullptr;