You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

732 lines
39 KiB

#include "seller.hpp"
#include "cart.hpp"
#include "tools/logger.hpp"
#include "tools/uuid.hpp"
#include "database/database.hpp"
#include "product.hpp"
#include "wallet/wallet.hpp"
#include "listing.hpp"
#include "product.hpp"
#include "protocol/transport/client.hpp"
#include "protocol/p2p/serializer.hpp"
#include "category.hpp"
#include "tools/base64.hpp"
#include "crypto/rsa.hpp"
#include "tools/timestamp.hpp"
#include <cmath> // floor
#include <random>
neroshop::Seller::Seller(const std::string& name) : Seller() {
neroshop::Seller::~Seller() {
// clear customer orders
customer_order_list.clear(); // will reset (delete) all customer orders
std::cout << "seller deleted\n";
std::string neroshop::Seller::list_item(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& description,
const std::vector<Attribute>& attributes,
const std::string& product_code,
int category_id,
const std::vector<int>& subcategory_ids,
const std::vector<std::string>& tags,
const std::vector<Image>& images,
unsigned int quantity,
double price,
const std::string& currency,
const std::string& condition,
const std::string& location,
unsigned int quantity_per_order
) const
// Transition from Sqlite to DHT:
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
// Create product object
const std::string listing_id = neroshop::uuid::generate();//std::cout << "listing id: " << listing_id << "\n";
const std::string product_id = listing_id;
Product product {
product_id, name, description, attributes,
product_code, static_cast<unsigned int>(category_id), subcategory_ids, tags,
// Create listing object
const std::string seller_id = get_id();//std::cout << "seller_id: " << seller_id << "\n";
std::string created_at = neroshop::timestamp::get_current_utc_timestamp();//std::cout << "created_at: " << created_at << "\n";
std::string signature = wallet->sign_message(listing_id, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);//std::cout << "signature: " << signature << "\n\n";
auto result = wallet->verify_message(listing_id, signature);
std::cout << "\033[1mverified: " << (result == 1 ? "\033[32mpass" : "\033[91mfail") << "\033[0m\n";
assert(result == true);
Listing listing { listing_id, product, seller_id,
quantity, price, currency,
condition, location, created_at, signature, quantity_per_order
auto data = Serializer::serialize(listing);
std::string key = data.first;
std::string value = data.second;//std::cout << "key: " << data.first << "\nvalue: " << data.second << "\n";
// Send put request to neighboring nodes (and your node too JIC)
std::string response;
client->put(key, value, response);
std::cout << "Received response (put): " << response << "\n";
// Return listing key
return key;
void neroshop::Seller::delist_item(const std::string& listing_key) {
// Transition from Sqlite to DHT:
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
// TODO: remove product from table cart_item, table images, table products, and table product_ratings as well
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(listing_key, response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
neroshop::print("set_stock_quantity: key is lost or missing from DHT", 1);
return; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, return
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "listing") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"listing\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; return; }
// Verify ownership
std::string seller_id = value_obj["seller_id"].get<std::string>();
if(seller_id != wallet->get_primary_address()) {
neroshop::print("delist_item: you cannot delist this since you are not the listing's creator", 1);
// Verify the signature
std::string listing_id = value_obj["id"].get<std::string>();
std::string old_signature = value_obj["signature"].get<std::string>();
bool self_verified = wallet->verify_message(listing_id, old_signature);
if(!self_verified) { neroshop::print("Data verification failed.", 1); return; }
// Might be a good idea to set the stock quantity to zero beforehand
value_obj["quantity"] = 0;
// Finally, set the expiration date
// But extend the expiration date to give enough time for all nodes in the network to update the listing in their hash tables
value_obj["expiration_date"] = neroshop::timestamp::get_utc_timestamp_after_duration(24, "hour");
// Re-sign to reflect the modification
std::string signature = wallet->sign_message(listing_id, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);
value_obj["signature"] = signature;
value_obj["last_updated"] = neroshop::timestamp::get_current_utc_timestamp();
// Send set request containing the updated value with the same key as before
std::string modified_value = value_obj.dump();
std::string response;
client->set(listing_key, modified_value, response);
std::cout << "Received response (set): " << response << "\n";
// the moment the seller logs in, they should be notified that they have a pending transaction from a customer
// and should respond swiftly
// if seller accepts the order, then an address will be generated from seller's wallet and sent to the customer
// if seller rejects the order, their stock_qty is increased by the failed order's qty
void neroshop::Seller::load_customer_orders() {
/*db::Sqlite3 db("neroshop.db");
if(!db.table_exists("order_item")) return; // seller has probably never received an order from a customer before
// check for orders made by customers
// get last inserted order item
int last_order_item = db.get_column_integer("order_item ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", "*");
// get all order_items
int customer_order_item_count = db.get_column_integer("order_item", "COUNT(*)", "seller_id = " + get_id());
//std::cout << "number of items that customers have ordered from you: " << customer_order_item_count << std::endl;
if(customer_order_item_count < 1) neroshop::print("No buyer has ordered an item from you yet");
if(customer_order_item_count > 0) {
for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= last_order_item; i++) {
//if order_item's order_id is duplicated, then it means there are multiple unique items in the order
unsigned int order_product_id = db.get_column_integer("order_item", "id", "id = " + std::to_string(i) + " AND seller_id = " + get_id());
if(order_product_id == 0) continue; // skip 0's
// get order_id of the order_item
unsigned int order_id = db.get_column_integer("order_item", "order_id", "id = " + std::to_string(i) + " AND seller_id = " + get_id());//if(order_id == 0) continue; // skip 0's
// store order_ids if not already stored
if(std::find(customer_order_list.begin(), customer_order_list.end(), order_id) == customer_order_list.end()) {
customer_order_list.push_back(order_id); //Order * order = new Order(order_id);//customer_order_list.push_back(order);
neroshop::print("Customer order (id: " + std::to_string(order_id) + ") has been loaded");
// get items in the order_item table
const std::string& product_id = db.get_column_integer("order_item", "product_id", "id = " + std::to_string(i) + " AND seller_id = " + get_id());
unsigned int item_qty = db.get_column_integer("order_item", "item_qty", "id = " + std::to_string(i) + " AND seller_id = " + get_id());
Product item(product_id); // item obj will die at the end of this scope
std::cout << "You've received an order (id: " << order_id << ") from a customer "
<< "containing items: " << item.get_name() << " (id: " << product_id << ", qty: " << item_qty << ")" << std::endl;
// postgresql
//database->connect("host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=neroshoptest");
// get number of order_items to be purchased by customers from this particular seller
int seller_customer_order_item_count = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM order_item WHERE seller_id = $1", { get_id() });
if(seller_customer_order_item_count < 1) {neroshop::print("No buyer has ordered an item from you yet"); return;}
// load customer orders
std::string command = "SELECT order_id FROM order_item WHERE seller_id = $1 ORDER BY order_id";
std::vector<const char *> param_values = { get_id().c_str() };
PGresult * result = PQexecParams(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), 1, nullptr,, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
neroshop::print("Seller::load_customer_orders(): No customer orders found", 2);
return; // exit so we don't double free "result"
int rows = PQntuples(result);
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
int order_id = std::stoi(PQgetvalue(result, i, 0));
// store order_ids if not already stored
if(std::find(customer_order_list.begin(), customer_order_list.end(), order_id) == customer_order_list.end()) {
customer_order_list.push_back(order_id); //Order * order = new Order(order_id);//customer_order_list.push_back(order);
neroshop::print("Customer order (id: " + std::to_string(order_id) + ") has been loaded");
// get items in the order_item table
const std::string& product_id = database->get_integer_params("SELECT product_id FROM order_item WHERE id = $1 AND seller_id = $2", { std::to_string(i), get_id() });
unsigned int item_qty = database->get_integer_params("SELECT item_qty FROM order_item WHERE id = $1 AND seller_id = $2", { std::to_string(i), get_id() });
Product item(product_id); // item obj will die at the end of this scope
std::cout << "You've received an order (id: " << order_id << ") from a customer "
<< "containing items: " << item.get_name() << " (id: " << product_id << ", qty: " << item_qty << ")" << std::endl;
#endif */
} //database->get_integer_params("SELECT product_id FROM order_item WHERE id = $1 AND seller_id = $2", { std::to_string(i), get_id() });
void neroshop::Seller::update_customer_orders() { // this function is faster (I think) than load_customer_orders()
//database->connect("host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=neroshoptest");
//customer_order_list.clear(); // No need to clear customer_orders since it only inserts unique order_ids, so it will not take any duplicates
std::string command = "SELECT order_id FROM order_item WHERE seller_id = $1";
std::vector<const char *> param_values = { get_id().c_str() };
PGresult * result = PQexecParams(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), 1, nullptr,, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
neroshop::print("Seller::update_customer_orders(): No customer orders found", 2);
return; // exit so we don't double free "result" or double close the database
int rows = PQntuples(result);
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
int customer_order_id = std::stoi(PQgetvalue(result, i, 0));
// store order_ids if not already stored (does NOT store duplicates)
if(std::find(customer_order_list.begin(), customer_order_list.end(), customer_order_id) == customer_order_list.end()) {
// check if order is a pending order
bool is_pending = database->get_integer_params("SELECT id FROM orders WHERE id = $1 AND status = $2", { std::to_string(customer_order_id), "Pending" });
if(is_pending) {
std::cout << "You have received a new customer order (status: PENDING)" << std::endl; // for terminal
neroshop::Message::get_first()->set_text("You have received a new customer order (status: PENDING)");//\n Do you wish to proceed with this order?");
// maybe send the seller an email as well? :O
// Do you wish to process this order?
// [accept] [decline]
// box text
//int vertical_padding = 20; // top and bottom padding
neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_label(0)->set_relative_position((neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_width() / 2) - (neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_label(0)->get_string().length() * 10/*neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_label(0)->get_width()*/ / 2), ((neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_height() - 10/*neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_label(0)->get_height()*/) / 2) - 20); // 50=label_rel_y_pos
// box buttons - CRASH SITE
Button * button0 = neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_button(0);
Button * button1 = neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_button(1);
button1->set_text("Decline");//Decline//Refuse//Ignore//Reject//Forget//Mark as read
// the height of the msgbox almost NEVER changes, only its width
int button_gap = 10; // the space between button0 and button1
button0->set_relative_position((neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_width() / 2) - (button0->get_width() / 2) - ((button1->get_width() + button_gap) / 2), neroshop::Message::get_first()->get_height() - button0->get_height() - 20);//20 = bottom_padding
button1->set_relative_position(button0->get_relative_x() + button0->get_width() + button_gap, button0->get_relative_y());
button0->set_color(0, 107, 61, 1.0);//(99, 151, 84, 1.0);//
button1->set_color(214, 31, 31, 1.0);//(224, 60, 50, 1.0);//
// Supply a subaddress or generate a unique subaddress from your wallet (for receiving funds from the customer)
// BUT if a seller supplies an address, then he/she will not receive the notification that they've received a deposit of x amount of xmr into their wallet
//[supply address] [generate]
// if no, then seller must supply a unique subaddress
////if(!monero_utils::is_valid_address(random_subaddress, monero_network_type::STAGENET)) {
// neroshop::print(random_subaddress + " is not a valid address", 1);
// if yes then a unique subaddress will be generated from your wallet for receiving funds from the customer
// if user chooses to generate a unique subaddress:
if(has_wallet_synced()) {
std::string subaddress;
neroshop::print("generated unique subaddress: " + subaddress);
// add the address to the seller's address book so they know which order the address belongs
////wallet->address_book_add(subaddress, "For customer order with id: " + std::to_string(customer_order_id));
// if not connected to daemon or remote node, print "You cannot generate unless you connect to a node"
// if no then you can retrieve your stock back
// store order
PQclear(result); // free result
// setters - item and inventory-related stuff
void neroshop::Seller::set_stock_quantity(const std::string& listing_key, int quantity) {
// Transition from Sqlite to DHT:
Client * client = Client::get_main_client();
// Get the value of the corresponding key from the DHT
std::string response;
client->get(listing_key, response); // TODO: error handling
std::cout << "Received response (get): " << response << "\n";
// Parse the response
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if(json.contains("error")) {
neroshop::print("set_stock_quantity: key is lost or missing from DHT", 1);
return; // Key is lost or missing from DHT, return
const auto& response_obj = json["response"];
if (response_obj.contains("value") && response_obj["value"].is_string()) {
const auto& value = response_obj["value"].get<std::string>();
nlohmann::json value_obj = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
assert(value_obj.is_object());//std::cout << value_obj.dump(4) << "\n";
std::string metadata = value_obj["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if (metadata != "listing") { std::cerr << "Invalid metadata. \"listing\" expected, got \"" << metadata << "\" instead\n"; return; }
// Verify ownership of the data (listing)
std::string seller_id = value_obj["seller_id"].get<std::string>();
if(seller_id != wallet->get_primary_address()) {
neroshop::print("set_stock_quantity: you cannot modify this listing since you are not the listing's creator", 1);
// Verify the signature
std::string listing_id = value_obj["id"].get<std::string>();
std::string old_signature = value_obj["signature"].get<std::string>();
bool self_verified = wallet->verify_message(listing_id, old_signature);
if(!self_verified) { neroshop::print("Data verification failed.", 1); return; }
// Finally, modify the quantity
value_obj["quantity"] = quantity;
// Re-sign to reflect the modification
std::string signature = wallet->sign_message(listing_id, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);
value_obj["signature"] = signature;
// Add a last_modified or last_updated field so nodes can compare dates and choose the most recent listing
value_obj["last_updated"] = neroshop::timestamp::get_current_utc_timestamp();
// Send set request containing the updated value with the same key as before
std::string modified_value = value_obj.dump();
std::string response;
client->set(listing_key, modified_value, response);
std::cout << "Received response (set): " << response << "\n";
// getters - seller rating system
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_good_ratings() const {
/*db::Sqlite3 db("neroshop.db");
if(db.table_exists("seller_ratings")) {
unsigned int good_ratings_count = db.get_column_integer("seller_ratings", "COUNT(score)", "seller_id = " + get_id() + " AND score = " + std::to_string(1));
return good_ratings_count;
// postgresql
//database->connect("host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=neroshoptest");
if(!database->table_exists("seller_ratings")) { return 0;}
unsigned int good_ratings_count = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(score) FROM seller_ratings WHERE seller_id = $1 AND score = $2", { get_id(), std::to_string(1) });
return good_ratings_count;
return 0;
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_bad_ratings() const {
/*db::Sqlite3 db("neroshop.db");
if(db.table_exists("seller_ratings")) {
unsigned int bad_ratings_count = db.get_column_integer("seller_ratings", "COUNT(score)", "seller_id = " + get_id() + " AND score = " + std::to_string(0));
return bad_ratings_count;
// postgresql
//database->connect("host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=neroshoptest");
if(!database->table_exists("seller_ratings")) { return 0;}
unsigned int bad_ratings_count = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(score) FROM seller_ratings WHERE seller_id = $1 AND score = $2", { get_id(), std::to_string(0) });
return bad_ratings_count;
return 0;
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_ratings_count() const {
/*db::Sqlite3 db("neroshop.db");
if(db.table_exists("seller_ratings")) {
unsigned int ratings_count = db.get_column_integer("seller_ratings", "COUNT(*)", "seller_id = " + get_id());
return ratings_count;
// postgresql
//database->connect("host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=neroshoptest");
if(!database->table_exists("seller_ratings")) { return 0;}
unsigned int ratings_count = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seller_ratings WHERE seller_id = $1", { get_id() });
return ratings_count;
return 0;
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_total_ratings() const {
return get_ratings_count();
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_reputation() const {
/*neroshop::db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
// Get seller reputation as percentage
unsigned int ratings_count = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seller_ratings WHERE seller_id = $1", { get_id() });
if(ratings_count == 0) return 0; // seller has not yet been rated so his or her reputation will be 0%
// Get seller's good (positive) ratings
unsigned int good_ratings = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(score) FROM seller_ratings WHERE seller_id = $1 AND score = $2", { get_id(), std::to_string(1) });
// Calculate seller reputation
double reputation = (good_ratings / static_cast<double>(ratings_count)) * 100;
return static_cast<int>(reputation); // convert reputation to an integer (for easier readability)*/
return 0;
std::vector<unsigned int> neroshop::Seller::get_top_rated_sellers(unsigned int limit) {
// get n seller_ids with the most positive (good) ratings
// ISSUE: both seller_4 and seller_1 have the same number of 1_score_values but seller_1 has the highest reputation and it places seller_4 first [solved - by using reputation in addition]
std::string command = "SELECT FROM users JOIN seller_ratings ON = seller_ratings.seller_id WHERE score = 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY COUNT(score) DESC LIMIT $1;";
std::vector<const char *> param_values = { std::to_string(limit).c_str() };
PGresult * result = PQexecParams(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), 1, nullptr,, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
neroshop::print("Seller::get_top_rated_sellers(): No sellers found", 2);
return {}; // exit so that we don't double free "result"
int rows = PQntuples(result);
std::vector<unsigned int> top_rated_seller_ids = {};
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
int seller_id = std::stoi(PQgetvalue(result, i, 0));
// calculate the reputation of each seller_id
unsigned int ratings_count = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seller_ratings WHERE seller_id = $1", { std::to_string(seller_id) });
if(ratings_count == 0) continue; // seller has not yet been rated so his or her reputation will be 0%. Skip this seller
int good_ratings = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(score) FROM seller_ratings WHERE seller_id = $1 AND score = $2", { std::to_string(seller_id), std::to_string(1) });
double reputation = (good_ratings / static_cast<double>(ratings_count)) * 100;
// store the top rated seller_ids (only if they have a certain high reputation)
if(reputation >= 90) { // a reputation of 90 and above makes you a top rated seller (maybe I will reduce it to 85 just to be more fair or nah)
if(std::find(top_rated_seller_ids.begin(), top_rated_seller_ids.end(), seller_id) != top_rated_seller_ids.end()) std::cout << "top rated sellers: " << seller_id << " (reputation: " << static_cast<int>(reputation) << ")" << std::endl;
PQclear(result); // free result
// get n seller_ids with the least negative (bad) reviews
// amongst the sellers with the most positive (good) reviews
// "SELECT, COUNT(score) AS bad_ratings_count FROM users JOIN seller_ratings ON = seller_ratings.seller_id WHERE score = 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY COUNT(score) ASC;"
// ...
return top_rated_seller_ids;
return {};
// getters - order-related stuff
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_customer_order(unsigned int index) const {
if(customer_order_list.empty()) return 0;//return nullptr;
if(index > (customer_order_list.size() - 1)) throw std::out_of_range("neroshop::Seller::get_customer_order(): attempt to access invalid index");
return customer_order_list[index];
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_customer_order_count() const {
return customer_order_list.size();
std::vector<int> neroshop::Seller::get_pending_customer_orders() {
std::vector<int> pending_order_list;
//database->connect("host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=neroshoptest");
// update customer_order_list (by adding any new orders or orders that have not yet been added)
// now lets get all the pending orders from the UPDATED customer_order_list
std::string pending_order_msg = "Pending orders awaiting seller approval: (ids: ";
for(int i = 0; i < customer_order_list.size(); i++) {
int pending_orders = database->get_integer_params("SELECT id FROM orders WHERE id = $1 AND status = $2", { std::to_string(customer_order_list[i]), "Pending" });
if(pending_orders != 0) {
// gather ids of pending_orders
pending_order_msg += std::to_string(pending_orders) + "; ";
pending_order_msg = neroshop::string::remove_last_of(pending_order_msg, "; ");
std::cout << pending_order_msg << std::endl;
// notify seller of a pending customer order
/*if(pending_order_list.size() > 0) {
Message::get_first()->set_text("You have " + std::to_string(pending_order_list.size()) + " pending customer orders");//\n Do you wish to proceed with this order?");
//neroshop::Message message("You have " + std::to_string(pending_order_list.size()) + " pending customer orders");
// Do you wish to process this order?
// [accept] [decline]
// Supply a subaddress or generate a unique subaddress from your wallet (for receiving funds from the customer)
// if yes then a unique subaddress will be generated from your wallet for receiving funds from the customer
//[supply address] [generate]
// if not connected to daemon or remote node, print "You cannot generate unless you connect to a node"
// if no then you can retrieve your stock back
return pending_order_list;
return {};
// getters - sales and statistics-related stuff
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_products_count() const {
neroshop::db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
int products_listed = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(key) FROM mappings WHERE search_term = $1 AND content = 'listing';", { get_id() });
return products_listed;
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_sales_count() const {
// should item not be considered sold until the order is done processing or nah ?
int items_sold = database->get_integer_params("SELECT SUM(item_qty) FROM order_item WHERE seller_id = $1;", { get_id() });
return items_sold;
return 0;
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_units_sold(const std::string& product_id) const {
int units_sold = database->get_integer_params("SELECT SUM(item_qty) FROM order_item WHERE product_id = $1 AND seller_id = $2", { product_id, get_id() });
return units_sold;
return 0;
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_units_sold(const neroshop::Product& item) const {
return get_units_sold(item.get_id());
double neroshop::Seller::get_sales_profit() const {
double profit_from_sales = database->get_real_params("SELECT SUM(item_price * item_qty) FROM order_item WHERE seller_id = $1;", { get_id() });//neroshop::print("The overall profit made from all sales combined is: $" + std::to_string(profit_from_sales), 3);
return profit_from_sales;
return 0.0;
double neroshop::Seller::get_profits_made(const std::string& product_id) const {
double item_profits = database->get_real_params("SELECT SUM(item_price * item_qty) FROM order_item WHERE product_id = $1 AND seller_id = $2;", { product_id, get_id() });//std::string item_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT name FROM item WHERE id = $1", { product_id });neroshop::print("The overall profit made from \"" + item_name + "\" is: $" + std::to_string(item_profits), 3);
return item_profits;
return 0.0;
double neroshop::Seller::get_profits_made(const neroshop::Product& item) const {
return get_profits_made(item.get_id());
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_product_id_with_most_sales() const { // this function is preferred over the "_by_mode" version as it provides the most accurate best-selling product_id result
// get the item with the biggest quantity sold (returns multiple results but I've limited it to 1)
int item_with_biggest_qty = database->get_integer_params("SELECT product_id FROM order_item WHERE seller_id = $1 GROUP BY product_id ORDER BY SUM(item_qty) DESC LIMIT 1;", { get_id() }); // from the biggest to smallest sum of item_qty
std::string item_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT name FROM item WHERE id = $1", { std::to_string(item_with_biggest_qty) });
neroshop::print("\"" + item_name + "\" is your best-selling item with a sale of " + std::to_string(get_units_sold(item_with_biggest_qty)) + " units", 3);
return item_with_biggest_qty;
return 0;
unsigned int neroshop::Seller::get_product_id_with_most_orders() const {
// get the item with the most occurences in all orders - if two items are the most occuring then it will select the lowest product_id of the two (unless I add DESC)
int item_with_most_occurrences = database->get_integer_params("SELECT MODE() WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY product_id) FROM order_item WHERE seller_id = $1;", { get_id() });
std::string item_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT name FROM item WHERE id = $1", { std::to_string(item_with_most_occurrences) });
int times_occured = database->get_integer_params("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM order_item WHERE product_id = $1 AND seller_id = $2;", { std::to_string(item_with_most_occurrences), get_id() });
neroshop::print("\"" + item_name + "\" is your most ordered item occuring a total of " + std::to_string(times_occured) + " times in all orders", 2);
return item_with_most_occurrences;
return 0;
// boolean
bool neroshop::Seller::has_listed(const std::string& product_id) const {
bool listed = (database->get_text_params("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT product_id FROM inventory WHERE product_id = $1 AND seller_id = $2);", { product_id, get_id() }) == "t") ? true : false;
return listed;
return false;
bool neroshop::Seller::has_listed(const neroshop::Product& item) const {
return has_listed(item.get_id());
bool neroshop::Seller::has_stock(const std::string& product_id) const {
bool in_stock = (database->get_text_params("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT product_id FROM inventory WHERE product_id = $1 AND seller_id = $2 AND stock_qty > 0);", { product_id, get_id() }) == "t") ? true : false;
return in_stock;
return false;
bool neroshop::Seller::has_stock(const neroshop::Product& item) const {
return has_stock(item.get_id());
// callbacks
neroshop::User * neroshop::Seller::on_login(const neroshop::Wallet& wallet) { // assumes user data already exists in database
std::string monero_primary_address = wallet.get_primary_address();
if(!wallet.is_valid_address(monero_primary_address)) {
neroshop::print("Invalid monero address");
return nullptr;
// create a new user (seller)
neroshop::User * user = new Seller();
// set user properties retrieved from database
dynamic_cast<Seller *>(user)->set_logged(true); // protected, so can only be accessed by child class obj
dynamic_cast<Seller *>(user)->set_id(monero_primary_address);
dynamic_cast<Seller *>(user)->set_wallet(wallet);
dynamic_cast<Seller *>(user)->set_account_type(UserAccountType::Seller);
/*// load orders
dynamic_cast<Seller *>(user)->load_orders();*/
// load wishlists
dynamic_cast<Seller *>(user)->load_favorites();
/*// load customer_orders
static_cast<Seller *>(user)->load_customer_orders();*/
// Load cart (into memory)
return user;
void neroshop::Seller::on_order_received(std::string& subaddress) {
if(!wallet.get()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet has not been initialized");
if(!wallet->get_monero_wallet()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
// TODO: check if order type is a direct pay/no escrow before generating a new subaddress
// if wallet is not properly synced with the daemon, you can only generate used addresses
// unless wallet is synced to a daemon, you will not be able to generate any unique addresses
if(!wallet->get_monero_wallet()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon"); // Indicates if the wallet is synced with the daemon.
// generate 10 new subaddress after each order (just to be sure there are enough unused subaddresses to choose from)
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) wallet->address_new();
// get a list of all unused subaddresses
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> unused_subaddress_list = wallet->get_addresses_unused(0);
// now pick from the list of unused subaddresses (random)
std::random_device rd; // Generating random numbers with C++11's random requires an engine and a distribution.
std::mt19937 mt(rd()); // This is an engine based on the Mersenne Twister 19937 (64 bits):
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(0, unused_subaddress_list.size() - 1);
subaddress = unused_subaddress_list[static_cast<int>(dist(mt))].m_address.get();
// copy random subaddress
std::cout << std::endl << "subaddress (random): " << subaddress << "\n";
// also, generate a qrcode too