You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

338 lines
15 KiB

#include "currency_converter.hpp"
// copied from price_api_factory.cpp
#include "coincodex/coincodex.hpp"
#include "coingecko/coingecko.hpp"
#include "coinmarketcap/coinmarketcap.hpp"
#include "cointelegraph/cointelegraph.hpp"
#include "cryptorank/cryptorank.hpp"
#include "cryptowatch/cryptowatch.hpp"
#include "fawazahmed0/fawazahmed0.hpp"
#include "kraken/kraken.hpp"
#include "../tools/logger.hpp"
#include "../tools/string.hpp"
#include "currency_map.hpp" // neroshop::CurrencyMap
std::string neroshop::Converter::json_string ("");
double neroshop::Converter::to_kg(double amount, const std::string& unit_name) {
if(neroshop::string::lower(unit_name) == "lb" || neroshop::string::lower(unit_name) == "lbs" || neroshop::string::lower(unit_name) == "pound") {return lb_to_kg(amount);}
return 0.0;
double neroshop::Converter::lb_to_kg(double lb) {
double lb2kg = 0.45359237; // 1 lb = 0.45359237 kg
return lb * lb2kg;
std::unique_ptr<neroshop::PriceApi> neroshop::Converter::make_price_source(PriceSource source)
switch (source) {
// Crypto Data Aggregators
case PriceSource::CoinMarketCap:
return std::make_unique<CoinMarketCapApi>();
case PriceSource::CoinGecko:
return std::make_unique<CoinGeckoApi>();
case PriceSource::CryptoWatch:
return std::make_unique<CryptoWatchApi>();
case PriceSource::CoinTelegraph:
return std::make_unique<CoinTelegraphApi>();
case PriceSource::CryptoRank:
return std::make_unique<CryptoRankApi>();
case PriceSource::CoinCodex:
return std::make_unique<CoinCodexApi>();
case PriceSource::Fawazahmed0:
return std::make_unique<Fawazahmed0CurrencyApi>();
// Exchanges
case PriceSource::Kraken:
return std::make_unique<KrakenApi>();
return nullptr;
double neroshop::Converter::get_price(neroshop::Currency from, neroshop::Currency to) {
const std::vector<neroshop::PriceSource> SOURCES_TO_USE{
// Exchanges
double price = 0.0;
for (const auto &source : SOURCES_TO_USE) {
auto price_source = make_price_source(source);
auto price_opt = price_source->price(from, to);
if(price_opt.has_value()) {
price = price_opt.value();//std::cout << "get_price result: " << price << "\n";
return price;
return 0.0;
double neroshop::Converter::convert_to_xmr(double amount, const std::string& currency) {
std::string map_key = neroshop::string::upper(currency);
if(neroshop::CurrencyMap.count(map_key) > 0) {
auto map_value = neroshop::CurrencyMap[map_key];
neroshop::Currency from_currency = std::get<0>(map_value);
double rate = neroshop::Converter::get_price(neroshop::Currency::XMR, from_currency); // 1 xmr = ? currency//std::cout << amount << " " << map_key << " is equal to " << neroshop::string::precision((amount / rate), 12) << " XMR\n";
return (amount / rate);
neroshop::print(neroshop::string::upper(currency) + " is not supported", 1);
return 0.0;
std::vector<std::string> neroshop::Converter::get_currency_list() {
std::vector<std::string> currency_list;
for (const auto& [key, value] : neroshop::CurrencyMap) {
return currency_list;
int neroshop::Converter::get_currency_decimals(const std::string& currency) {
auto map_key = neroshop::string::upper(currency);
// Check if key exists in std::map
if(neroshop::CurrencyMap.count(map_key) > 0) {
auto map_value = neroshop::CurrencyMap[map_key];
int decimal_places = std::get<2>(map_value);
return decimal_places;
return 2;
double neroshop::Converter::get_xmr_price(const std::string& currency) {
auto map_key = neroshop::string::upper(currency);
// Check if key exists in std::map
if(neroshop::CurrencyMap.count(map_key) > 0) {////if(neroshop::CurrencyMap.find(map_key) != neroshop::CurrencyMap.end()) {
auto map_value = neroshop::CurrencyMap[map_key];
neroshop::Currency preferred_currency = std::get<0>(map_value);
return neroshop::Converter::get_price(neroshop::Currency::XMR, preferred_currency);
neroshop::print(neroshop::string::upper(currency) + " is not supported", 1);
return 0.0;
std::string neroshop::Converter::get_currency_sign(const std::string& currency_code) {
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "usd") return "$";// or US$
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "eur") return "";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "jpy") return "¥";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "gbp") return "£";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "cad") return "$"; // or "$", "C$", "CA$", "CAD$";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "chf") return "CHF"; // does not have an actual sign so CHF is used
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "aud") return "$"; // or "$", "A$", "AUD$";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "cny") return "¥";//or "元"
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "sek") return "kr";// e.g 20 kr, 50 kr, 100 kr, etc.
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "nzd") return "$";// NZ$ or $
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "mxn") return "$";// MX$ or $
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "ngn") return "";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "ghs") return "";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "rub") return "₽‎";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "php") return "";
if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "inr") return "";
//if(neroshop::string::lower(currency_code) == "") return "";
return "";
} //
neroshop::Currency neroshop::Converter::get_currency_enum(const std::string& currency) {
auto map_key = neroshop::string::upper(currency);
if(neroshop::CurrencyMap.count(map_key) > 0) {
auto map_value = neroshop::CurrencyMap[map_key];
return std::get<0>(map_value);
return neroshop::Currency::USD;
bool neroshop::Converter::is_supported_currency(const std::string& currency_code) {
return (neroshop::CurrencyMap.count(neroshop::string::upper(currency_code)) > 0);
double neroshop::Converter::convert_xmr(double quantity, std::string currency, bool to) { //to: if we want currency->xmr (true) or rather xmr->currency (false)
#if !defined(NEROSHOP_USE_QT)
std::map<std::string, std::string> currency_to_id_coinmarketcap = {
{"usd", "2781"}, {"aud", "2782"}, {"cad", "2784"}, {"chf", "2785"}, {"cny", "2787"}, {"eur", "2790"},
{"gbp", "2791"}, {"jpy", "2797"}, {"mxn", "2799"}, {"nzd", "2802"}, {"sek", "2807"}, {"btc", "1"}, {"eth", "1027"},
}; //We can easily add new currencies, it must be added here in the coinmarketcap url that fetch usd prices
currency = neroshop::string::lower(currency);
//Definition of variables that will be used later
std::vector<double> prices;
double price;
nlohmann::json json_response;
std::string url;
std::string response;
std::map<std::string, double> currencies_in_usd;
url = ",2782,2784,2785,2787,2790,2791,2797,2799,2802,2807,1,1027&convertId=2781";
if (request(url)) {
response = get_json();
json_response = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
auto currencies = json_response["data"];
for (int i = 0; i<currencies.size(); i++) {
std::string name = neroshop::string::lower(currencies[i]["symbol"]);
currencies_in_usd[name] = currencies[i]["quotes"][0]["price"];
if (is_supported_currency(currency) && quantity >= 0) {
//From coingecko
url = "" + currency;
if (request(url)) {
response = get_json();
json_response = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
price = json_response["monero"][currency];
//From coinmarketcap
url = "" + currency_to_id_coinmarketcap[currency];
if (request(url)) {
response = get_json();
json_response = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
price = json_response["data"][0]["quotes"][0]["price"];
//From cryptowatch
url = "";
if (request(url)) {
response = get_json();
json_response = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
auto list_exchanges = json_response["result"]["rows"];
for (int i = 0; i<list_exchanges.size(); i++) { //Prices are in usd only so we need to convert it
price = list_exchanges[i]["lastPriceByAsset"]["usd"];
//From cointelegraph
url = "";
if (request(url)) {
response = get_json();
json_response = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
if (json_response["data"]["XMR"][neroshop::string::upper(currency)] != nullptr) {
price = json_response["data"]["XMR"][neroshop::string::upper(currency)]["price"];
} else {
price = (double)json_response["data"]["XMR"]["USD"]["price"]/currencies_in_usd[currency];
//From cryptorank
url = "";
if (request(url)) {
response = get_json();
json_response = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
double price_usd = json_response["data"]["price"]["USD"];
price = price_usd/currencies_in_usd[currency];
//From coincodex
url = "";
if (request(url)) {
response = get_json();
json_response = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
double price_usd = json_response["last_price_usd"];
price = price_usd/currencies_in_usd[currency];
//Final computation of the price
if (prices.size() > 0) { //Check if at least one request worked
double sum_price = 0;
for (double p : prices) {
sum_price += p;
price = sum_price/prices.size();
} else {
return -1;
if (to) {
return quantity/price;
} else {
return price*quantity;
return -1;
bool neroshop::Converter::request(const std::string& url)
#if !defined(NEROSHOP_USE_QT)
// parse raw json str
//std::string buffer;
CURL * curl = curl_easy_init();
long http_code = 0;
if(curl) {
CURLcode res;
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "curl/7.84.0-DEV"); //User aget needed for Cloudflare security from coinmarketcap
//curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); // opt - Don't bother trying IPv6, which would increase DNS resolution time.
//curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); // opt - don't wait forever, time out after 10 secs
//curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L); // opt follow https redirects if necessary
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, neroshop::Converter::write_callback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &neroshop::Converter::json_string);//&buffer);
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
//curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code); // opt
if(res != CURLE_OK) {
std::cerr << "curl_easy_perform() failed:" << curl_easy_strerror(res) << std::endl;
return false;
//if (http_code == 200) std::cout << "\nGot successful response from " << url << std::endl; // opt
else { std::cout << "Could not initialize curl" << std::endl; return false; }
return true;
std::string neroshop::Converter::get_json() // const; // returns whole json as a string
return json_string;
std::size_t neroshop::Converter::write_callback(char* in, std::size_t size, std::size_t num, std::string* out)
const std::size_t total_bytes = size * num;
if(total_bytes) {
out->append(in, total_bytes);
return total_bytes;
return 0;