You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1610 lines
72 KiB

#include "node.hpp"
#include "kademlia.hpp"
#include "../../crypto/sha3.hpp"
#include "../../crypto/rsa.hpp"
#include "routing_table.hpp"
#include "../transport/ip_address.hpp"
#include "../messages/msgpack.hpp"
#include "../../version.hpp"
#include "../../tools/base64.hpp"
#include "key_mapper.hpp"
#include "../../tools/string.hpp"
#include "../../tools/timestamp.hpp"
#include "../../database/database.hpp"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <utils/monero_utils.h>
#include <wallet/monero_wallet_full.h>
#include <cstring> // memset
#include <future>
#include <iomanip> // std::set*
#include <cassert>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <set>
namespace neroshop_crypto = neroshop::crypto;
namespace neroshop_timestamp = neroshop::timestamp;
namespace neroshop_string = neroshop::string;
neroshop::Node::Node(const std::string& address, int port, bool local) : sockfd(-1), bootstrap(false), check_counter(0) {
// Convert URL to IP (in case it happens to be a url)
std::string ip_address = neroshop::ip::resolve(address);
// Generate a random node ID - use public ip address for uniqueness
public_ip_address = (local) ? get_public_ip_address() : ip_address;
id = generate_node_id(public_ip_address, port);
memset(&storage, 0, sizeof(storage));
if(is_ipv4(ip_address)) storage.ss_family = AF_INET;
if(is_ipv6(ip_address)) storage.ss_family = AF_INET6;
// If this node is a local node that you own
if(local == true) {
// Create a UDP socket
sockfd = socket(storage.ss_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if(sockfd < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("::socket failed");
// set a timeout of TIMEOUT_VALUE seconds for recvfrom
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = NEROSHOP_DHT_QUERY_RECV_TIMEOUT; // timeout in seconds
tv.tv_usec = 0; // timeout in microseconds
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof(tv)) < 0) {
std::cerr << "Error setting socket options" << std::endl;
// Make sockfd non-blocking
int flags = fcntl(sockfd, F_GETFL, 0);
if(flags == -1) {
if(fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
// To avoid "bind" error and allow multiple nodes to run on the same IP address, we can use different port numbers for each local node we create
// Bind to port
int port_dynamic = port; // initial port number
const int MAX_PORT_NUM = 65535; // port cannot go past this number
bool use_ephemeral_port = false;
while(true) {
if(storage.ss_family == AF_INET) {
sockin = {0};//memset(&sockin, 0, sizeof(sockin)); // both approaches are valid, but memset is more reliable and portable
sockin.sin_family = storage.ss_family;
sockin.sin_port = htons(port_dynamic);//htons(std::stoi(std::to_string(port_dynamic))); // the second approach may be useful in cases where the port number is being manipulated as a string or integer elsewhere in the code
if(inet_pton(storage.ss_family, ip_address.c_str(), &sockin.sin_addr) <= 0) { //sockin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY) - binds to any available network interface // inet_addr(ip_address.c_str()) - binds to a specific ip // recommended to use inet_pton() over inet_addr() when working with networking in modern systems.
if(storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) {
memset(&sockin6, 0, sizeof(sockin6));
sockin6.sin6_family = storage.ss_family;
sockin6.sin6_port = htons(port_dynamic);
if(inet_pton(storage.ss_family, ip_address.c_str(), &sockin6.sin6_addr) <= 0) {
if(bind(sockfd, (storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) ? (struct sockaddr *)&sockin6 : (struct sockaddr *)&sockin, (storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) ? sizeof(sockin6) : sizeof(sockin)) == 0) {
// Update node ID in case the port ever changes
id = generate_node_id(public_ip_address, port_dynamic);
std::cout << "DHT node bound to port " << port_dynamic << std::endl;
std::cout << "Port " << port_dynamic << " already in use." << std::endl;
use_ephemeral_port = true;
if(use_ephemeral_port) {
// Bind to the ephemeral port number
sockin.sin_port = htons(0);
if(bind(sockfd, (storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) ? (struct sockaddr *)&sockin6 : (struct sockaddr *)&sockin, (storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) ? sizeof(sockin6) : sizeof(sockin)) == 0) {
// Get the actual port number used by the socket
struct sockaddr_in local_addr;
socklen_t local_addr_len = sizeof(local_addr);
getsockname(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&local_addr, &local_addr_len);
port_dynamic = ntohs(local_addr.sin_port);
// Generate new node ID with the ephemeral port number
id = generate_node_id(public_ip_address, port_dynamic);
std::cout << "DHT node bound to ephemeral port " << port_dynamic << std::endl;
// Use the next available port number
if (port_dynamic > MAX_PORT_NUM) {
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to bind to any available port.");
// Node is now bound to a unique port number
// If this is an external node that you do not own
if(local == false) {
sockfd = socket(storage.ss_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (sockfd < 0) {
// This socket is not meant to be bound to any port. It will only be used to retrieve the IP address and port number
if(storage.ss_family == AF_INET) {
memset(&sockin, 0, sizeof(sockin));
sockin.sin_family = storage.ss_family;
sockin.sin_port = htons(port);
if(inet_pton(storage.ss_family, ip_address.c_str(), &sockin.sin_addr) <= 0) {
if(storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) {
memset(&sockin6, 0, sizeof(sockin6));
sockin6.sin6_family = storage.ss_family;
sockin6.sin6_port = htons(port);
if(inet_pton(storage.ss_family, ip_address.c_str(), &sockin6.sin6_addr) <= 0) {
// Set socket options, such as timeout or buffer size, if needed
// Create the routing table with an empty vector of nodes
if(!routing_table.get()) {
routing_table = std::make_unique<RoutingTable>(std::vector<Node*>{});
routing_table->my_node_id = this->id;
// Initialize key mapper
if(!key_mapper.get()) {
key_mapper = std::make_unique<KeyMapper>();
neroshop::Node::Node(Node&& other) noexcept
: id(std::move(,
// Reset the moved-from object's members to a valid state
other.sockfd = -1;
// ... reset other members ...
neroshop::Node::~Node() {
if(sockfd > 0) {
sockfd = -1;
std::string neroshop::Node::generate_node_id(const std::string& address, int port) {
// TODO: increase randomness by using a hardware identifier while maintaining a stable node id
std::string node_info = address + ":" + std::to_string(port);
std::string hash = neroshop_crypto::sha3_256(node_info);
return hash.substr(0, NUM_BITS / 4);
// Define the list of bootstrap nodes
std::vector<neroshop::Peer> bootstrap_nodes = {
////{"", NEROSHOP_P2P_DEFAULT_PORT}, // Uncomment to test on local network (you are allowed to create multiple separate daemon instances too)
void neroshop::Node::join() {
if(sockfd < 0) throw std::runtime_error("socket is dead");
// Bootstrap the DHT node with a set of known nodes
for (const auto& bootstrap_node : bootstrap_nodes) {
std::cout << "\033[35;1mJoining bootstrap node - " << bootstrap_node.address << ":" << bootstrap_node.port << "\033[0m\n";
// Ping each known node to confirm that it is online - the main bootstrapping primitive. If a node replies, and if there is space in the routing table, it will be inserted.
if(!ping(bootstrap_node.address, bootstrap_node.port)) {
std::cerr << "ping: failed to ping bootstrap node\n"; continue;
// Add the bootstrap node to routing table (optional)
auto seed_node = std::make_unique<Node>((bootstrap_node.address == "") ? this->public_ip_address : bootstrap_node.address, bootstrap_node.port, false);
Node& seed_node_ref = *seed_node; // take a reference to the Node object (to avoid segfault)
//routing_table->add_node(std::move(seed_node)); // seed_node becomes invalid after we move ownership to routing table so it cannot be used
// Send a "find_node" message to the bootstrap node and wait for a response message
auto nodes = send_find_node(this->id, (bootstrap_node.address == "") ? "" : seed_node_ref.get_ip_address(), seed_node_ref.get_port());//std::cout << "Sending find_node message to " << seed_node_ref.get_ip_address() << ":" << seed_node_ref.get_port() << "\n";
if(nodes.empty()) {
std::cerr << "find_node: No nodes found\n"; continue;
// Then add nodes to the routing table
for (auto& node : nodes) {
// Ping the received nodes first
std::string node_ip = (node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : node->get_ip_address();
if(!ping(node_ip, node->get_port())) {
continue; // Skip the node and continue with the next iteration
// Process the response and update the routing table if necessary
// Print the contents of the routing table
// TODO: create a softer version of the ping-based join() called join_insert() function for storing pre-existing nodes from local database
bool neroshop::Node::ping(const std::string& address, int port) {
// In a DHT network, new nodes usually ping a known bootstrap node to join the network. The bootstrap node is typically a well-known node in the network that is stable and has a high probability of being online. When a new node pings the bootstrap node, it receives information about other nodes in the network and can start building its routing table.
// Existing nodes usually ping the nodes closest to them in the keyspace to update their routing tables and ensure they are still live and responsive. In a distributed hash table, the closest nodes are determined using the XOR metric on the node IDs.
return send_ping(address, port);
std::vector<neroshop::Node*> neroshop::Node::find_node(const std::string& target_id, int count) const {
if(!routing_table.get()) {
return {};
// Get the nodes from the routing table that are closest to the target node
std::vector<Node*> closest_nodes = routing_table->find_closest_nodes(target_id, count);
return closest_nodes;
int neroshop::Node::put(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
// If data is a duplicate, skip it and return success (true)
if (has_key(key) && get(key) == value) {
std::cout << "Data already exists. Skipping ...\n";
return true;
if(!validate(key, value)) {
return false;
// If node has the key but the value has been altered, verify data integrity and ownership then update the data
if (has_key(key) && get(key) != value) {
std::cout << "Updating value for key (" << key << ") ...\n";
return set(key, value);
data[key] = value;
return has_key(key); // boolean
int neroshop::Node::store(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
return put(key, value);
std::string neroshop::Node::get(const std::string& key) const {
auto it = data.find(key);
if (it != data.end()) {
return it->second;
return "";
std::string neroshop::Node::find_value(const std::string& key) const {
return get(key);
int neroshop::Node::remove(const std::string& key) {
return (data.count(key) == 0); // boolean
void neroshop::Node::map(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
key_mapper->add(key, value);
int neroshop::Node::set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(value); // Already validated in put() so we just need to parse it without checking for errors
std::string current_value = get(key);
nlohmann::json current_json = nlohmann::json::parse(current_value);
// Verify that no immutable fields have been altered
std::string metadata = json["metadata"].get<std::string>();
if(metadata != current_json["metadata"].get<std::string>()) { std::cerr << "\033[91mMetadata mismatch\033[0m\n"; return false; } // metadata is immutable
if(metadata == "user") {
std::string user_id = json["monero_address"].get<std::string>();
if(user_id != current_json["monero_address"].get<std::string>()) { std::cerr << "\033[91mUser ID (Monero Primary Address) mismatch\033[0m\n"; return false; } // monero_address is immutable
if(metadata == "listing") {
std::string listing_uuid = json["id"].get<std::string>();
std::string seller_id = json["seller_id"].get<std::string>(); // seller_id (monero primary address)
if(listing_uuid != current_json["id"].get<std::string>()) { std::cerr << "\033[91mListing UUID mismatch\033[0m\n"; return false; } // id is immutable
if(seller_id != current_json["seller_id"].get<std::string>()) { std::cerr << "\033[91mSeller ID mismatch\033[0m\n"; return false; } // seller_id is immutable
if(metadata == "product_rating" || metadata == "seller_rating") {
std::string rater_id = json["rater_id"].get<std::string>(); // rater_id (monero primary address)
if(rater_id != current_json["rater_id"].get<std::string>()) { std::cerr << "\033[91mRater ID mismatch\033[0m\n"; return false; } // rater_id is immutable
// Make sure the signature has been updated (re-signed)
if (json.contains("signature")) {
std::string signature = json["signature"].get<std::string>();
if(signature == current_json["signature"].get<std::string>()) { std::cerr << "\033[91mSignature is outdated\033[0m\n"; return false; }
// No "last_updated" field found in the modified value, only the current value, discard the new value (its likely outdated) - untested
if(metadata != "message") { // messages cannot be updated
if(!json.contains("last_updated") && current_json.contains("last_updated")) {
std::cout << "Value for key (" << key << ") is already up to date" << std::endl;
return true;
// Compare "last_updated" field of modified value and current value - untested
if(json.contains("last_updated")) {
std::string last_updated = json["last_updated"].get<std::string>();
// Check if current value has a last_updated field too
if(current_json.contains("last_updated")) {
std::string current_last_updated = current_json["last_updated"].get<std::string>();
// Compare the new json's last_updated timestamp with the current json's own
// And choose whichever has the most recent timestamp then exit the function
std::string most_recent_timestamp = neroshop_timestamp::get_most_recent_timestamp(last_updated, current_last_updated);
// If this node has the up-to-date value, return true as there is no need to update
if(most_recent_timestamp == current_last_updated) {
std::cout << "Value for key (" << key << ") is already up to date" << std::endl;
return true;
// If current value does not have a last_updated field
// then it means it's probably outdated, so do nothing.
// It will be replaced with the new value at the end of the scope
data[key] = value;
return has_key(key); // boolean
void neroshop::Node::add_provider(const std::string& data_hash, const Peer& peer) {
// Check if the data_hash is already in the providers map
auto it = providers.find(data_hash);
if (it != providers.end()) {
// If the data_hash is already in the map, check for duplicates
for (const auto& existing_peer : it->second) {
if (existing_peer.address == peer.address && existing_peer.port == peer.port) {
// Peer with the same address and port already exists, so don't add it again
std::cout << "Provider (\033[36m" << peer.address + ":" + std::to_string(peer.port) << "\033[0m) for hash (" << data_hash << ") already exists" << std::endl;
// If the data_hash is already in the map, add the peer to the vector of peers
//std::cout << "Provider (\033[36m" << peer.address + ":" + std::to_string(peer.port) << "\033[0m) for hash (" << data_hash << ") has been added" << std::endl;
} else {
// If the data_hash is not in the map, create a new vector of peers and add the peer
providers.emplace(data_hash, std::vector<Peer>{peer});
//std::cout << "Provider (\033[36m" << peer.address + ":" + std::to_string(peer.port) << "\033[0m) for hash (" << data_hash << ") has been added (0)" << std::endl;
void neroshop::Node::remove_providers(const std::string& data_hash) {
// Find the data_hash entry in the providers map
auto it = providers.find(data_hash);
if (it != providers.end()) {
// If the data_hash exists, remove the entry from the map
void neroshop::Node::remove_provider(const std::string& data_hash, const std::string& address, int port) {
// Find the data_hash entry in the providers map
auto it = providers.find(data_hash);
if (it != providers.end()) {
// Iterate through the vector of providers for the data_hash
auto& peers = it->second;
for (auto peer_it = peers.begin(); peer_it != peers.end(); ) {
if (peer_it->address == address && peer_it->port == port) {
// If the address and port match, remove the provider from the vector
peer_it = peers.erase(peer_it);
} else {
// If the vector becomes empty after removing the provider, remove the entry from the map
if (peers.empty()) {
std::vector<neroshop::Peer> neroshop::Node::get_providers(const std::string& data_hash) const {
std::vector<Peer> peers = {};
// Check if data_hash is in providers
auto data_hash_it = providers.find(data_hash);
if (data_hash_it != providers.end()) {
// If data_hash is in providers, get the vector of peers
peers = data_hash_it->second;
return peers;
void neroshop::Node::persist_routing_table(const std::string& address, int port) {
if(!is_hardcoded()) return; // Regular nodes cannot run this function
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
if(!database->table_exists("routing_table")) { // or simply "nodes"
database->execute("CREATE TABLE routing_table("
"ip_address TEXT, port INTEGER, UNIQUE(ip_address, port));");
database->execute_params("INSERT INTO routing_table (ip_address, port) VALUES (?1, ?2);", { address, std::to_string(port) });
void neroshop::Node::rebuild_routing_table() {
if(!is_hardcoded()) return; // Regular nodes cannot run this function
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
if(!database->table_exists("routing_table")) {
return; // Table does not exist, exit function
// Prepare statement
std::string command = "SELECT ip_address, port FROM routing_table;";
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = nullptr;
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
std::cout << "\033[91msqlite3_prepare_v2: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())) << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// Check if there is any data returned by the statement
if(sqlite3_column_count(stmt) > 0) {
std::cout << "\033[35;1mRebuilding routing table from backup ...\033[0m" << std::endl;
// Get all table values row by row
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
std::string ip_address; int port = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++) {
std::string column_value = (sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i) == nullptr) ? "NULL" : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i));
if(column_value == "NULL") continue;
if(i == 0) ip_address = column_value;
if(i == 1) port = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i);//std::stoi(column_value);
if(port == 0) continue;
if(!ping((ip_address == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : ip_address, port)) {
std::cerr << "ping: failed to ping bootstrap node\n";
// Remove unresponsive nodes from database
database->execute_params("DELETE FROM routing_table WHERE ip_address = ?1 AND port = ?2", { ip_address, std::to_string(port) });
auto node = std::make_unique<Node>(ip_address, port, false);
if(!node->is_hardcoded()) {
// Finalize statement
std::vector<uint8_t> neroshop::Node::send_query(const std::string& address, uint16_t port, const std::vector<uint8_t>& message, int recv_timeout) {
// Step 2: Resolve the hostname and construct a destination address
struct addrinfo hints, *res;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = AF_INET; // use IPv4
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; // use UDP //SOCK_STREAM; // use TCP
if (getaddrinfo(address.c_str(), std::to_string(port ? port : NEROSHOP_P2P_DEFAULT_PORT).c_str(), &hints, &res) != 0) {
std::cerr << "Error resolving hostname" << std::endl; // probably the wrong family
return {};
if (res == NULL) {
std::cerr << "Error resolving hostname" << std::endl;
return {};
struct sockaddr_in dest_addr;
memset(&dest_addr, 0, sizeof(dest_addr));
dest_addr.sin_family = hints.ai_family;
memcpy(&dest_addr, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
// Step 3: Create a new socket descriptor and send the ping message to the server
// Note: This is a separate socket used for actively sending/receiving queries while the main socket, which is non-blocking is used for listening/responding to messages
int socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (socket_fd < 0) {
return {};
if (sendto(socket_fd/*sockfd*/,, message.size(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, sizeof(dest_addr)) < 0) {
return {};
// Set a timeout for the receive operation
// Note: Setting a timeout is better than setting the socket to non-blocking because if the socket is non-blocking then it will never receive the pong because it does not wait for the pong message so it fails immediately (returns immediately, regardless of whether data is available or not).
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = recv_timeout; // Timeout in seconds
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
if (setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) < 0) {
return {};
// Step 4: Receive the pong message from the server
std::vector<uint8_t> receive_buffer(NEROSHOP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE);
socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
int bytes_received = recvfrom(socket_fd/*sockfd*/,, receive_buffer.size(), 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, &fromlen);
if (bytes_received < 0) {
if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN) {
return {};
// No data available at the moment, you can handle it based on your needs
// For example, you can retry receiving or return an empty vector
return {};
return receive_buffer;
bool neroshop::Node::send_ping(const std::string& address, int port) {
// Create the ping message
std::string transaction_id = msgpack::generate_transaction_id();
nlohmann::json query_object;
query_object["tid"] = transaction_id;
query_object["query"] = "ping";
query_object["args"]["id"] = this->id;
int my_port = get_port();
if(my_port != NEROSHOP_P2P_DEFAULT_PORT) {
query_object["args"]["port"] = my_port; // for testing on local network. This cannot be removed since the two primary sockets used in the protocol have different ports with the "port" being the actual port
query_object["version"] = std::string(NEROSHOP_DHT_VERSION);
auto ping_message = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
auto receive_buffer = send_query(address, port, ping_message, NEROSHOP_DHT_PING_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT);
// Parse the pong message and extract the transaction ID and response fields
nlohmann::json pong_message;
try {
pong_message = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(receive_buffer);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Node \033[91m" << address << ":" << port << "\033[0m did not respond" << std::endl;
return false;
if (!pong_message.contains("response") || pong_message.contains("error")) {
std::cerr << "Received invalid pong message" << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "\033[32m" << pong_message.dump() << "\033[0m\n";
std::string received_transaction_id = pong_message["tid"].get<std::string>();
auto response_object = pong_message["response"];
std::string response_id = response_object["id"].get<std::string>();
// Check that the pong message corresponds to the ping message
if (received_transaction_id != transaction_id) {
std::cerr << "Received pong message with incorrect transaction ID" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<neroshop::Node>> neroshop::Node::send_find_node(const std::string& target_id, const std::string& address, uint16_t port) {
std::string transaction_id = msgpack::generate_transaction_id();
nlohmann::json query_object;
query_object["tid"] = transaction_id;
query_object["query"] = "find_node";
query_object["args"]["id"] = this->id;
query_object["args"]["target"] = target_id;
query_object["version"] = std::string(NEROSHOP_DHT_VERSION);
auto find_node_message = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
auto receive_buffer = send_query(address, port, find_node_message);
// Parse nodes message
nlohmann::json nodes_message;
try {
nodes_message = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(receive_buffer);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Node \033[91m" << address << ":" << port << "\033[0m did not respond" << std::endl;
return {};
std::cout << "\033[32m" << nodes_message.dump() << "\033[0m\n";
// Create node vector and store nodes from the message inside the vector
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Node>> nodes;
if (nodes_message.contains("response") && nodes_message["response"].contains("nodes")) {
for (auto& node_json : nodes_message["response"]["nodes"]) {
if (node_json.contains("ip_address") && node_json.contains("port")) {
std::string ip_address = node_json["ip_address"];
uint16_t port = node_json["port"];
auto node = std::make_unique<Node>(ip_address, port, false);
if (node->id != this->id && !routing_table->has_node(node->id)) { // add node to vector only if it's not the current node
return nodes;
int neroshop::Node::send_put(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
nlohmann::json query_object;
query_object["query"] = "put";
query_object["args"]["id"] = this->id;
query_object["args"]["key"] = key;
query_object["args"]["value"] = value;
query_object["version"] = std::string(NEROSHOP_DHT_VERSION);
// Determine which nodes get to put the key-value data in their hash table
std::vector<Node *> closest_nodes = find_node(key, NEROSHOP_DHT_REPLICATION_FACTOR); // 5=replication factor
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rng(rd());
std::shuffle(closest_nodes.begin(), closest_nodes.end(), rng);
// Keep track of the number of nodes to which put messages have been sent
size_t nodes_sent_count = 0;
std::unordered_set<Node*> sent_nodes;
std::unordered_set<Node*> failed_nodes;
// Send put message to the closest nodes
for(auto const& node : closest_nodes) {
std::string transaction_id = msgpack::generate_transaction_id();
query_object["tid"] = transaction_id; // tid should be unique for each put message
std::vector<uint8_t> put_message = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
std::string node_ip = (node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : node->get_ip_address();
int node_port = node->get_port();
std::cout << "Sending put request to \033[36m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m\n";
auto receive_buffer = send_query(node_ip, node_port, put_message);
// Process the response here
nlohmann::json put_response_message;
try {
put_response_message = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(receive_buffer);
add_provider(key, { node->get_ip_address(), node_port });
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Node \033[91m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m did not respond" << std::endl;
node->check_counter += 1;
continue; // Continue with the next closest node if this one fails
// Add the node to the sent_nodes set
// Show response and increase count
std::cout << ((put_response_message.contains("error")) ? ("\033[91m") : ("\033[32m")) << put_response_message.dump() << "\033[0m\n";
// Handle the case when there are fewer closest nodes than NEROSHOP_DHT_REPLICATION_FACTOR - this most likely means that there are not enough nodes in the network
if (closest_nodes.size() < NEROSHOP_DHT_REPLICATION_FACTOR) return nodes_sent_count;
// If the desired number of nodes is not reached due to non-responses, replace failed nodes with new nodes and continue sending put messages
if (nodes_sent_count < NEROSHOP_DHT_REPLICATION_FACTOR) {
size_t remaining_nodes = NEROSHOP_DHT_REPLICATION_FACTOR - nodes_sent_count;
std::cout << "Nodes remaining: " << remaining_nodes << " out of " << NEROSHOP_DHT_REPLICATION_FACTOR << "\n";
std::cout << "Routing table total node count: " << routing_table->get_node_count() << "\n";
std::vector<Node*> all_nodes = find_node(key, routing_table->get_node_count());
std::vector<Node*> replacement_nodes;
// Iterate over all the nodes in the routing table
for (const auto& node : all_nodes) {
if (std::find(closest_nodes.begin(), closest_nodes.end(), node) == closest_nodes.end() &&
std::find(failed_nodes.begin(), failed_nodes.end(), node) == failed_nodes.end() &&
sent_nodes.find(node) == sent_nodes.end()) {
if (replacement_nodes.size() < remaining_nodes) {
// Handle the case where there are not enough replacement nodes available
std::cerr << "Not enough replacement nodes available.\n";
} else {
// Select the required number of replacement nodes
// Send put messages to the replacement nodes
for (const auto& replacement_node : replacement_nodes) {
std::string transaction_id = msgpack::generate_transaction_id();
query_object["tid"] = transaction_id;
std::vector<uint8_t> put_message = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
std::string node_ip = (replacement_node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : replacement_node->get_ip_address();
int node_port = replacement_node->get_port();
std::cout << "Sending put request to \033[36m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m\n";
auto receive_buffer = send_query(node_ip, node_port, put_message);
// Process the response and update the nodes_sent_count and sent_nodes accordingly
nlohmann::json put_response_message;
try {
put_response_message = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(receive_buffer);
add_provider(key, { replacement_node->get_ip_address(), node_port });
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Node \033[91m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m did not respond" << std::endl;
replacement_node->check_counter += 1;
continue; // Continue with the next replacement node if this one fails
// Show response and increase count
std::cout << ((put_response_message.contains("error")) ? ("\033[91m") : ("\033[32m")) << put_response_message.dump() << "\033[0m\n";
return nodes_sent_count;
int neroshop::Node::send_store(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
return send_put(key, value);
std::string neroshop::Node::send_get(const std::string& key) {
std::string value;
nlohmann::json query_object;
query_object["query"] = "get";
query_object["args"]["id"] = this->id;
query_object["args"]["key"] = key;
query_object["version"] = std::string(NEROSHOP_DHT_VERSION);
std::vector<uint8_t> get_message = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
std::vector<Node *> closest_nodes = find_node(key, NEROSHOP_DHT_MAX_CLOSEST_NODES);
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rng(rd());
std::shuffle(closest_nodes.begin(), closest_nodes.end(), rng);
// First, check to see if we have the key before performing any other operations
if(has_key(key)) return find_value(key);
// Send get message to the closest nodes
for(auto const& node : closest_nodes) {
if (node->get_status() != NodeStatus::Active) { continue; } // ignore idle nodes
std::string transaction_id = msgpack::generate_transaction_id();
query_object["tid"] = transaction_id; // tid should be unique for each get message
std::vector<uint8_t> get_message = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
std::string node_ip = (node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : node->get_ip_address();
int node_port = node->get_port();
std::cout << "Sending get request to \033[36m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m\n";
auto receive_buffer = send_query(node_ip, node_port, get_message, 2);
// Process the response here
nlohmann::json get_response_message;
try {
get_response_message = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(receive_buffer);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Node \033[91m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m did not respond" << std::endl;
node->check_counter += 1;
continue; // Continue with the next closest node if this one fails
// Show response and handle the retrieved value
std::cout << ((get_response_message.contains("error")) ? ("\033[91m") : ("\033[32m")) << get_response_message.dump() << "\033[0m\n";
if(get_response_message.contains("error")) {
continue; // Skip if error
if (get_response_message.contains("response") && get_response_message["response"].contains("value")) {
std::string retrieved_value = get_response_message["response"]["value"].get<std::string>();
if (!retrieved_value.empty()) {
value = retrieved_value;
break; // Exit the loop if a value is found
return value;
std::string neroshop::Node::send_find_value(const std::string& key) {
return send_get(key);
void neroshop::Node::send_remove(const std::string& key) {
nlohmann::json query_object;
query_object["query"] = "remove";
query_object["args"]["key"] = key;
query_object["version"] = std::string(NEROSHOP_DHT_VERSION);
// TODO: this should only work on expired data!!!
std::vector<Node *> closest_nodes = find_node(key, NEROSHOP_DHT_MAX_CLOSEST_NODES);
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rng(rd());
std::shuffle(closest_nodes.begin(), closest_nodes.end(), rng);
// Send remove query message to the closest nodes
for(auto const& node : closest_nodes) {
std::string transaction_id = msgpack::generate_transaction_id();
query_object["tid"] = transaction_id; // tid should be unique for each query
std::vector<uint8_t> remove_query = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
// Send remove query message
std::string node_ip = (node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : node->get_ip_address();
int node_port = node->get_port();
std::cout << "Sending remove request to \033[36m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m\n";
auto receive_buffer = send_query(node_ip, node_port, remove_query);
// Process the response here
nlohmann::json remove_response;
try {
remove_response = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(receive_buffer);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Node \033[91m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m did not respond" << std::endl;
node->check_counter += 1;
continue; // Continue with the next closest node if this one fails
// Show response
std::cout << ((remove_response.contains("error")) ? ("\033[91m") : ("\033[32m")) << remove_response.dump() << "\033[0m\n";
void neroshop::Node::send_map(const std::string& address, int port) {
nlohmann::json query_object;
query_object["query"] = "map";
query_object["args"]["id"] = this->id;
query_object["args"]["port"] = get_port(); // the port of the peer that is announcing itself (map will also be used to "announce" the peer or provider)
query_object["version"] = std::string(NEROSHOP_DHT_VERSION);
bool map_sent = false;
for (const auto& pair : data) {
const std::string& key = pair.first;
const std::string& value = pair.second;
query_object["args"]["key"] = key;
query_object["args"]["value"] = value;
std::string transaction_id = msgpack::generate_transaction_id();
query_object["tid"] = transaction_id; // tid should be unique for each map message
std::vector<uint8_t> map_message = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
auto receive_buffer = send_query(address, port, map_message);
// Process the response here
nlohmann::json map_response_message;
try {
map_response_message = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(receive_buffer);
map_sent = true;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Node \033[91m" << address << ":" << port << "\033[0m did not respond to send_map" << std::endl;
// Show response
std::cout << ((map_response_message.contains("error")) ? ("\033[91m") : ("\033[92m")) << map_response_message.dump() << "\033[0m\n";
if(map_sent && !data.empty()) std::cout << "\033[93mIndexing data distributed to " << address << ":" << port << "\033[0m\n";
std::vector<neroshop::Peer> neroshop::Node::send_get_providers(const std::string& data_hash) {
std::vector<neroshop::Peer> peers = {};
std::set<std::pair<std::string, uint16_t>> unique_peers; // Set to store unique IP-port pairs
nlohmann::json query_object;
query_object["query"] = "get_providers";
query_object["args"]["id"] = this->id;
query_object["args"]["data_hash"] = data_hash;
query_object["version"] = std::string(NEROSHOP_DHT_VERSION);
for (auto& bucket : routing_table->buckets) {
for (auto& node : bucket.second) {
if (node.get() == nullptr) continue;
if (node->get_status() != NodeStatus::Active) continue;
// Construct message with a unique tid
std::string transaction_id = msgpack::generate_transaction_id();
query_object["tid"] = transaction_id;
auto get_providers_query = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(query_object);
// Send get_providers query message to each node
std::string node_ip = (node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : node->get_ip_address();
int node_port = node->get_port();
std::cout << "Sending get_providers request to \033[36m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m\n";
auto receive_buffer = send_query(node_ip, node_port, get_providers_query);
// Process the response here
nlohmann::json get_providers_response;
try {
get_providers_response = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(receive_buffer);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Node \033[91m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m did not respond" << std::endl;
node->check_counter += 1;
continue; // Continue with the next node if this one fails
// Show response and handle the retrieved value
std::cout << ((get_providers_response.contains("error")) ? ("\033[91m") : ("\033[32m")) << get_providers_response.dump() << "\033[0m\n";
if(get_providers_response.contains("error")) {
continue; // Skip if error
if (get_providers_response.contains("response") && get_providers_response["response"].contains("peers")) {
for (auto& node_json : get_providers_response["response"]["peers"]) {
if (node_json.contains("ip_address") && node_json.contains("port")) {
std::string ip_address = node_json["ip_address"];
uint16_t port = node_json["port"];
// Check if the IP-port pair is already added
if (unique_peers.insert({ip_address, port}).second) {
Peer provider = Peer{ip_address, port};
return peers;
void neroshop::Node::republish() {
for (const auto& pair : data) {
const std::string& key = pair.first;
const std::string& value = pair.second;
send_put(key, value);
if(!data.empty()) std::cout << "\033[93mData republished\033[0m\n";
bool neroshop::Node::validate(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
assert(key.length() == 64 && "Key length is not 64 characters");
assert(!value.empty() && "Value is empty");
// Ensure that the value is valid JSON
nlohmann::json json;
try {
json = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
} catch (const nlohmann::json::parse_error& e) {
std::cerr << "JSON parsing error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return false; // Invalid value, return false
// Make sure value contains a valid metadata field
if(!json.contains("metadata")) {
std::cerr << "No metadata found\n";
return false;
std::string metadata = json["metadata"].get<std::string>();
std::vector<std::string> valid_metadatas = { "user","listing","product_rating","seller_rating","order","message", };
if (std::find(valid_metadatas.begin(), valid_metadatas.end(), metadata) == valid_metadatas.end()) {
std::cerr << metadata << " is not a VALID metadata\n";
return false;
// Verify the value using the signature field
if(!verify(value)) {
std::cerr << "Verification failed\n";
return false;
// Check whether data is expired so we don't store it
db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(json.contains("expiration_date")) {
std::string expiration_date = json["expiration_date"].get<std::string>();
if(neroshop_timestamp::is_expired(expiration_date)) {
// Remove the data from hash table if it was previously stored
if(has_key(key)) {
std::cout << "Data with key (" << key << ") has expired. Removing from hash table ...\n";
if(remove(key) == true) {
int error = database->execute_params("DELETE FROM mappings WHERE key = ?1", { key });
return false;
return true;
bool neroshop::Node::verify(const std::string& value) const {
nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(value);
// Get required fields from the value
std::string metadata = json["metadata"].get<std::string>();
std::string signed_message, signing_address;
if(metadata == "user") {
signed_message = json["monero_address"].get<std::string>(); // user_id
signing_address = signed_message; // the monero_address (monero primary address) is both the signed message and the signing address
if(metadata == "listing") {
signed_message = json["id"].get<std::string>(); // the id (uuid) is the signed message
signing_address = json["seller_id"].get<std::string>(); // the seller_id (monero primary address) is the signing address
if(metadata == "product_rating" || metadata == "seller_rating") {
signed_message = json["comments"].get<std::string>(); // the comments is the signed message
signing_address = json["rater_id"].get<std::string>(); // the rater_id (monero primary address) is the signing address
// Messages and orders don't need to be signed since they will be encrypted??
if(metadata == "order") { return true; }
if(metadata == "message") { return true; }
std::string signature;
if (json.contains("signature")) {
signature = json["signature"].get<std::string>(); // the signature may have been updated
// Validate signing address and signature
auto network_type = monero_network_type::STAGENET;
if(!monero_utils::is_valid_address(signing_address, network_type)) {
std::cerr << "Invalid signing address\n";
return false;
if(signature.length() != 93 || !neroshop_string::contains_first_of(signature, "Sig")) {
std::cerr << "Invalid signature\n";
return false;
// Verify the signed message
monero::monero_wallet_config wallet_config_obj;
wallet_config_obj.m_path = "";
wallet_config_obj.m_password = "";
wallet_config_obj.m_network_type = network_type;
std::unique_ptr<monero::monero_wallet_full> monero_wallet_obj = std::unique_ptr<monero_wallet_full>(monero_wallet_full::create_wallet (wallet_config_obj, nullptr));
bool verified = monero_wallet_obj->verify_message(signed_message, signing_address, signature).m_is_good;
if(!verified) {
std::cerr << "\033[91mMessage verification failed\033[0m" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
void neroshop::Node::periodic_refresh() {
while (true) {
// Acquire the lock before accessing the data
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> read_lock(node_read_mutex);
// Perform periodic republishing here
// This code will run concurrently with the listen/receive loop
if(!data.empty()) {
std::cout << "\033[34;1mPerforming periodic refresh\033[0m\n";
// read_lock is released here
// Sleep for a specified interval
void neroshop::Node::periodic_check() {
////std::vector<std::string> dead_node_ids {};
while(true) {
// Acquire the lock before accessing the routing table
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> read_lock(node_read_mutex);
// Perform periodic checks here
// This code will run concurrently with the listen/receive loop
for (auto& bucket : routing_table->buckets) {
for (auto& node : bucket.second) {
if (node.get() == nullptr) continue; // It's possible that the invalid node object is being accessed or modified by another thread concurrently, even though its already been removed from the routing_table
std::string node_ip = (node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : node->get_ip_address();
uint16_t node_port = node->get_port();
// Skip the bootstrap nodes from the periodic checks
if (node->is_hardcoded()) continue;
std::cout << "Performing periodic check on \033[34m" << node_ip << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m\n";
// Perform the liveness check on the current node
bool pinged = ping(node_ip, node_port);
// Update the liveness status of the node in the routing table
node->check_counter = pinged ? 0 : (node->check_counter + 1);
std::cout << "Health check failures: " << node->check_counter << (" (" + node->get_status_as_string() + ")") << "\n";
// If node is dead, remove it from the routing table
if(node->is_dead()) {
std::cout << "\033[0;91m" << node->public_ip_address << ":" << node_port << "\033[0m marked as dead\n";
if(routing_table->has_node(node->public_ip_address, node_port)) {
routing_table->remove_node(node->public_ip_address, node_port); // Already has internal write_lock
// read_lock is released here
// Clear the vector for the next iteration
// Sleep for a specified interval
/*bool neroshop::Node::on_keyword_blocked(const nlohmann::json& value) {
// Note: This code is in the testing stage
// Block certain keywords/search terms from listings
if(json["metadata"] == "listing") {
// Block categories marked as "Illegal"
if(json["product"]["category"] == "Illegal" ||
json["product"]["subcategory"] == "Illegal") {
std::cout << "Illegal product blocked\n";
return true; // The category is blocked, do not insert the data
// Block certain tags
std::vector<std::string> blocked_tags = { "heroin", "meth", "cp", "child porn" };
if(json["product"].contains("tags")) {
std::vector<std::string> product_tags = json["product"]["tags"].get<std::vector<std::string>>();
// Check if any of the product tags match the blocked tags
bool has_blocked_tag = std::any_of(product_tags.begin(), product_tags.end(), [&](const std::string& tag) {
return std::find(blocked_tags.begin(), blocked_tags.end(), tag) != blocked_tags.end();
// Print the result
if (has_blocked_tag) {
std::cout << "Product contains a blocked tag." << std::endl;
return true;
} else {
std::cout << "Product does not contain any blocked tags." << std::endl;
// Block other search terms
return false;
void neroshop::Node::on_ping(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer, const struct sockaddr_in& client_addr) {
if (buffer.size() > 0) {
nlohmann::json message = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(buffer);
if (message.contains("query") && message["query"] == "ping") {
std::string sender_id = message["args"]["id"].get<std::string>();
std::string sender_ip = inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr);
uint16_t sender_port = (message["args"].contains("port")) ? (uint16_t)message["args"]["port"] : NEROSHOP_P2P_DEFAULT_PORT;
bool node_exists = routing_table->has_node((sender_ip == "") ? this->public_ip_address : sender_ip, sender_port);
if (!node_exists) {
auto node_that_pinged = std::make_unique<Node>((sender_ip == "") ? this->public_ip_address : sender_ip, sender_port, false);
if(!node_that_pinged->is_hardcoded()) { // To prevent the bootstrap node from being stored in the routing table
routing_table->add_node(std::move(node_that_pinged)); // Already has internal write_lock
persist_routing_table((sender_ip == "") ? this->public_ip_address : sender_ip, sender_port);
// Redistribute your indexing data to the new node that recently joined the network to make product/service listings more easily discoverable by the new node
send_map((sender_ip == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : sender_ip, sender_port);
void neroshop::Node::on_map(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer, const struct sockaddr_in& client_addr) {
if (buffer.size() > 0) {
nlohmann::json message = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(buffer);
if (message.contains("query") && message["query"] == "map") {
std::string sender_id = message["args"]["id"].get<std::string>();
std::string sender_ip = inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr);
uint16_t sender_port = (message["args"].contains("port")) ? (uint16_t)message["args"]["port"] : NEROSHOP_P2P_DEFAULT_PORT;
std::string data_hash = message["args"]["key"].get<std::string>();
// Save this peer as the provider of this data hash
add_provider(data_hash, Peer{ (sender_ip == "") ? this->public_ip_address : sender_ip, sender_port });
/*void neroshop::Node::on_dead_node(const std::vector<std::string>& node_ids) {
for (const auto& dead_node_id : node_ids) {
//std::cout << "Processing dead node ID: " << dead_node_id << std::endl;
auto closest_nodes = find_node(dead_node_id, NEROSHOP_DHT_REPLICATION_FACTOR);
for (auto& routing_table_node : closest_nodes) {
if (routing_table_node == nullptr) continue;
std::string routing_table_node_ip = (routing_table_node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : routing_table_node->get_ip_address();
uint16_t routing_table_node_port = routing_table_node->get_port();
// Skip the bootstrap nodes (as they are not involved in the replacement of dead nodes)
if (routing_table_node->is_hardcoded()) continue;
// Send find_node to make up for dead nodes
auto nodes = send_find_node(dead_node_id, routing_table_node_ip, routing_table_node_port);
if(nodes.empty()) {
std::cerr << "find_node: No nodes found\n"; continue;
// Then add nodes to the routing table
for (auto node : nodes) {
if (node->get_id() == dead_node_id) continue; // ignore the dead node
// Ping the received nodes before adding them
std::string node_ip = (node->get_ip_address() == this->public_ip_address) ? "" : node->get_ip_address();
uint16_t node_port = node->get_port();
if(!ping(node_ip, node_port)) {
continue; // Skip the node and continue with the next iteration
// Update the routing table with the received nodes
if(!routing_table->has_node(node->public_ip_address, node_port)) {
void neroshop::Node::run() {
// Start a separate thread for periodic checks and republishing
std::thread periodic_check_thread([this]() { periodic_check(); });
std::thread periodic_refresh_thread([this]() { periodic_refresh(); });
while (true) {
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(NEROSHOP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE);
struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
socklen_t client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr);
int bytes_received = recvfrom(sockfd,, buffer.size(), 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &client_addr_len);
if (bytes_received == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) {
// No data available, continue loop
else if (bytes_received < 0) {
// Resize the buffer to the actual number of received bytes
if (buffer.size() > 0) std::cout << "Received request from \033[0;36m" << inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr) << "\033[0m\n";
// Create a lambda function to handle the request
auto handle_request_fn = [=]() {
// Acquire the lock before accessing the routing table
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> read_lock(node_read_mutex);
// Process the message
std::vector<uint8_t> response = neroshop::msgpack::process(buffer, *this, false);
// Send the response
int bytes_sent = sendto(sockfd,, response.size(), 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, client_addr_len);
if (bytes_sent < 0) {
// Add the node that pinged this node to the routing table
on_ping(buffer, client_addr);
// Add provider
on_map(buffer, client_addr);
// Create a detached thread to handle the request
std::thread request_thread(handle_request_fn);
// Wait for the periodic threads to finish
// This uses less CPU
void neroshop::Node::run_optimized() {
// Start a separate thread for periodic checks and republishing
std::thread periodic_check_thread([this]() { periodic_check(); });
std::thread periodic_refresh_thread([this]() { periodic_refresh(); });
while (true) {
fd_set read_set;
FD_SET(sockfd, &read_set);
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 100000; // Timeout of 100ms
int ready = select(sockfd + 1, &read_set, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout);
if (ready == -1) {
// Handle the error
// ...
} else if (ready == 0) {
// No data available within the timeout period, continue the loop
if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &read_set)) {
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(NEROSHOP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE);
struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
socklen_t client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr);
int bytes_received = recvfrom(sockfd,, buffer.size(), MSG_DONTWAIT,
(struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &client_addr_len);
if (bytes_received == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) {
// No data available, continue loop
else if (bytes_received < 0) {
if (bytes_received > 0) {
// Resize the buffer to the actual number of received bytes
if (buffer.size() > 0) std::cout << "Received request from \033[0;36m" << inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr) << "\033[0m\n";
// Create a lambda function to handle the request
auto handle_request_fn = [=]() {
// Acquire the lock before accessing the routing table
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> read_lock(node_read_mutex);
// Process the message
std::vector<uint8_t> response = neroshop::msgpack::process(buffer, *this, false);
// Send the response
int bytes_sent = sendto(sockfd,, response.size(), 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, client_addr_len);
if (bytes_sent < 0) {
// Add the node that pinged this node to the routing table
on_ping(buffer, client_addr);
// Add provider
on_map(buffer, client_addr);
// Create a detached thread to handle the request
std::thread request_thread(handle_request_fn);
// Wait for the periodic threads to finish
std::string neroshop::Node::get_id() const {
return id;
std::string neroshop::Node::get_ip_address() const {
const int ADDRSTRLEN = (storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) ? INET6_ADDRSTRLEN : INET_ADDRSTRLEN;
char ip_address[ADDRSTRLEN] = {0};
if(storage.ss_family == AF_INET) {
strcpy(ip_address, inet_ntoa(sockin.sin_addr));//std::string ip_address = inet_ntoa(sockin.sin_addr);
if(storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) {
inet_ntop(storage.ss_family, &(sockin6.sin6_addr), ip_address, ADDRSTRLEN);
return std::string(ip_address);
std::string neroshop::Node::get_local_ip_address() const {
return get_ip_address();
std::string neroshop::Node::get_device_ip_address() const {
std::future<std::string> result = std::async(std::launch::async, neroshop::get_device_ip_address);
return result.get();
std::string neroshop::Node::get_public_ip_address() const {
std::future<std::string> result = std::async(std::launch::async, neroshop::get_public_ip_address);
return result.get();
uint16_t neroshop::Node::get_port() const {
uint16_t port = 0;
if(storage.ss_family == AF_INET) {
port = ntohs(sockin.sin_port);
if(storage.ss_family == AF_INET6) {
port = ntohs(sockin6.sin6_port);
if(port == 0) {
// Get the actual port number used by the socket
struct sockaddr_in local_addr;
socklen_t local_addr_len = sizeof(local_addr);
getsockname(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&local_addr, &local_addr_len);
port = ntohs(local_addr.sin_port);
return port;
/*neroshop::Server * neroshop::Node::get_server() const {
return server.get();
neroshop::RoutingTable * neroshop::Node::get_routing_table() const {
return routing_table.get();
int neroshop::Node::get_peer_count() const {
return routing_table->get_node_count();
int neroshop::Node::get_active_peer_count() const {
int active_count = 0;
for (auto& bucket : routing_table->buckets) {
for (auto& node : bucket.second) {
if (node.get() == nullptr) continue;
if (node->get_status() == NodeStatus::Active) {
return active_count;
int neroshop::Node::get_idle_peer_count() const {
int idle_count = 0;
for (auto& bucket : routing_table->buckets) {
for (auto& node : bucket.second) {
if (node.get() == nullptr) continue;
if (node->get_status() == NodeStatus::Idle) {
return idle_count;
neroshop::NodeStatus neroshop::Node::get_status() const {
if(check_counter == 0) return NodeStatus::Active;
if(check_counter <= (NEROSHOP_DHT_MAX_HEALTH_CHECKS - 1)) return NodeStatus::Idle;
if(check_counter >= NEROSHOP_DHT_MAX_HEALTH_CHECKS) return NodeStatus::Inactive;
return NodeStatus::Inactive;
std::string neroshop::Node::get_status_as_string() const {
if(check_counter == 0) return "Active";
if(check_counter <= (NEROSHOP_DHT_MAX_HEALTH_CHECKS - 1)) return "Idle";
if(check_counter >= NEROSHOP_DHT_MAX_HEALTH_CHECKS) return "Inactive";
return "Unknown";
std::vector<std::string> neroshop::Node::get_keys() const {
std::vector<std::string> keys;
for (const auto& pair : data) {
return keys;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> neroshop::Node::get_data() const {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> data_vector;
for (const auto& pair : data) {
return data_vector;
/*const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& neroshop::Node::get_data() const {
return data;
bool neroshop::Node::has_key(const std::string& key) const {
return (data.count(key) > 0);
bool neroshop::Node::has_value(const std::string& value) const {
for (const auto& pair : data) {
if (pair.second == value) {
return true;
return false;
bool neroshop::Node::is_hardcoded(const std::string& address, uint16_t port) {
for (const auto& bootstrap_node : bootstrap_nodes) {
if (neroshop::ip::resolve(bootstrap_node.address) == address && bootstrap_node.port == port) {
return true;
return false;
bool neroshop::Node::is_hardcoded() const {
for (const auto& bootstrap_node : bootstrap_nodes) {
auto bootstrap_node_ip = neroshop::ip::resolve(bootstrap_node.address);
if (bootstrap_node_ip == this->public_ip_address
&& bootstrap_node.port == this->get_port()) {
return true;
if((bootstrap_node_ip == "" || bootstrap_node_ip == "")
&& bootstrap_node.port == NEROSHOP_P2P_DEFAULT_PORT
&& bootstrap_node.port == this->get_port()) { // For testing on localhost. Remove this soon!!
return true;
return false;
bool neroshop::Node::is_bootstrap_node() const {
return (bootstrap == true) || is_hardcoded();
bool neroshop::Node::is_dead() const {
return (check_counter >= NEROSHOP_DHT_MAX_HEALTH_CHECKS);
void neroshop::Node::set_bootstrap(bool bootstrap) {
this->bootstrap = bootstrap;