You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
4.0 KiB

#pragma once
#if defined(NEROSHOP_USE_QT)
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
#include "wallet_controller.hpp"
#include "../core/seller.hpp"////"../core/user.hpp"
namespace neroshop {
/* Q_NAMESPACE // required for meta object creation
enum InventorySorting {
SortNone = 0,
//TODO: productid, currency, location, color, size, weight, imagefilesize, desc
Q_ENUMS(InventorySorting) // register the enum in meta object data
class UserController : public QObject, public neroshop::Seller {
UserController(QObject *parent = nullptr);
Q_PROPERTY(neroshop::User* user READ getUser NOTIFY userChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(bool logged READ isUserLogged NOTIFY userLogged);
Q_PROPERTY(int productsCount READ getProductsCount NOTIFY productsCountChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(int cartQuantity READ getCartQuantity NOTIFY cartQuantityChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList inventory READ getInventory NOTIFY productsCountChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList inventoryInStock READ getInventoryInStock NOTIFY productsCountChanged);
//Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList inventoryDate READ getInventoryByDate NOTIFY productsCountChanged);
//Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList cart READ getCart NOTIFY cartQuantityChanged);
Q_INVOKABLE QString listProduct(
const QString& name,
const QString& description,
double weight,
const QList<QVariantMap>& attributes,
const QString& product_code,
int category_id,
int subcategory_id,
const QStringList& tags,
const QList<QVariantMap>& images,
int quantity,
double price,
const QString& currency,
const QString& condition,
const QString& location
Q_INVOKABLE void delistProduct(const QString& product_id);
Q_INVOKABLE void delistProducts(const QStringList& product_ids);
Q_INVOKABLE void addToCart(const QString& product_id, int quantity);
//Q_INVOKABLE void removeFromCart(const QString& product_id, int quantity);
Q_INVOKABLE void createOrder(const QString& shipping_address);
Q_INVOKABLE void rateItem(const QString& product_id, int stars, const QString& comments);//, const QString& signature);
Q_INVOKABLE void rateSeller(const QString& seller_id, int score, const QString& comments);//, const QString& signature);
Q_INVOKABLE void addToFavorites(const QString& listing_key);
Q_INVOKABLE void removeFromFavorites(const QString& listing_key);
Q_INVOKABLE bool hasFavorited(const QString& listing_key);
//Q_INVOKABLE void setID(const QString& id);
//Q_INVOKABLE void setWallet(neroshop::WalletController * wallet); // get the actual wallet from the controller then set it as the wallet
Q_INVOKABLE void uploadAvatar(const QString& filename);
Q_INVOKABLE bool exportAvatar();
Q_INVOKABLE QString getID() const;//Q_INVOKABLE neroshop::WalletController * getWallet() const;
Q_INVOKABLE int getProductsCount() const;
Q_INVOKABLE int getReputation() const;
//Q_INVOKABLE <type> <function_name>() const;
Q_INVOKABLE int getCartQuantity() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getInventory() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getInventoryInStock() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getInventoryByDate() const;
Q_INVOKABLE neroshop::User * getUser() const;
neroshop::Seller * getSeller() const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool isUserLogged() const;
//Q_INVOKABLE void onLogin();
friend class Backend;
void userChanged();
void userLogged();
void productsCountChanged();
void cartQuantityChanged();
std::unique_ptr<neroshop::User> _user;
//std::unique_ptr<neroshop::WalletController> wallet_controller;