You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

513 lines
29 KiB

#include "serializer.hpp"
#include "../../crypto/sha3.hpp"
//#include "../../crypto/rsa.hpp" // for signing and verifying data
#include "../../tools/string.hpp"
//#include "../../tools/base64.hpp"
#include "../../wallet.hpp"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
/** Thoughts and ideas: I think cart and wishlist data should be stored locally in the database file:
1. Data privacy: By storing cart and wishlist data locally, you can ensure that sensitive information is not shared across the network or exposed to unauthorized users. This can help to protect users' privacy and ensure that their data is secure.
2. Performance: Retrieving data from a local database file can be faster than accessing data stored in a DHT, since it does not require network communication. This can help to improve the performance of your application and provide a better user experience.
3. Ease of implementation: Storing data locally in a database file can be easier to implement and maintain than using a DHT. You can use a variety of database technologies and libraries to store and manage your data, and you may be able to take advantage of existing tools and frameworks to simplify development.
Yes, you are correct. In a DHT, it's important that the keys for storing and retrieving data are consistent with the key used for routing. The node ID is typically a cryptographic hash and is used for routing, so the key used for storing and retrieving data should also be a hash to ensure that the DHT functions properly.
In your case, if you want to use a UUID as the primary identifier for products, you could hash the UUID to generate a key that can be used in the DHT. Alternatively, you could include the UUID as a field within the product dictionary and hash the entire dictionary to generate the key for the DHT.
namespace neroshop_crypto = neroshop::crypto;
namespace neroshop_string = neroshop::string;
// both info hashes (keys) and node ids should use the same hash function to ensure that the distance metric used in the Kademlia routing table is consistent and nodes can effectively search for and store information. Additionally, it simplifies the implementation of the routing table and node lookup algorithms, as only one hash function needs to be used throughout the system.
std::pair<std::string, std::string/*std::vector<uint8_t>*/> neroshop::Serializer::serialize(const neroshop::Object& obj) {
nlohmann::json json_object = {};
if(std::holds_alternative<User>(obj)) {
const User& seller = std::get<User>(obj);
json_object["display_name"] = seller.get_name();
json_object["monero_address"] = seller.get_id(); // used as identifier
std::string public_key = seller.get_public_key();
if(!public_key.empty()) json_object["public_key"] = public_key;
//json_object["avatar"] = ; // TODO: Avatars
//json_object["signature"] = seller.get_wallet()->sign_message(user_id, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);
json_object["metadata"] = "user";
if(std::holds_alternative<Listing>(obj)) {
const Listing& listing = std::get<Listing>(obj);
json_object["id"] = listing.get_id();
json_object["seller_id"] = listing.get_seller_id();
json_object["quantity"] = listing.get_quantity();
json_object["price"] = listing.get_price();
json_object["currency"] = listing.get_currency();
json_object["condition"] = listing.get_condition();
std::string location = listing.get_location();
if(!location.empty() && location != "Unspecified") {
json_object["location"] = location;
json_object["date"] = listing.get_date();
json_object["signature"] = listing.get_signature();// listings can be updated by the user that can verify the signature
json_object["metadata"] = "listing";
// Include the product serialization within the listing serialization
assert(listing.get_product() != nullptr);
const Product& product = *listing.get_product();
nlohmann::json product_obj = {};
product_obj["id"] = product.get_id();
product_obj["name"] = product.get_name();
product_obj["description"] = product.get_description();
for (const auto& attr : product.get_attributes()) {
nlohmann::json attribute_obj = {};
if (!attr.color.empty()) attribute_obj["color"] = attr.color;
if (!attr.size.empty()) attribute_obj["size"] = attr.size;
if (attr.weight != 0.0) attribute_obj["weight"] = attr.weight;
if (!attr.material.empty()) attribute_obj["material"] = attr.material;
bool dimensions_empty = (std::get<0>(attr.dimensions) == 0.0 && std::get<1>(attr.dimensions) == 0.0 && std::get<2>(attr.dimensions) == 0.0) || (std::get<3>(attr.dimensions).empty()); // make sure either all values in the dimensions tuple contains non-zero values or a non-empty string
if (!dimensions_empty) {
std::string format = neroshop_string::lower(std::get<3>(attr.dimensions));
format.erase(std::remove_if(format.begin(), format.end(), [](char c) { return c == 'x' || c == '-' || c == ' '; }), format.end());
nlohmann::json dimensions_obj = {};
if(format == "dh") {
dimensions_obj["diameter"] = std::get<0>(attr.dimensions);
dimensions_obj["height"] = std::get<1>(attr.dimensions);
if(format == "wdh") {
dimensions_obj["width"] = std::get<0>(attr.dimensions);
dimensions_obj["depth"] = std::get<1>(attr.dimensions);
dimensions_obj["height"] = std::get<2>(attr.dimensions);
if(format == "lwh") {
if(std::get<0>(attr.dimensions) != 0.0) dimensions_obj["length"] = std::get<0>(attr.dimensions);
dimensions_obj["width"] = std::get<1>(attr.dimensions);
if(std::get<2>(attr.dimensions) != 0.0) dimensions_obj["height"] = std::get<2>(attr.dimensions);
attribute_obj["dimensions"] = dimensions_obj;
if (!attr.brand.empty()) attribute_obj["brand"] = attr.brand;
if (!attr.model.empty()) attribute_obj["model"] = attr.model;
if (!attr.manufacturer.empty()) attribute_obj["manufacturer"] = attr.manufacturer;
if (!attr.country_of_origin.empty()) attribute_obj["country_of_origin"] = attr.country_of_origin;
if (!attr.warranty_information.empty()) attribute_obj["warranty_information"] = attr.warranty_information;
if (!attr.product_code.empty()) attribute_obj["product_code"] = attr.product_code;
if (! attribute_obj["style"] =;
if (!attr.gender.empty()) attribute_obj["gender"] = attr.gender;
if (attr.age_range.second > 0) {
nlohmann::json age_range_obj = {};
age_range_obj["min"] = attr.age_range.first;
age_range_obj["max"] = attr.age_range.second;
attribute_obj["age_range"] = age_range_obj;
if (!attr.energy_efficiency_rating.empty()) attribute_obj["energy_efficiency_rating"] = attr.energy_efficiency_rating;
if (!attr.safety_features.empty()) {
nlohmann::json safety_features_array = nlohmann::json::array();
for (const auto& feature : attr.safety_features) {
attribute_obj["safety_features"] = safety_features_array;
if (attr.quantity_per_package != 0) attribute_obj["quantity_per_package"] = attr.quantity_per_package;
if (!attr.release_date.empty()) attribute_obj["release_date"] = attr.release_date;
product_obj["attributes"].push_back(attribute_obj); // rename to "variants" or "variant_options"?
std::string product_code = product.get_code();
if(!product_code.empty()) product_obj["code"] = product_code; // can be left empty esp. if variants have their own product codes
product_obj["category"] = product.get_category_as_string();
std::string subcategory = product.get_subcategory_as_string();
if(!subcategory.empty()) product_obj["subcategory"] = subcategory;
std::vector<std::string> tags = product.get_tags();
if (!tags.empty()) {
nlohmann::json tags_array = {};
for (const auto& tag : tags) {
product_obj["tags"] = tags_array;
std::vector<Image> images = product.get_images();
if (!images.empty()) {
nlohmann::json images_array = {};
for (const auto& image : images) {
nlohmann::json image_obj = {};
image_obj["name"] =;
image_obj["size"] = image.size;
image_obj["id"] =;
bool is_thumbnail = ((images.size() == 1) || ( == 0));
if(is_thumbnail) {
std::cout << << " \033[1;35mwill be used as thumbnail\033[0m\n";
product_obj["images"] = images_array;
json_object["product"] = product_obj;
if(std::holds_alternative<Cart>(obj)) {
const Cart& cart = std::get<Cart>(obj);
json_object["id"] = cart.get_id();
json_object["owner_id"] = cart.get_owner_id();
for (const auto& item : cart.contents) {
nlohmann::json cart_item_obj = {};
cart_item_obj["product_id"] = std::get<0>(item);
cart_item_obj["quantity"] = std::get<1>(item);
cart_item_obj["seller_id"] = std::get<2>(item);
json_object["contents"].push_back(cart_item_obj); // cart_items // TODO: encrypt cart contents
json_object["metadata"] = "cart";
if(std::holds_alternative<Order>(obj)) {
const Order& order = std::get<Order>(obj);
json_object["id"] = order.get_id();
json_object["created_at"] = order.get_date();
json_object["status"] = order.get_status_as_string();
json_object["customer_id"] = order.get_customer_id();
json_object["subtotal"] = order.get_subtotal();
json_object["discount"] = order.get_discount();
json_object["shipping_cost"] = order.get_shipping_cost();
json_object["total"] = order.get_total();
json_object["payment_option"] = order.get_payment_option_as_string();
if(order.get_payment_coin() != PaymentCoin::None) json_object["coin"] = order.get_payment_coin_as_string();
json_object["delivery_option"] = order.get_delivery_option_as_string();
json_object["notes"] = order.get_notes(); // TODO: encrypt notes
for(const auto& item : order.get_items()) {
nlohmann::json order_item_obj = {};
order_item_obj["product_id"] = std::get<0>(item);
order_item_obj["quantity"] = std::get<1>(item);
order_item_obj["seller_id"] = std::get<2>(item);
json_object["items"].push_back(order_item_obj); // order_items // TODO: encrypt order items
json_object["metadata"] = "order";
if(std::holds_alternative<ProductRating>(obj)) {
const ProductRating& product_rating = std::get<ProductRating>(obj);
json_object["product_id"] = product_rating.product_id;
json_object["stars"] = product_rating.stars;
json_object["rater_id"] = product_rating.rater_id;
json_object["comments"] = product_rating.comments;
json_object["signature"] = product_rating.signature;
json_object["metadata"] = "product_rating";
if(std::holds_alternative<SellerRating>(obj)) {
const SellerRating& seller_rating = std::get<SellerRating>(obj);
json_object["seller_id"] = seller_rating.seller_id;
json_object["score"] = seller_rating.score;
json_object["rater_id"] = seller_rating.rater_id;
json_object["comments"] = seller_rating.comments;
json_object["signature"] = seller_rating.signature;
json_object["metadata"] = "seller_rating";
// TODO: Favorites (wishlists). EDIT: Favorites won't be stored in the DHT but will be stored locally
// Use versioning or timestamping for updating values in DHT. Keys remain the same.
// Get the `value`
std::string value = json_object.dump();
// Convert the string to a byte string (UTF-8 encoding) in case we ever decide to store values as bytes instead of as json string
std::vector<uint8_t> value_bytes = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(json_object);
// Generate `key` by hashing the value
std::string key = neroshop_crypto::sha3_256(value);//std::string key = neroshop_crypto::sha3_256(value_bytes);
std::cout << json_object.dump(4) << "\n";
std::cout << "\nkey (hash of value): " << key << "\n";
std::cout << "value: " << value << "\n";
std::cout << "bytes (to_msgpack):\n";
for (auto byte : value_bytes) {
std::cout << std::hex << (int)byte << " "; // A hex string is simply a way of representing data in hexadecimal format, which is commonly used for representing binary data in a human-readable form.
std::cout << "\njson (from msgpack):\n";
nlohmann::json bytes_to_json = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(value_bytes);
std::cout << bytes_to_json << "\n";
assert(value == bytes_to_json.dump()); // The value should be the same as the bytes dumped
// Return key-value pair
return std::make_pair(key, value);//value_bytes);
std::shared_ptr<neroshop::Object> neroshop::Serializer::deserialize(const std::pair<std::string, std::string/*std::vector<uint8_t>*/>& data) {//const neroshop::Object& neroshop::Serializer::deserialize(const std::pair<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& data) {
// First element of the pair is the key
std::string key = data.first;
// Second element of the pair is the serialized value
////std::vector<uint8_t> serialized_value = data.second;
// Deserialize the value
nlohmann::json value = nlohmann::json::parse(data.second);////nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(serialized_value);
////std::string json_string = value.dump();
// Deserialize the JSON object and create the appropriate variant object
std::string metadata = value["metadata"].get<std::string>();
std::shared_ptr<neroshop::Object> variant_object;
if(metadata == "listing") {
Listing listing;
if (value.contains("location") && value["location"].is_string()) {
// product
const auto& product_value = value["product"];
Product product; // initialize the Product object
if(product_value.contains("attributes")) assert(product_value["attributes"].is_array());
for (const auto& attribute : product_value["attributes"]) {
Attribute attr {};
if (attribute.contains("color")) attr.color = attribute["color"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("size")) attr.size = attribute["size"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("weight")) attr.weight = attribute["weight"].get<double>();
if (attribute.contains("material")) attr.material = attribute["material"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("brand")) attr.brand = attribute["brand"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("model")) attr.model = attribute["model"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("manufacturer")) attr.manufacturer = attribute["manufacturer"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("country_of_origin")) attr.country_of_origin = attribute["country_of_origin"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("warranty_information")) attr.warranty_information = attribute["warranty_information"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("product_code")) attr.product_code = attribute["product_code"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("style")) = attribute["style"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("gender")) attr.gender = attribute["gender"].get<std::string>();
if (attribute.contains("energy_efficiency_rating")) attr.energy_efficiency_rating = attribute["energy_efficiency_rating"];
if (attribute.contains("release_date")) attr.release_date = attribute["release_date"];
if (attribute.contains("dimensions")) {
nlohmann::json dimensions_obj = attribute["dimensions"];
if (dimensions_obj.contains("diameter")) {
attr.dimensions = std::make_tuple(dimensions_obj["diameter"], dimensions_obj["height"], 0.0, "DH");
} else if (dimensions_obj.contains("width") && dimensions_obj.contains("depth") && dimensions_obj.contains("height")) {
attr.dimensions = std::make_tuple(dimensions_obj["width"], dimensions_obj["depth"], dimensions_obj["height"], "WDH");
} else if (dimensions_obj.contains("length") && dimensions_obj.contains("width") && dimensions_obj.contains("height")) {
attr.dimensions = std::make_tuple(dimensions_obj["length"], dimensions_obj["width"], dimensions_obj["height"], "LWH");
if (attribute.contains("age_range")) {
nlohmann::json age_range_obj = attribute["age_range"];
if (age_range_obj.contains("min") && age_range_obj.contains("max")) {
attr.age_range = std::make_pair(age_range_obj["min"], age_range_obj["max"]);
if (attribute.contains("safety_features")) {
nlohmann::json safety_features_array = attribute["safety_features"];
if (safety_features_array.is_array()) {
for (const auto& feature : safety_features_array) {
if (!feature.empty()) {
if (attribute.contains("quantity_per_package")) {
attr.quantity_per_package = attribute["quantity_per_package"];
if (product_value.contains("code")) product.set_code(product_value["code"].get<std::string>());
if (product_value.contains("subcategory")) product.set_subcategory(product_value["subcategory"].get<std::string>());
if (product_value.contains("tags")) product.set_tags(product_value["tags"].get<std::vector<std::string>>());
listing.set_product(product); // move the object into the shared_ptr
variant_object = std::make_shared<Object>(std::move(listing));
if(metadata == "cart") {
Cart cart;
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int, std::string>> cart_items;
for (const auto& item : value["contents"]) {
std::string product_id = item["product_id"].get<std::string>();
int quantity = item["quantity"].get<int>();
std::string seller_id = item["seller_id"].get<std::string>();
cart_items.emplace_back(product_id, quantity, seller_id);
variant_object = std::make_shared<Object>(cart);
if(metadata == "order") {
Order order;
assert(value["items"].is_array()); // items should be an array of objects
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int, std::string>> order_items;
for (const auto& item : value["items"]) {
std::string product_id = item["product_id"].get<std::string>();
int quantity = item["quantity"].get<int>();
std::string seller_id = item["seller_id"].get<std::string>();
order_items.emplace_back(product_id, quantity, seller_id);
variant_object = std::make_shared<Object>(order);
if(metadata == "product_rating") {
ProductRating product_rating;
product_rating.rater_id = value["rater_id"].get<std::string>();
product_rating.comments = value["comments"].get<std::string>();
product_rating.signature = value["signature"].get<std::string>();
product_rating.product_id = value["product_id"].get<std::string>();
product_rating.stars = value["stars"].get<int>();
variant_object = std::make_shared<Object>(product_rating);
if(metadata == "seller_rating") {
SellerRating seller_rating;
seller_rating.rater_id = value["rater_id"].get<std::string>();
seller_rating.comments = value["comments"].get<std::string>();
seller_rating.signature = value["signature"].get<std::string>();
seller_rating.seller_id = value["seller_id"].get<std::string>();
seller_rating.score = value["score"].get<int>();
variant_object = std::make_shared<Object>(seller_rating);
// Return variant object as shared_ptr
return variant_object;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> neroshop::Serializer::serialize(const User& user) {
nlohmann::json json_object = {};
const Seller* seller = dynamic_cast<const Seller*>(&user);
std::string display_name = user.get_name();
if(!display_name.empty()) {
json_object["display_name"] = display_name;
std::string user_id = user.get_id();
json_object["monero_address"] = user_id; // used as identifier
std::string public_key = user.get_public_key();
json_object["public_key"] = public_key;
json_object["avatar"] = {}; // TODO: Avatars
std::string signature = seller->get_wallet()->sign_message(user_id, monero_message_signature_type::SIGN_WITH_SPEND_KEY);
json_object["signature"] = signature;
json_object["metadata"] = "user";
// Generate key-value pair
std::string value = json_object.dump();
std::string key = neroshop_crypto::sha3_256(value);
// Data verification tests
auto result = seller->get_wallet()->verify_message(user_id, signature);
std::cout << "\033[1mverified: " << (result == 1 ? "\033[32mpass" : "\033[91mfail") << "\033[0m\n";
assert(result == true);
std::vector<uint8_t> value_bytes = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(json_object);
nlohmann::json bytes_to_json = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(value_bytes);
assert(value == bytes_to_json.dump()); // The value should be the same as the bytes dumped
// Return key-value pair
return std::make_pair(key, value);
std::shared_ptr<neroshop::User> neroshop::Serializer::deserialize_user(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& data) {
// First element of the pair is the key
std::string key = data.first;
// Second element of the pair the value
nlohmann::json value = nlohmann::json::parse(data.second);
// Deserialize the JSON object and create the appropriate variant object
std::string metadata = value["metadata"];
std::shared_ptr<neroshop::User> user_object;
if(metadata == "user") {
user_object = std::make_shared<User>();
if (value.contains("display_name")) {
return user_object;
template <typename... Args>
std::string neroshop::Serializer::to_json(Args&&... args) {
nlohmann::json json_object = nlohmann::json::object({std::forward<Args>(args)...});
return json_object.dump();
/*int main() {
std::cout << neroshop::Serializer::to_json(std::make_pair("key1", 123),
std::make_pair("key2", "value2"),
std::make_pair("key3", true)) << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
neroshop::Object obj = neroshop::Product { "my_product_uuid", "Nintendo Switch Lite", "A really fun gaming system",
{.color = "yellow" , .size = "lite", .weight = .61, .product_code = "00045496882303"}, // 0.61 lbs
{.color = "gray" , .size = "lite", .weight = .61, .product_code = "00045496882280"},
{.color = "turquoise", .size = "lite", .weight = .61, .product_code = "00045496882266"},
{.color = "coral" , .size = "lite", .weight = .61, .product_code = "00045496882662"},
{.color = "blue" , .size = "lite", .weight = .61, .product_code = "00045496882716"},
0, -1,
{"video games", "nintendo", "switch lite"}
neroshop::ProductRating pr = { "user1", "Good product", "signed", "product123", 4 };
neroshop::SellerRating sr = { "user2", "Fast shipping", "signed", "seller456", 1 };
std::pair<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>> result = neroshop::Serializer::serialize(obj); // pass the variant to the serialize function
std::string key = result.first;
nlohmann::json value_json = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(result.second);
//std::cout << key << ": " << value_json << "\n";
assert(neroshop_crypto::sha3_256(value_json.dump()) == key); // key must be hash of value
auto obj2 = neroshop::Serializer::deserialize(result);
std::pair<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>> result2 = neroshop::Serializer::serialize(*obj2); // pass the variant to the serialize function
std::string key2 = result2.first;
nlohmann::json value_json2 = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(result2.second);
//std::cout << key2 << ": " << value_json2 << "\n";
assert(neroshop_crypto::sha3_256(value_json2.dump()) == key2); // key must be hash of value
return 0;
// g++ serializer.cpp crypto/sha3_256.cpp tools/logger.cpp price/*.cpp config.cpp script.cpp cart.cpp product.cpp listing.cpp order.cpp database/database.cpp database/sqlite.cpp -o serialize -lcrypto -lssl -I../../external/json/single_include -Icrypto -I../../external/stduuid/include -I../../external/stduuid/ -I../../external/lua/src -L../../build -lsqlite3 -lcurl -llua