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222 lines
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#include "cart.hpp"
neroshop::Cart::Cart() : id("") {} // Note: cart can only hold up to 10 unique items. Cart items can only add up to a quantity of 100
unsigned int neroshop::Cart::max_items(10);
unsigned int neroshop::Cart::max_quantity(100);
neroshop::Cart::~Cart() {
contents.clear(); // this should reset/delete all cart items (if they happen to be dynamic objects)
std::cout << "cart deleted\n";
// normal
void neroshop::Cart::load(const std::string& user_id) {
neroshop::db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
// Set the cart's id
this->id = database->get_text_params("SELECT uuid FROM cart WHERE user_id = $1", { user_id });
// Prepare (compile) statement
std::string command = "SELECT product_id, quantity FROM cart_item WHERE cart_id = $1";
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = nullptr;
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database->get_handle(), command.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_prepare_v2: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
// Check whether the prepared statement returns no data (for example an UPDATE)
if(sqlite3_column_count(stmt) == 0) {
neroshop::print("Cart::load(): You have no items your cart", 2);
// Bind cart_id to first argument
if(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, this->id.c_str(), this->id.length(), SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
neroshop::print("sqlite3_bind_text (arg: 1): " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(database->get_handle())), 1);
return;////database->execute("ROLLBACK;"); return;
// Get all table values row by row
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
std::pair<std::string, int> cart_item; // Create a std::pair object for each row
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++) {
std::string column_value = (sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i) == nullptr) ? "NULL" : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i));
if(i == 0) cart_item.first = column_value; // product id
if(i == 1) cart_item.second = std::stoi(column_value); // quantity
////neroshop::print("loaded cart item (id: " + cart_item.first + ", qty: " + std::to_string(cart_item.second) + ")", 3);
// Update item quantities based on stock available
for (auto const& [key, value] : contents) {
std::string product_id = key;
int quantity = value;
std::string item_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT name FROM products WHERE uuid = $1", { product_id });
int stock_available = database->get_integer_params("SELECT quantity FROM listings WHERE product_id = $1 AND quantity > 0", { product_id });
if(stock_available == 0) {
neroshop::print(item_name + " is out of stock", 1);
// Set item quantity to zero
database->execute_params("UPDATE cart_item SET quantity = $1 WHERE cart_id = $2 AND product_id = $3", { std::to_string(0), this->id, product_id });
// Remove the item from the user's cart
database->execute_params("DELETE FROM cart_item WHERE cart_id = $1 AND product_id = $2", { this->id, product_id });
neroshop::print(item_name + " (x" + std::to_string(quantity) + ") removed from cart", 1);
// Remove the item from std::map
continue; // skip this item since it is no longer in stock, and so we do not store it in the cart
// Adjust item quantity to match the stock available
if(quantity >= stock_available) quantity = stock_available;
// Update the item's quantity (just to be sure it does not surpass the stock available)
database->execute_params("UPDATE cart_item SET quantity = $1 WHERE cart_id = $2 AND product_id = $3", { std::to_string(quantity), this->id, product_id });
// Update item quantity in memory
contents[product_id] = quantity;
neroshop::print("loaded cart item (id: " + product_id + ", qty: " + std::to_string(quantity) + ")", 3);
void neroshop::Cart::add(const std::string& user_id, const std::string& product_id, int quantity) {
neroshop::db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
if(quantity < 1) return;
std::string item_name = database->get_text_params("SELECT name FROM products WHERE uuid = $1", { product_id }); // temporary
// Get cart uuid
std::string cart_id = database->get_text_params("SELECT uuid FROM cart WHERE user_id = $1", { user_id });//std::cout << "cart_uuid: " << cart_id << std::endl;
// Cart is full - exit function
if(is_full()) { neroshop::print("Cart is full", 1); return; }
// Out of stock - exit function
int stock_available = database->get_integer_params("SELECT quantity FROM listings WHERE product_id = $1 AND quantity > 0", { product_id });
if(stock_available == 0) {
neroshop::print(item_name + " is out of stock", 1);return;
// Make sure user-specified quantity does not exceed amount in stock
int item_qty = database->get_integer_params("SELECT quantity FROM cart_item WHERE cart_id = $1 AND product_id = $2", { cart_id, product_id });
// If item quantity surpasses the amount in stock, set item quantity to the amount in stock
if((item_qty + quantity) > stock_available) {
neroshop::print("Only " + std::to_string(stock_available) + " " + item_name + "s left in stock", 1);
int remainder = (stock_available - item_qty);
if(remainder == 0) return; // If zero then there's no more that you can add to the cart
quantity = item_qty + remainder; // Increase item quantity by whatever is left of the stock available
database->execute_params("UPDATE cart_item SET quantity = $1 WHERE cart_id = $2 AND product_id = $3", { std::to_string(quantity), cart_id, product_id });
neroshop::print(std::string("Already in cart: ") + item_name + " +" + std::to_string(remainder) + " (" + std::to_string(quantity) + ")", 3);
contents[product_id] = quantity; _print(); return; // exit function since item_qty has surpassed the amount in stock
// If cart_qty added with the user-specified quantity exceeds max_quantity (cart does not have to be full)
// Adjust the quantity so it can fit into the cart
// Example: 100-10=90 (max_quantity-cart_qty=quantity)(you need at least a quantity of 90 to fit everything into the cart)
int cart_qty = database->get_integer_params("SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM cart_item WHERE cart_id = $1", { cart_id });
if((cart_qty + quantity) > max_quantity) quantity = max_quantity - cart_qty;////neroshop::print(std::string("\033[0;33m") + std::string("Cart is full (max_quantity (") + std::to_string(max_quantity) + ") has been reached)\033[0m"); }
// If item is already in the cart, just update the quantity and exit the function
if(in_cart(product_id) && quantity > 0) {
int new_quantity = item_qty + quantity;
database->execute_params("UPDATE cart_item SET quantity = $1 WHERE cart_id = $2 AND product_id = $3", { std::to_string(new_quantity), cart_id, product_id });
neroshop::print(std::string("Already in cart: ") + item_name + " +" + std::to_string(quantity) + " (" + std::to_string(new_quantity) + ")", 3);
contents[product_id] = new_quantity; _print(); return;
// Add item to cart (cart_item)
database->execute_params("INSERT INTO cart_item (cart_id, product_id, quantity) "
"VALUES ($1, $2, $3)",
{ cart_id, product_id, std::to_string(quantity) });
contents.insert(std::make_pair(product_id, quantity)); // Save in memory as well
neroshop::print(item_name + " (" + std::to_string(quantity) + ") added to cart", 3);
void neroshop::Cart::add(const std::string& user_id, const neroshop::Item& item, int quantity) {
add(user_id, item.get_id(), quantity);
void neroshop::Cart::remove(const std::string& user_id, const std::string& product_id, int quantity) {
neroshop::db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
void neroshop::Cart::remove(const std::string& user_id, const neroshop::Item& item, int quantity) {
remove(user_id, item.get_id(), quantity);
void neroshop::Cart::empty(const std::string& user_id) {
neroshop::db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string cart_id = database->get_text_params("SELECT uuid FROM cart WHERE user_id = $1", { user_id });
database->execute_params("DELETE FROM cart_item WHERE cart_id = $1;", { cart_id });
void neroshop::Cart::change_quantity(const std::string& user_id, const neroshop::Item& item, int quantity) {
void neroshop::Cart::_print() {
for (auto const& [key, value] : contents) { //
std::cout << key << " (x" << value << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "cart_qty: " << get_quantity() << std::endl;
std::cout << "cart_items (rows): " << contents.size() << std::endl;
std::string neroshop::Cart::get_id() const {
return id;
int neroshop::Cart::get_max_items() {
return max_items;
int neroshop::Cart::get_max_quantity() {
return max_quantity;
int neroshop::Cart::get_quantity() const {
int quantity = 0;
for (auto const& [key, value] : contents) {
quantity = quantity + value;
return quantity;
int neroshop::Cart::get_contents_count() const {
return contents.size();
bool neroshop::Cart::is_empty() const {
return contents.empty();
bool neroshop::Cart::is_full() const {
int quantity = get_quantity();
return ((contents.size() >= max_items) || (quantity >= max_quantity)); // either cart.contents has reached its capacity (max_items:10) or all items have a combined quantity of 100 (max_quantity:100)
bool neroshop::Cart::in_cart(const std::string& product_id) const {
return (contents.count(product_id) > 0);
bool neroshop::Cart::in_cart(const neroshop::Item& item) const {
return in_cart(item.get_id());