You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
3.8 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// neroshop
#include "../neroshop.hpp"
using namespace neroshop;
// linenoise
#include <linenoise.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// todo: bind command names to functions
if(!neroshop::create_config()) {
std::vector<std::string> networks = {"mainnet", "stagenet", "testnet"};
std::string network_type = Script::get_string(lua_state, "neroshop.monero.daemon.network_type");
if (std::find(networks.begin(), networks.end(), network_type) == networks.end()) {
neroshop::print("\033[1;91mnetwork_type \"" + network_type + "\" is not valid");
return 1;
std::vector<std::string> nodes_list = Script::get_table_string(lua_state, "neroshop.monero.nodes." + network_type);
if(nodes_list.empty()) {
std::cout << "failed to get nodes in the config file\nCheck your config file in ~/.config/neroshop" << std::endl;
char * line = NULL;
while((line = linenoise("neroshop-console> ")) != NULL) {
// Do something with the string
std::string command { line };
//std::cout << "You wrote: " << command.c_str() << " (" << command.size() << ")\n";
linenoiseHistoryAdd(line); // Add to the history.
linenoiseHistorySave("history.txt"); // Save the history on disk.
// commands
// without the command == "", single letters like 'e' will call exit for some reason
if(command == "help") {
std::cout << "\033[1;37mAvailable commands:\n\n help Display list of available commands\n\n exit Exit CLI\n\n" << "\033[0m\n";
else if(command == "monero_nodes") {
for(std::string n : nodes_list) {
std::cout << "\033[1;36m" << n << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
else if(command == "version") {
std::cout << "\033[0;93m" << "neroshop v" << NEROSHOP_VERSION << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
else if(command == "exit") {
// By default, pressing "Enter" on an empty string will execute the first call to strncmp for some reason
else if(!strncmp(line, "\0", command.length())) { // Empty string
std::cout << "Available commands:\n\n help Display list of available commands\n\n exit Exit CLI\n\n";
else {
std::cerr << std::string("\033[1;91mUnreconized command: \033[1;37m") << line << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
linenoiseFree(line); // Or just free(line) if you use libc malloc.
/*else if(!strncmp(line, "", command.size()) && command == "") {
/*else if(shellinput == "register") { // create a new wallet
/*else if(shellinput == "auth") { // auth or access = synonym for login
std::cout << "1. seed (mnemonic)\n2. keys\n3. open wallet file";
unsigned int auth_options;
std::cin >> auth_options;
if(auth_options == 1) {
if(auth_options == 2) {
/*else if(shellinput == "auth_with_seed") { // restore wallet from seed
else if(shellinput == "auth_with_keys") { // restore wallet from keys
else if(shellinput == "auth_with_hw") { // restore/create wallet from hw
/*else if(shellinput == "") {
/*neroshop::Server server;
server.bind("exit", [](void) { ::system("exit"); });*/
//neroshop::Client client;, "exit" /*args ...*/);
return 0;