Compare commits


3 Commits

@ -75,6 +75,20 @@ static bool is_valid_domain(const std::string& domain) {
return false;
static std::string url_decode(const std::string &value) {
std::stringstream decoded;
size_t i = 0;
while (i < value.size()) {
if (value[i] == '%' && i + 2 < value.size() && isxdigit(value[i + 1]) && isxdigit(value[i + 2])) {
decoded << static_cast<char>(std::stoi(value.substr(i + 1, 2), nullptr, 16));
i += 3;
} else {
decoded << value[i++];
return decoded.str();
namespace string {
static std::string lower(const std::string& str)

@ -287,6 +287,42 @@ void neroshop::MoneroWallet::transfer(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, d
void neroshop::MoneroWallet::transfer(const std::string& uri) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
std::string address;
double tx_amount = 0.000000000000;
std::string tx_description;
std::string recipient_name;
parse_uri(uri, address, tx_amount, tx_description, recipient_name);
std::string neroshop::MoneroWallet::make_uri(const std::string& payment_address, double amount = 0.000000000000, const std::string& description = "", const std::string& recipient = "") const {
bool has_amount = false;
bool has_recipient = false;
std::string monero_uri = "monero:";
if(is_valid_address(payment_address)) {
monero_uri = monero_uri + payment_address;
if(amount > std::stod(neroshop::string::precision("0.000000000000", 12))) {
has_amount = true;
monero_uri = monero_uri + "?tx_amount=" + neroshop::string::precision(amount, 12);
if(!recipient.empty()) {
has_recipient = true;
std::string recipient_name = neroshop::string::swap_all(recipient, " ", "%20");
monero_uri = monero_uri + ((has_amount) ? "&recipient_name=" : "?recipient_name=") + recipient_name;
if(!description.empty()) {
std::string tx_description = neroshop::string::swap_all(description, " ", "%20");
monero_uri = monero_uri + ((has_amount || has_recipient) ? "&tx_description=" : "?tx_description=") + tx_description;
return monero_uri;
void neroshop::MoneroWallet::set_network_type(WalletNetworkType network_type) {

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ public:
void transfer(const std::string& address, double amount) override;
void transfer(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>& payment_addresses) override;
void transfer(const std::string& uri) override;
std::string make_uri(const std::string& payment_address, double amount = 0.000000000000, const std::string& description = "", const std::string& recipient = "") const override;
void set_network_type(WalletNetworkType network_type) override;

@ -346,6 +346,67 @@ void neroshop::Wallet::transfer(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>
void neroshop::Wallet::transfer(const std::string& uri) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_synced()) throw std::runtime_error("wallet is not synced with a daemon");
std::string address;
double tx_amount = 0.000000000000;
std::string tx_description;
std::string recipient_name;
parse_uri(uri, address, tx_amount, tx_description, recipient_name);
std::packaged_task<void(void)> transfer_task([this, address, tx_amount, tx_description, recipient_name]() -> void {
// Check if address is valid
if(!monero_utils::is_valid_address(address, monero_wallet_obj->get_network_type())) {
std::cerr << "\033[1;91mMonero address is invalid" << "\033[0m\n"; return;
// Convert monero to piconero
uint64_t monero_to_piconero = tx_amount / PICONERO; //std::cout << neroshop::string::precision(amount, 12) << " xmr to piconero: " << monero_to_piconero << "\n";
// Check if amount is zero or too low
if((tx_amount < PICONERO) || (monero_to_piconero == 0)) {
std::cerr << "\033[1;91mNothing to send (amount is zero)" << "\033[0m\n"; return;
// Check if balance is sufficient
std::cout << "Wallet balance (spendable): " << monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance() << " (picos)\n";
std::cout << "Amount to send: " << monero_to_piconero << " (picos)\n";
if(monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance() < monero_to_piconero) {
std::cerr << "\033[1;91mWallet balance is insufficient" << "\033[0m\n"; return;
// Send funds from this wallet to the specified address
monero_tx_config tx_config;
tx_config.m_account_index = 0; // withdraw funds from account at index 0
tx_config.m_address = address; // address that will be receiving the funds
tx_config.m_amount = monero_to_piconero;
tx_config.m_note = tx_description;
tx_config.m_recipient_name = recipient_name;
tx_config.m_relay = true;
// Sweep unlocked balance?
if(monero_wallet_obj->get_unlocked_balance() == monero_to_piconero) {
std::cout << "\033[1;37mSweeping unlocked balance ...\033[0m\n";
tx_config.m_amount = boost::none;
// Create the transaction
std::shared_ptr<monero_tx_wallet> sent_tx = monero_wallet_obj->create_tx(tx_config);
bool in_pool = sent_tx->m_in_tx_pool.get(); // true
// Get tx fee and hash
uint64_t fee = sent_tx->m_fee.get(); // "Are you sure you want to send ...?"
std::cout << "Estimated fee: " << (fee * PICONERO) << "\n";
//uint64_t deducted_amount = (monero_to_piconero + fee);
std::string tx_hash = monero_wallet_obj->relay_tx(*sent_tx); // recipient receives notification within 5 seconds
std::cout << "Tx hash: " << tx_hash << "\n";
std::future<void> future_result = transfer_task.get_future();
// move the task (function) to a separate thread to prevent blocking of the main thread
std::thread worker(std::move(transfer_task));
std::string neroshop::Wallet::sign_message(const std::string& message, monero_message_signature_type signature_type) const {
switch(wallet_type) {
case WalletType::Monero:
@ -494,27 +555,93 @@ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<monero_transfer>> neroshop::Wallet::get_transfers()
std::string neroshop::Wallet::generate_uri(const std::string& payment_address, double amount, const std::string& description, const std::string& recipient) {
std::string neroshop::Wallet::make_uri(const std::string& payment_address, double amount, const std::string& description, const std::string& recipient) const {
bool has_amount = false;
bool has_recipient = false;
std::string monero_uri = "monero:" + payment_address;
std::string wallet_tx_uri;
switch(wallet_type) {
case WalletType::Monero:
wallet_tx_uri = "monero:";
case WalletType::Wownero:
wallet_tx_uri = "wownero:";
wallet_tx_uri = ":";
if(is_valid_address(payment_address)) {
wallet_tx_uri = wallet_tx_uri + payment_address;
if(amount > std::stod(neroshop::string::precision("0.000000000000", 12))) {
//std::cout << "amount (" << neroshop::string::precision(amount, 12) << ") is greater than 0.000000000000\n";
has_amount = true;
monero_uri = monero_uri + "?tx_amount=" + neroshop::string::precision(amount, 12);
wallet_tx_uri = wallet_tx_uri + "?tx_amount=" + neroshop::string::precision(amount, 12);
if(!recipient.empty()) {
has_recipient = true;
std::string recipient_name = neroshop::string::swap_all(recipient, " ", "%20");
monero_uri = monero_uri + ((has_amount) ? "&recipient_name=" : "?recipient_name=") + recipient_name;
wallet_tx_uri = wallet_tx_uri + ((has_amount) ? "&recipient_name=" : "?recipient_name=") + recipient_name;
if(!description.empty()) {
std::string tx_description = neroshop::string::swap_all(description, " ", "%20");
monero_uri = monero_uri + ((has_amount || has_recipient) ? "&tx_description=" : "?tx_description=") + tx_description;
wallet_tx_uri = wallet_tx_uri + ((has_amount || has_recipient) ? "&tx_description=" : "?tx_description=") + tx_description;
return monero_uri;
return wallet_tx_uri;
bool neroshop::Wallet::parse_uri(const std::string& uri, std::string& payment_address, double& amount, std::string& description, std::string& recipient) {
std::string wallet_tx_uri = uri; // Copy to modify
// Find position of ":" to determine the end of the coin prefix
size_t coin_prefix_end = wallet_tx_uri.find(':'); // 6=monero, 7=wownero
if(coin_prefix_end != std::string::npos) {
// Extract the coin prefix
std::string coin_prefix = wallet_tx_uri.substr(0, coin_prefix_end); // Exclude the ':' character
// Find position of ? to separate address and parameters
size_t pos = wallet_tx_uri.find('?');
if(pos != std::string::npos) {
// Extract address
payment_address = wallet_tx_uri.substr(coin_prefix_end + 1, pos - coin_prefix_end - 1);
// Extract parameters
std::string parameters = wallet_tx_uri.substr(pos + 1);
// Create a stringstream to parse the parameters
std::stringstream ss(parameters);
std::string token;
while (std::getline(ss, token, '&')) {
// Split each parameter by '=' to separate key and value
size_t equal_pos = token.find('=');
if(equal_pos == std::string::npos) {
// Invalid parameter format
return false;
std::string key = token.substr(0, equal_pos);
std::string value = token.substr(equal_pos + 1);
// URL decode the value
value = string_tools::url_decode(value);
// Assign values to variables based on key
if (key == "tx_amount") {
amount = std::stod(neroshop::string::precision(value, 12));
} else if (key == "recipient_name") {
recipient = value;
} else if (key == "tx_description") {
description = value;
// URI parsing successful
return true;
// URI parsing failed
return false;

@ -82,12 +82,14 @@ public:
virtual void transfer(const std::string& address, double amount);
virtual void transfer(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>& payment_addresses);
virtual void transfer(const std::string& uri);
std::string address_new() const; // this function has been replaced by create_subaddress() and is deprecated. Will be removed soon
unsigned int address_book_add(const std::string& address, std::string description = "");
void address_book_delete(unsigned int index);
static std::string generate_uri(const std::string& payment_address, double amount = 0.000000000000, const std::string& description = "", const std::string& recipient = ""); // Generates a monero uri for qr code with the amount embedded into it
virtual std::string make_uri(const std::string& payment_address, double amount = 0.000000000000, const std::string& description = "", const std::string& recipient = "") const; // Generates a monero uri for qr code with the amount embedded into it
static bool parse_uri(const std::string& uri, std::string& payment_address, double& amount, std::string& description, std::string& recipient);
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> get_addresses_all(unsigned int account_idx);
std::vector<monero::monero_subaddress> get_addresses_used(unsigned int account_idx);

@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// start database
// testing
//Backend::testfts5();//std::cout << neroshop::Wallet::generate_uri("83Qb...6j8Y", 0.000000000001, "donation to my friend", "Jack Kinnof") << "\n";
// import paths
engine.addImportPath(":/assets/fonts"); // import FontAwesome 1.0
// platform macros
