Compare commits


3 Commits

@ -1614,10 +1614,14 @@ Item {
anchors.right: parent.right
width: settingsStack.comboBoxWidth; indicatorWidth: settingsStack.comboBoxButtonWidth
model: ["None", "Tor", "i2p"]
currentIndex: ProxyManager.hasTor() ? model.indexOf("Tor") : model.indexOf("None")//model.indexOf(Script.getJsonRootObject()["proxy"]["type"])
currentIndex: (ProxyManager.hasTor() || ProxyManager.isTorRunning()) ? model.indexOf("Tor") : model.indexOf("None")//model.indexOf(Script.getJsonRootObject()["proxy"]["type"])
Component.onCompleted: {
if(ProxyManager.hasTor()) {
} else {
if(ProxyManager.isTorRunning()) {
onActivated: {

@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
//visibility: (Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_mode"] == 1) ? "FullScreen" : "Windowed"
title: qsTr("neroshop" + " v" + neroshopVersion)
width: 1024//Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_width"]
height: 600//Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_height"]
height: 720//Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_height"]
minimumWidth: 1024
minimumHeight: 600//768
minimumHeight: 600
color: NeroshopComponents.Style.getColorsFromTheme()[0]
flags: Qt.Window | Qt.WindowMinMaxButtonsHint | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint

@ -736,6 +736,8 @@ void neroshop::Wallet::on_balances_changed(uint64_t new_balance, uint64_t new_un
// open the daemon before opening the wallet
void neroshop::Wallet::daemon_open(const std::string& daemon_dir, bool confirm_external_bind, bool restricted_rpc, std::string data_dir, unsigned int restore_height)
auto wallet_network_type = get_wallet_network_type();
const std::string port = WalletNetworkPortMap[wallet_network_type][0];
// Todo: use QProcess to launch monerod
// Check if there is another monerod process running in the background first
int monerod = Process::get_process_by_name("monerod");//(argv[1]);//cout << "pid: " << monerod << endl;
@ -749,13 +751,14 @@ void neroshop::Wallet::daemon_open(const std::string& daemon_dir, bool confirm_e
std::string ip = (confirm_external_bind == true) ? "" : "";
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "daemon found: \"" << daemon_dir << "\"" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
std::string program = daemon_dir;
std::string args = (" --data-dir=" + data_dir) + (" --rpc-bind-ip=" + ip) + (" --rpc-bind-port=38081");
std::string args = (" --data-dir=" + data_dir) + (" --rpc-bind-ip=" + ip) + (" --rpc-bind-port=" + port);
if(confirm_external_bind == true) { args = args + " --confirm-external-bind"; }
if(confirm_external_bind == true && restricted_rpc == true) { args = args + " --restricted-rpc"; }
auto network_type_str = get_wallet_network_type_as_string();
if(neroshop::string::lower(network_type_str) != "mainnet") args = args + (" --" + neroshop::string::lower(network_type_str));
args = args + (" --detach"); //
std::cout << "\033[1;95;49m" << "$ " << daemon_dir + args << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
// start the daemon (monerod) as a new process on launch
process = std::unique_ptr<Process>(new Process(daemon_dir, args));
monerod = process->get_handle();
@ -764,9 +767,13 @@ void neroshop::Wallet::daemon_open(const std::string& daemon_dir, bool confirm_e
bool neroshop::Wallet::daemon_connect_local(const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { // connect to a running daemon (node)
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
// connect to the daemon
monero_wallet_obj->set_daemon_connection(monero_rpc_connection(std::string(""), username, password));
auto wallet_network_type = get_wallet_network_type();
const std::string port = WalletNetworkPortMap[wallet_network_type][0];
const std::string daemon_uri = "" + port;
monero_wallet_obj->set_daemon_connection(monero_rpc_connection(daemon_uri, username, password)); // connect to the daemon
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "waiting for daemon" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
bool connected = false; bool synced = false;
while(!connected) {
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_connected_to_daemon()) {
@ -785,6 +792,7 @@ bool neroshop::Wallet::daemon_connect_local(const std::string& username, const s
// continue syncing in order to receive tx notifications
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "starting background sync" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
monero_wallet_obj->start_syncing(5000); // begin syncing the wallet constantly in the background (every 5 seconds)
// check if wallet's daemon is synced with the network
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_daemon_synced()) {
//synced = true;
@ -793,11 +801,10 @@ bool neroshop::Wallet::daemon_connect_local(const std::string& username, const s
monero_wallet_obj->add_listener(*this); // add wallet_listener
std::future<void> job_value = sync_job.get_future();
// move the task (function) to a separate thread
std::thread worker(std::move(sync_job));
// todo: store wallet restore height in database on registration
std::thread worker(std::move(sync_job)); // move the task (function) to a separate thread
return synced;
@ -805,14 +812,19 @@ bool neroshop::Wallet::daemon_connect_local(const std::string& username, const s
void neroshop::Wallet::daemon_connect_remote(const std::string& ip, const std::string& port, const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const monero_wallet_listener* listener) {
if(!monero_wallet_obj.get()) throw std::runtime_error("monero_wallet_full is not opened");
monero_wallet_obj->set_daemon_connection(monero_rpc_connection(std::string("http://" + ip + ":" + port)));//, username, password));
const std::string node_uri = "http://" + ip + ":" + port;
monero_wallet_obj->set_daemon_connection(monero_rpc_connection(node_uri));//, username, password));
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_connected_to_daemon()) {
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "connected to daemon" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
std::packaged_task<void(void)> sync_job([this, listener]() {
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "sync in progress ..." << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
monero_wallet_obj->sync(monero_wallet_obj->get_restore_height(), (listener != nullptr) ? *const_cast<monero_wallet_listener*>(listener) : *this);//*this); // a start_height of 0 is ignored // get_restore_height() is the height of the first block that the wallet scans// get_daemon_height() is the height that the wallet's daemon is currently synced to (will sync instantly but will not guarantee unique subaddress generation)
// begin syncing the wallet constantly in the background (every 5 seconds) in order to receive tx notifications
// check if wallet's daemon is synced with the network
if(monero_wallet_obj.get()->is_daemon_synced()) {////if(monero_wallet_obj->get_daemon_height() == monero_wallet_obj->get_daemon_max_peer_height()) {
std::cout << "\033[1;90;49m" << "daemon is now fully synced with the network" << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
@ -820,11 +832,10 @@ void neroshop::Wallet::daemon_connect_remote(const std::string& ip, const std::s
monero_wallet_obj->add_listener((listener != nullptr) ? *const_cast<monero_wallet_listener*>(listener) : *this);//(*this);
std::future<void> job_value = sync_job.get_future();
// move the task (function) to a separate thread to prevent blocking of the main thread
std::thread node_worker(std::move(sync_job));
std::thread node_worker(std::move(sync_job)); // move the task (function) to a separate thread to prevent blocking of the main thread
// todo: store wallet restore height in database on registration
