fix issues with MainPage.qml

larteyoh 8 months ago
parent d8e68d8a80
commit 918322d5ce

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
- i2pd will be built-in (statically linked)
- [x] Seller reputation system
- [x] Product rating system (GUI Integration Pending)
- [x] Wishlists
- [x] Wishlists (GUI Integration Pending)
- [x] Built-in SQLite-powered search engine that can find any listing or seller
- [ ] Full-featured and user-friendly GUI application (WIP)

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Object {
property string ellipsis: "\uf141"
property string cartShopping: "\uf07a"
property string shop: "\uf54f"
property string sort: "\uf0dc"
property string store: "\uf54e"
property string tag: "\uf02b"
property string tags: "\uf02c"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 534 B


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 482 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 689 B


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 557 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 566 B


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 426 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 436 B


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 399 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 733 B


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 651 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 574 B


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 416 B

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ RowLayout {
id: navBar
readonly property string defaultButtonColor: "#6b5b95"
property bool useDefaultButtonColor: false
property alias messageCounterText: messagesButton.count//messageCounter.text
function getCheckedButton() {
return navBarButtonGroup.checkedButton;
@ -124,11 +125,11 @@ RowLayout {
Button {
id: messagesButton
text: (messagesButton.dummy_count > 0) ? qsTr("Messages : %1").arg(dummy_count.toString()) : qsTr("Messages")
text: (messagesButton.count > 0) ? qsTr("Messages (%1)").arg(messagesButton.count.toString()) : qsTr("Messages") navBarButtonGroup
display: AbstractButton.IconOnly//AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
hoverEnabled: true
property int dummy_count: 0
property int count: 0
icon.source: "qrc:/assets/images/mailbox.png"
icon.color: (!checked && this.hovered) ? reservedColor : "#ffffff"
@ -154,6 +155,25 @@ RowLayout {
delay: 0
//textObject.font.bold: true
/*Rectangle {
visible: (Number(messageCounter.text) > 0) && !messagesButton.checked
anchors.topMargin: -5
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: -5
z: 1
width: children[0].contentWidth + 10; height: 20
radius: 5
color: "firebrick"
Text {
id: messageCounter
text: "0"
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "#ffffff"
font.pointSize: 8
Button {

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
//visibility: (Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_mode"] == 1) ? "FullScreen" : "Windowed"
title: qsTr("neroshop" + " v" + neroshopVersion)
width: 1280//Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_width"]
height: 900//Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_height"]
width: 1024//Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_width"]
height: 768//Script.getJsonRootObject()["window_height"]
minimumWidth: 1024
minimumHeight: 768
color: NeroshopComponents.Style.getColorsFromTheme()[0]

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 // GridLayout
import QtQuick.Shapes 1.3 // (since Qt 5.10) // Shape
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12//Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects 1.15//= Qt6// ColorOverlay
import FontAwesome 1.0
import neroshop.Enums 1.0
import "../components" as NeroshopComponents
@ -123,40 +125,36 @@ Page {
NeroshopComponents.ComboBox {
id: sortBox
//anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
width: 250; height: viewToggle.height
model: ["None", "Latest", "Oldest", "Alphabetical order", "Price - Lowest", "Price - Highest"]
Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = find("None")
displayText: "Sort: " + currentText
width: 200; height: viewToggle.height
model: ["Default", "Most Recent", "Name - A to Z", "Price - Low to High", "Price - High to Low"]//, "Average Ratings"]
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = find("Default")
font.pointSize = 10
indicator.children[2].text = qsTr(FontAwesome.sort)
displayText: currentText
indicatorDoNotPassBorder: true
onActivated: {
if(currentIndex == find("None")) {
if(currentIndex == find("Default")) {
catalogPage.model = Backend.sortBy(catalogPage.model, Enum.Sorting.SortByOldest)//Enum.Sorting.SortNone)
settingsDialog.lastUsedListingSorting = Enum.Sorting.SortNone
if(currentIndex == find("Oldest")) {
catalogPage.model = Backend.sortBy(catalogPage.model, Enum.Sorting.SortByOldest)
settingsDialog.lastUsedListingSorting = Enum.Sorting.SortByOldest
settingsDialog.lastUsedListingSorting = Enum.Sorting.SortByOldest//Enum.Sorting.SortNone
if(currentIndex == find("Latest")) {
console.log("Showing most recent items")
if(currentIndex == find("Most Recent")) {
catalogPage.model = Backend.sortBy(catalogPage.model, Enum.Sorting.SortByMostRecent)
settingsDialog.lastUsedListingSorting = Enum.Sorting.SortByMostRecent
if(currentIndex == find("Alphabetical order")) {
if(currentIndex == find("Name - A to Z")) {
catalogPage.model = Backend.sortBy(catalogPage.model, Enum.Sorting.SortByAlphabeticalOrder)
settingsDialog.lastUsedListingSorting = Enum.Sorting.SortByAlphabeticalOrder
if(currentIndex == find("Price - Lowest")) {
if(currentIndex == find("Price - Low to High")) {
catalogPage.model = Backend.sortBy(catalogPage.model, Enum.Sorting.SortByPriceLowest)
settingsDialog.lastUsedListingSorting = Enum.Sorting.SortByPriceLowest
if(currentIndex == find("Price - Highest")) {
if(currentIndex == find("Price - High to Low")) {
catalogPage.model = Backend.sortBy(catalogPage.model, Enum.Sorting.SortByPriceHighest)
settingsDialog.lastUsedListingSorting = Enum.Sorting.SortByPriceHighest
/*if(currentIndex == find("")) {
catalogPage.model = Backend.
} // Row

@ -91,8 +91,14 @@ Page {
walletMessageArea.messageCode = 1
return; // exit function and do not proceed any further
// In case password does not fit the regex requirements
if(!walletPasswordField.acceptableInput) {
walletMessageArea.text = "Wallet password is too short (minimum length: 8)"
walletMessageArea.messageCode = 1
// In case wallet passwords do not match, display error message
if(walletPasswordConfirmField.text != walletPasswordField.text || !walletPasswordField.acceptableInput) {
if(walletPasswordConfirmField.text != walletPasswordField.text) {
walletMessageArea.text = (walletPasswordConfirmField.length > 0) ? qsTr("Wallet passwords do not match") : qsTr("Wallet password must be confirmed")
walletMessageArea.messageCode = 1
@ -588,6 +594,7 @@ Page {
// Switch to HomePage
pageStack.pushPage("qrc:/qml/pages/HomePage.qml", StackView.Immediate)
//console.log("Seed:", Wallet.getSeed())
navBar.messageCounterText = User.messagesCount
// restore from seed
if(walletRestoreStack.currentIndex == 1) {
@ -716,364 +723,454 @@ Page {
GridLayout {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter//(walletSeedRepeater.model) ? this.horizontalCenter : parent.horizontalCenter
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 20
/*anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter//(walletSeedRepeater.model) ? this.horizontalCenter : parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.topMargin: 20
anchors.topMargin: 20*/
//anchors.left: parent.left
//anchors.leftMargin: walletPageNextButton.width + 20
//width: 800
////anchors.rightMargin: walletPageNextButton.width + 20//anchors.margins: 50
columns: 2 // Set column limit to 2
columnSpacing: 100 // The default value is 5. Same with rowSpacing
/*columns: 2 // Set column limit to 2
columnSpacing: 100*/ // The default value is 5. Same with rowSpacing
////rows: 10
////rowSpacing: 15
RowLayout {
// Reminder: Layout. functions work for items inside Layouts but not for the Layout itself!
Text {
id: walletGenPageTitle
Layout.row: 0
Layout.column: 0
text: qsTr("Create Wallet")
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000"
font.bold: true
font.pointSize: 14
// wallet name creation text
Text {
id: walletNameText
Layout.row: 1
Layout.column: 0
text: qsTr("Wallet name")
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000"
font.bold: true
// wallet name creation field
TextField {
id: walletNameField
Layout.preferredWidth: 500
Layout.preferredHeight: 50//width: 500; height: 50
Layout.row: 2
Layout.column: 0
Layout.topMargin: (walletNameText.visible) ? 5 : 0
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
placeholderText: qsTr("wallet"); placeholderTextColor: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000" // textColor
selectByMouse: true
// todo: validator regex for preventing special characters like: * . " / \ [ ] : ; | , from being added to the wallet name
background: Rectangle {
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#101010" : "#ffffff"
border.color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
radius: 3
// wallet password creation field
TextField {
id: walletPasswordField
Layout.preferredWidth: 500
Layout.preferredHeight: 50//width: 500; height: 50
Layout.row: 3
Layout.column: 0
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
placeholderText: qsTr("Wallet Password")
placeholderTextColor: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
color: NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroOrangeColor // textColor
echoMode: (!walletPasswordVisibilityToggle.checked) ? TextInput.Normal : TextInput.Password//TextInput.PasswordEchoOnEdit
inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhSensitiveData
selectByMouse: true
//validator: RegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: "^(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*?[0-9])(?=.*?[#?!@$%^&*-]).{8,}$" }
background: Rectangle {
color: walletNameField.background.color
border.color: (!parent.acceptableInput) ? walletPasswordStatusMark.invalidColor : parent.placeholderTextColor//walletPasswordConfirmField.background.border.color////((parent.length > 0 && walletPasswordConfirmField.length == 0) ? ((walletPasswordConfirmField.text != walletPasswordField.text || !walletPasswordField.acceptableInput) ? walletPasswordStatusMark.invalidColor : walletPasswordStatusMark.validColor) : walletPasswordConfirmField.background.border.color)
border.width: (!parent.acceptableInput) ? 2 : 1//walletPasswordConfirmField.background.border.width////(parent.length > 0 && walletPasswordConfirmField.length == 0) ? 2 : walletPasswordConfirmField.background.border.width
radius: 3
// todo: maybe add a regex validator
rightPadding: 15 + walletPasswordVisibilityToggle.width
// wallet password visibility toggle
Button {
id: walletPasswordVisibilityToggle
text: (checked) ? FontAwesome.eye : FontAwesome.eyeSlash//icon.source:
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
implicitWidth: 24; implicitHeight: 24
checkable: true
checked: true//false
hoverEnabled: true
// checked = show, unchecked = hide. Passwords are hidden by default
background: Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
contentItem: Text {
text: parent.text
color: (parent.checked) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font.bold: true
// wallet password confirmation field
TextField {
id: walletPasswordConfirmField
Layout.preferredWidth: 500
Layout.preferredHeight: 50//width: 500; height: 50
Layout.row: 4
Layout.column: 0
//Layout.topMargin: 5
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
placeholderText: qsTr("Confirm Wallet Password")
placeholderTextColor: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
color: walletPasswordField.color//NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroOrangeColor // textColor
echoMode: (!walletPasswordVisibilityToggle.checked) ? TextInput.Normal : TextInput.Password
inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhSensitiveData
selectByMouse: true
background: Rectangle {
color: walletPasswordField.background.color//NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroGrayColor
border.color: (parent.length > 0) ? walletPasswordStatusMark.color : parent.placeholderTextColor
border.width: (parent.length > 0) ? 2 : 1
radius: 3
rightPadding: 30 + walletPasswordStatusMark.contentWidth//double rightmargin size
// wallet password validation status mark
Text {
id: walletPasswordStatusMark
property string validColor: "#50b954"
property string invalidColor: "#f17982"
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: (walletPasswordConfirmField.text != walletPasswordField.text || !walletPasswordField.acceptableInput) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.xmark) : qsTr(FontAwesome.check)
visible: (walletPasswordConfirmField.length > 0)
font.bold: true FontAwesome.fontFamily
color: (walletPasswordConfirmField.text != walletPasswordField.text || !walletPasswordField.acceptableInput) ? invalidColor : validColor
// wallet path text
Text {
id: walletPathText
Layout.row: 5
Layout.column: 0
Layout.topMargin: 10
text: qsTr("Wallet path")
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000"
font.bold: true
// wallet path field
TextField {
id: walletPathField
Layout.row: 6
Layout.column: 0
Layout.preferredWidth: 500; Layout.preferredHeight: 50
Layout.topMargin: (walletPathText.visible) ? 5 : 0
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
text: walletFolderDialog.folder////(walletNameField.text) ? qsTr(walletFolderDialog.folder + "/%1.keys").arg(walletNameField.text) : qsTr(walletFolderDialog.folder + "/%1.keys").arg(walletNameField.placeholderText)
color: "#000000"//(NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000" // textColor
selectByMouse: true
readOnly: true
// Row Rect 1
Item {//Rectangle {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
/*radius: 3
color: "transparent"
border.color: "#ffffff"*/
ColumnLayout {
id: rectColumn1
anchors.centerIn: parent // Never use "anchors.fill: parent" for this so we have full control over the spacing and margins!//"anchors.margins: 20" - makes no sense if centered in parent
states: [
State {
name: "expand"
PropertyChanges {
target: rectColumn1
width: 600 // 600 or 540 instead of 500, to leave room for the margins without reducing children size
State {
name: "shrink"
PropertyChanges {
target: rectColumn1
width: parent.width
state: (walletSeedRepeater.model == null) ? "expand" : "shrink"
/*Text {
id: walletGenPageTitle
text: qsTr("Create Wallet")
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000"
font.bold: true
font.pointSize: 14
Item {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop // remove this if want to fill width
Layout.maximumWidth: 500 // remove this too if want to fill width
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
Layout.leftMargin: 20; Layout.rightMargin: 20
// wallet name creation text
Column {
spacing: 10
Text {
id: walletNameText
text: qsTr("Wallet name")
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000"
font.bold: true
// wallet name creation field
TextField {
id: walletNameField
width: parent.parent.width//500
height: 50
placeholderText: qsTr("wallet"); placeholderTextColor: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000" // textColor
selectByMouse: true
maximumLength: 255
// validator regex for preventing special characters like: * . " \ / [ ] : ; < > ^ | , ? from being added to the wallet name
validator: RegExpValidator {
regExp: /^(?![. ])(?!.*[. ]$)[^*/"\\[\]:;<>\^|,?]*$/
background: Rectangle {
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#101010" : "#ffffff"
border.color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
radius: 3
Item {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.maximumWidth: 500
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
Layout.leftMargin: 20; Layout.rightMargin: 20
// wallet password creation field
Column {
spacing: 10
TextField {
id: walletPasswordField
width: parent.parent.width; height: 50
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
placeholderText: qsTr("Wallet Password")
placeholderTextColor: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
color: NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroOrangeColor // textColor
echoMode: (!walletPasswordVisibilityToggle.checked) ? TextInput.Normal : TextInput.Password//TextInput.PasswordEchoOnEdit
inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhSensitiveData
selectByMouse: true
validator: RegExpValidator {
regExp: /^.{8,}$/
// Explanation of the regex:
// .{8,} - Minimum 8 characters
background: Rectangle {
color: walletNameField.background.color
border.color: (!parent.acceptableInput && parent.text.length > 0) ? walletPasswordStatusMark.invalidColor : parent.placeholderTextColor//walletPasswordConfirmField.background.border.color////((parent.length > 0 && walletPasswordConfirmField.length == 0) ? ((walletPasswordConfirmField.text != walletPasswordField.text || !walletPasswordField.acceptableInput) ? walletPasswordStatusMark.invalidColor : walletPasswordStatusMark.validColor) : walletPasswordConfirmField.background.border.color)
border.width: (!parent.acceptableInput && parent.text.length > 0) ? 2 : 1//walletPasswordConfirmField.background.border.width////(parent.length > 0 && walletPasswordConfirmField.length == 0) ? 2 : walletPasswordConfirmField.background.border.width
radius: 3
// todo: maybe add a regex validator
rightPadding: 15 + walletPasswordVisibilityToggle.width
// wallet password visibility toggle
Button {
id: walletPasswordVisibilityToggle
text: (checked) ? FontAwesome.eye : FontAwesome.eyeSlash//icon.source:
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
implicitWidth: 24; implicitHeight: 24
checkable: true
checked: true//false
hoverEnabled: true
// checked = show, unchecked = hide. Passwords are hidden by default
background: Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
contentItem: Text {
text: parent.text
color: (parent.checked) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font.bold: true
// wallet password confirmation field
TextField {
id: walletPasswordConfirmField
width: parent.parent.width; height: 50
//Layout.topMargin: 5
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
placeholderText: qsTr("Confirm Wallet Password")
placeholderTextColor: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
color: walletPasswordField.color//NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroOrangeColor // textColor
echoMode: (!walletPasswordVisibilityToggle.checked) ? TextInput.Normal : TextInput.Password
inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhSensitiveData
selectByMouse: true
background: Rectangle {
color: walletPasswordField.background.color//NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroGrayColor
border.color: (parent.length > 0) ? walletPasswordStatusMark.color : parent.placeholderTextColor
border.width: (parent.length > 0) ? 2 : 1
radius: 3
rightPadding: 30 + walletPasswordStatusMark.contentWidth//double rightmargin size
// wallet password validation status mark
Text {
id: walletPasswordStatusMark
property string validColor: "#50b954"
property string invalidColor: "#f17982"
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: (walletPasswordConfirmField.text != walletPasswordField.text) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.xmark) : qsTr(FontAwesome.check)
visible: (walletPasswordConfirmField.length > 0)
font.bold: true FontAwesome.fontFamily
color: (walletPasswordConfirmField.text != walletPasswordField.text) ? invalidColor : validColor
} // column
} // wallet password item
Item {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.maximumWidth: 500
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
Layout.leftMargin: 20; Layout.rightMargin: 20
Column {
spacing: 10
// wallet path text
Text {
id: walletPathText
text: qsTr("Wallet path")
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000"
font.bold: true
// wallet path field
TextField {
id: walletPathField
width: parent.parent.width; height: 50
text: walletFolderDialog.folder////(walletNameField.text) ? qsTr(walletFolderDialog.folder + "/%1.keys").arg(walletNameField.text) : qsTr(walletFolderDialog.folder + "/%1.keys").arg(walletNameField.placeholderText)
color: "#000000"//(NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000" // textColor
selectByMouse: true
readOnly: true
background: Rectangle {
color: "#708090"//(NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#101010" : "#ffffff"
border.color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
radius: 3
RowLayout {
Layout.row: 7
Layout.column: 0
//visible: !walletSeedRepeater.model
// wallet path change or upload button
Button {
id: walletPathChangeButton
Layout.topMargin: 10
Layout.preferredWidth: walletPathField.width / 4//walletPathChangeButtonText.contentWidth + 20
Layout.preferredHeight: 50//walletPathField.Layout.preferredHeight
text: qsTr("Change")
//display: AbstractButton.IconOnly//AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon//AbstractButton.TextOnly
//icon.source: "qrc:/assets/images/change.png"
//icon.color: "#ffffff"
hoverEnabled: true
background: Rectangle {
color: "#708090"//(NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#101010" : "#ffffff"
border.color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
radius: 3
Row {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.maximumWidth: 500
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: 20; Layout.rightMargin: 20
spacing: 5
// wallet path change or upload button
Button {
id: walletPathChangeButton
//Layout.topMargin: 10
width: parent.width / 4//walletPathChangeButtonText.contentWidth + 20
height: 50//walletPathField.Layout.preferredHeight
text: qsTr("Change")
//display: AbstractButton.IconOnly//AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon//AbstractButton.TextOnly
//icon.source: "qrc:/assets/images/change.png"
//icon.color: "#ffffff"
hoverEnabled: true
background: Rectangle {
color: NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroGrayColor
radius: 5
border.color: walletPathChangeButton.hovered ? "#ffffff" : this.color//"#ffffff"//control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b"
background: Rectangle {
color: NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroGrayColor
radius: 5
border.color: walletPathChangeButton.hovered ? "#ffffff" : this.color//"#ffffff"//control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b"
contentItem: Text {
id: walletPathChangeButtonText
text: parent.text
color: "#ffffff"
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font.bold: true
contentItem: Text {
id: walletPathChangeButtonText
text: parent.text
color: "#ffffff"
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font.bold: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: mouse.accepted = false
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Change wallet path")
// generate key button
Button {
id: generateKeysButton
Layout.topMargin: 10//20
Layout.preferredWidth: (walletPathChangeButton.width * 3) - parent.spacing//150
Layout.preferredHeight: 50
text: qsTr("Generate")//("Generate Keys")
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: generateWalletKeys()
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Change wallet path")
// generate key button
Button {
id: generateKeysButton
//Layout.topMargin: 10//20
width: (walletPathChangeButton.width * 3) - parent.spacing//150
height: 50
text: qsTr("Generate")//("Generate Keys")
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: generateWalletKeys()
contentItem: Text {
//id: generateKeysButtonText
font.bold: true
text: generateKeysButton.text
color: "#ffffff" // white
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
contentItem: Text {
//id: generateKeysButtonText
font.bold: true
text: generateKeysButton.text
color: "#ffffff" // white
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
background: Rectangle {
color: NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroOrangeColor
radius: 5
} // RowLayout containing both walletPathChangeButton and generateKeys button
// important wallet message box
TextArea {
id: walletMessageArea
visible: true////false
Layout.row: 8
Layout.column: 0
Layout.fillWidth: true // extends the TextArea's width to the width of the Layout
Layout.maximumWidth: walletPathField.width // keeps textarea from going past grid bounds when text is added
Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight + 20
Layout.topMargin: 20//15
selectByMouse: true
readOnly: true
verticalAlignment: TextEdit.AlignVCenter // align the text within the center of TextArea item's height
wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap // move text to newline if it reaches the width of the TextArea
text: qsTr("Please generate your wallet keys before registering your wallet.")
color: (messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : ((NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#404040")// text color
property int messageCode: 0 //0 = info; 1 = warning or error
background: Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
border.color: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : "#2196f3"////parent.color//(NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#404040"
radius: 3
leftPadding: 30 + circleInfo.contentWidth
Text {
id: circleInfo
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.triangleExclamation) : qsTr(FontAwesome.circleInfo)
color: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : "#2196f3"
font.bold: true FontAwesome.fontFamily
// wallet seed message box
TextArea {
id: seedMessageArea
visible: (walletSeedRepeater.model != null)
Layout.row: 0
Layout.column: 1
Layout.fillWidth: true // extends the TextArea's width to the width of the Layout
Layout.maximumWidth: 550////walletPathField.width // keeps textarea from going past grid bounds when text is added
////implicitHeight: contentHeight + 20////Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight + 20 // cause of QML TextArea: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" error
////Layout.topMargin: 20//15
selectByMouse: true
readOnly: true
verticalAlignment: TextEdit.AlignVCenter // align the text within the center of TextArea item's height
wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap // move text to newline if it reaches the width of the TextArea
text: qsTr("")
//font.bold: true
color: (messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : ((NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#404040")// text color
property int messageCode: 0 //0 = info; 1 = warning or error
background: Rectangle {
background: Rectangle {
color: NeroshopComponents.Style.moneroOrangeColor
radius: 5
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: mouse.accepted = false
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
} // Row containing both walletPathChangeButton and generateKeys button
// important wallet message box
TextArea {
id: walletMessageArea
visible: true////false
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillWidth: true // extends the TextArea's width to the width of the Layout
Layout.maximumWidth: walletPathField.width // keeps textarea from going past grid bounds when text is added
Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight + 20
Layout.topMargin: 20//15
Layout.leftMargin: 20; Layout.rightMargin: 20
selectByMouse: true
readOnly: true
verticalAlignment: TextEdit.AlignVCenter // align the text within the center of TextArea item's height
wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap // move text to newline if it reaches the width of the TextArea
text: qsTr("Please generate your wallet keys before registering your wallet address.")
color: (messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : ((NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#404040")// text color
property int messageCode: 0 //0 = info; 1 = warning or error
background: Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
border.color: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : "#2196f3"////parent.color//(NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#404040"
radius: 3
leftPadding: 30 + circleInfo.contentWidth
Text {
id: circleInfo
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.triangleExclamation) : qsTr(FontAwesome.circleInfo)
color: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : "#2196f3"
font.bold: true FontAwesome.fontFamily
} // ColumnLayout for Rect
} // Row Rect 1
// Row Rect 2
Item {//Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
visible: (walletSeedRepeater.model != null)
/*radius: 3
color: "transparent"
border.color: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : ((NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : parent.color)////parent.color
radius: 3
leftPadding: 25 + circleInfo.contentWidth
Text {
////id: circleInfo
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.triangleExclamation) : qsTr(FontAwesome.circleInfo)//(parent.messageCode == 2) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.seedling) : ((parent.messageCode == 1) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.triangleExclamation) : qsTr(FontAwesome.circleInfo))
color: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : "#2196f3"//(parent.messageCode == 2) ? "#228b22" : ((parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : "#2196f3")
font.bold: true FontAwesome.fontFamily
// testing listview for walletseed display
Flow {////RowLayout {
id: walletSeedDisplay
//Layout.preferredHeight: 200
Layout.rowSpan: 7////8 // fill the row 8 times?
Layout.row: 1
Layout.column: 1
////Layout.fillWidth: true // no reason to fill width since we set the maximum width
//Layout.preferredHeight: 40 * Layout.rowSpan // remove
Layout.maximumWidth: 550//walletMessageArea.width
Layout.topMargin: 20//15
/****orientation: ListView.Horizontal****/
spacing: 5
border.color: "#ffffff"*/
ColumnLayout {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width
// wallet seed message box
TextArea {
id: seedMessageArea
visible: (walletSeedRepeater.model != null)
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillWidth: true // extends the TextArea's width to the width of the Layout
Layout.maximumWidth: walletSeedDisplay.width////parent.width
Layout.leftMargin: 20; Layout.rightMargin: 20
////implicitHeight: contentHeight + 20////Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight + 20 // cause of QML TextArea: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" error
////Layout.topMargin: 20//15
selectByMouse: true
readOnly: true
verticalAlignment: TextEdit.AlignVCenter // align the text within the center of TextArea item's height
wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap // move text to newline if it reaches the width of the TextArea
text: qsTr("")
//font.bold: true
color: (messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : ((NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#404040")// text color
property int messageCode: 0 //0 = info; 1 = warning or error
background: Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
border.color: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : ((NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : parent.color)////parent.color
radius: 3
leftPadding: 25 + circleInfo.contentWidth
Text {
////id: circleInfo
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.triangleExclamation) : qsTr(FontAwesome.circleInfo)//(parent.messageCode == 2) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.seedling) : ((parent.messageCode == 1) ? qsTr(FontAwesome.triangleExclamation) : qsTr(FontAwesome.circleInfo))
color: (parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : "#2196f3"//(parent.messageCode == 2) ? "#228b22" : ((parent.messageCode == 1) ? "#b22222" : "#2196f3")
font.bold: true FontAwesome.fontFamily
// testing listview for walletseed display
Flow {////RowLayout {
id: walletSeedDisplay
//Layout.preferredHeight: 200
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillWidth: true // no reason to fill width since we set the maximum width
//Layout.preferredHeight: 40 * Layout.rowSpan // remove
Layout.maximumWidth: 670////parent.width
Layout.topMargin: 20//15
Layout.leftMargin: 20; Layout.rightMargin: 20
//orientation: ListView.Horizontal
spacing: 5
Repeater {
id: walletSeedRepeater
////model: null
delegate: Rectangle {
width: 130; height: 40
Text {
text: (index + 1) + ". " + modelData
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000"
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter//verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 15
color: "transparent"
border.color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
radius: 3
//MouseArea {
// anchors.fill: parent
// onClicked: {}
} // Flow?
// wallet seed copy button
Button {
id: seedCopyButton
Layout.row: 9
Layout.column: 1
Layout.fillWidth: true////width: contentWidth + 20; height: 40
visible: (walletSeedRepeater.model != null)
text: qsTr("Copy")
icon.source: "qrc:/assets/images/copy.png"
icon.color: "#ffffff"
display: AbstractButton.IconOnly//AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon//AbstractButton.TextOnly//AbstractButton.TextUnderIcon
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: Backend.copyTextToClipboard(Wallet.getSeed())
Repeater {
id: walletSeedRepeater
////model: null
delegate: Rectangle {
width: 130; height: 40
Text {
text: (index + 1) + ". " + modelData
color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#ffffff" : "#000000"
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter//verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 15
color: "transparent"
border.color: (NeroshopComponents.Style.darkTheme) ? "#a9a9a9" : "#696969"
radius: 3
//MouseArea {
// anchors.fill: parent
// onClicked: {}
} // Flow?
// wallet seed copy button
Button {
id: seedCopyButton
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillWidth: true////width: contentWidth + 20; height: 40
Layout.maximumWidth: walletSeedDisplay.width////parent.width
Layout.leftMargin: 20; Layout.rightMargin: 20
visible: (walletSeedRepeater.model != null)
text: qsTr("Copy")
icon.source: "qrc:/assets/images/copy.png"
icon.color: "#ffffff"
display: AbstractButton.IconOnly//AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon//AbstractButton.TextOnly//AbstractButton.TextUnderIcon
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: Backend.copyTextToClipboard(Wallet.getSeed())
background: Rectangle {
color: "#404040"
radius: 5
border.color: parent.hovered ? "#ffffff" : this.color//"#ffffff"//control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b"
background: Rectangle {
color: "#404040"
radius: 5
border.color: parent.hovered ? "#ffffff" : this.color//"#ffffff"//control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b"
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Copy seed phrase")////qsTr("Copy to clipboard")
} // copyButton
} // GridLayout for walletGenerationPage
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Copy seed phrase")////qsTr("Copy to clipboard")
} // copyButton
} // ColumnLayout for Rect
} // Row Rectangle 2
} // ColumnLayout for walletGenerationPage
} // eof walletGenerationPage
Rectangle {
id: registrationPage

@ -591,6 +591,15 @@ QVariantList neroshop::UserController::getMessages(const QString& sender_id, con
return filteredMessages;
int neroshop::UserController::getMessagesCount() const {
neroshop::db::Sqlite3 * database = neroshop::get_database();
if(!database) throw std::runtime_error("database is NULL");
std::string command = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT key) FROM mappings WHERE search_term = ?1 AND content = 'message'";
int messages_count = database->get_integer_params(command, { _user->get_id() });
//emit messagesCountChanged();
return messages_count;
bool neroshop::UserController::isUserLogged() const {
return (_user.get() != nullptr);

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool logged READ isUserLogged NOTIFY userLogged);
Q_PROPERTY(int productsCount READ getProductsCount NOTIFY productsCountChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(int cartQuantity READ getCartQuantity NOTIFY cartQuantityChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(int messagesCount READ getMessagesCount NOTIFY messagesCountChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList inventory READ getInventory NOTIFY inventoryChanged);
//Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList cart READ getCart NOTIFY cartQuantityChanged);
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getMessages() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getMessages(const QString& sender_id) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getMessages(const QString& sender_id, const QVariantList& messages) const;
Q_INVOKABLE int getMessagesCount() const;
Q_INVOKABLE neroshop::User * getUser() const;
neroshop::Seller * getSeller() const;
@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ signals:
void inventoryChanged(); // for inventory sorting
void productsCountChanged();
void cartQuantityChanged();
void messagesCountChanged();
std::unique_ptr<neroshop::User> _user;
//std::unique_ptr<neroshop::WalletController> wallet_controller;
