# Suchbot, a bot for suchmemes ._. # Supported platforms: - [x] Mastodon (Come check it out at [@wownero](https://mastodon.social/@wownero)) - [x] Tumblr (only posts image due to the package limitations. Check out the feed here: [wownero](https://wownero.tumblr.com/) - [ ] XMPP - [ ] IRC ## It uses a [Supabase](https://supabase.com/) database to store the json from https://suchwow.xyz/api/list. > Posts image data directly to services without storing it. # Reproducing: To reproduce, set up a .env with the following and install the necessary modules found in `requirements.txt`: ``` SUPABASE_URL= SUPABASE_KEY= Mastodon: MAST_TOKEN= Tumblr: consumer_key= consumer_secret= oauth_token= oauth_secret= ```