You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

559 lines
20 KiB

3 years ago
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import "." // QTBUG-34418, singletons require explicit import to load qmldir file
import "../common"
import "change_orientation"
MyStackViewPage {
headerText: "Receive Wownero"
MyDialogOkPopup {
id: chaperoneMessageDialog
function showMessage(title, text) {
dialogTitle = title
dialogText = text
MyDialogOkCancelPopup {
id: chaperoneDeleteProfileDialog
property int profileIndex: -1
dialogTitle: "Delete Profile"
dialogText: "Do you really want to delete this profile?"
onClosed: {
if (okClicked) {
MyDialogOkCancelPopup {
id: chaperoneNewProfileDialog
dialogTitle: "Create New Profile"
dialogWidth: 800
dialogHeight: 780
dialogContentItem: ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: 16
Layout.leftMargin: 16
Layout.rightMargin: 16
MyText {
text: "Name: "
MyTextField {
id: chaperoneNewProfileName
keyBoardUID: 390
color: "#cccccc"
text: ""
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pointSize: 20
function onInputEvent(input) {
chaperoneNewProfileName.text = input
MyText {
Layout.topMargin: 24
text: "What to include:"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeGeometry
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Chaperone Geometry"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeStyle
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Chaperone Style"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeBoundsColor
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Chaperone Color"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeVisibility
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Visibility Setting"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeFadeDistance
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Fade Distance Setting"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeCenterMarker
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Center Marker Setting"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludePlaySpaceMarker
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Play Space Marker Setting"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeFloorBoundsMarker
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Floor Bounds Always On Setting"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeForceBounds
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Force Bounds Setting"
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneNewProfileIncludeProximityWarnings
Layout.leftMargin: 32
text: "Proximity Warning Settings"
onClosed: {
if (okClicked) {
if (chaperoneNewProfileName.text == "") {
chaperoneMessageDialog.showMessage("Create New Profile", "ERROR: Empty profile name.")
} else if (!chaperoneNewProfileIncludeGeometry.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludeVisibility.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludeFadeDistance.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludeCenterMarker.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludePlaySpaceMarker.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludeFloorBoundsMarker.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludeBoundsColor.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludeStyle.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludeForceBounds.checked
&& !chaperoneNewProfileIncludeProximityWarnings.checked) {
chaperoneMessageDialog.showMessage("Create New Profile", "ERROR: Nothing included.")
} else if ( Math.abs(MoveCenterTabController.offsetX) > 0.00000000001
|| Math.abs(MoveCenterTabController.offsetY) > 0.00000000001
|| Math.abs(MoveCenterTabController.offsetZ) > 0.00000000001
|| MoveCenterTabController.rotation !== 0) {
chaperoneMessageDialog.showMessage("Create New Profile", "ERROR: Offsets not reset.")
} else {
function openPopup() {
chaperoneNewProfileName.text = ""
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeGeometry.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeVisibility.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeFadeDistance.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeCenterMarker.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludePlaySpaceMarker.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeFloorBoundsMarker.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeBoundsColor.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeStyle.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeForceBounds.checked = false
chaperoneNewProfileIncludeProximityWarnings.checked = false
content: ColumnLayout {
spacing: 18
ColumnLayout {
Layout.bottomMargin: 32
spacing: 18
RowLayout {
spacing: 18
MyText {
text: "Profile:"
MyComboBox {
id: chaperoneProfileComboBox
Layout.maximumWidth: 799
Layout.minimumWidth: 799
Layout.preferredWidth: 799
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: [""]
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
if (currentIndex > 0) {
chaperoneApplyProfileButton.enabled = true
chaperoneDeleteProfileButton.enabled = true
} else {
chaperoneApplyProfileButton.enabled = false
chaperoneDeleteProfileButton.enabled = false
MyPushButton {
id: chaperoneApplyProfileButton
enabled: false
Layout.preferredWidth: 200
text: "Apply"
onClicked: {
if (chaperoneProfileComboBox.currentIndex > 0) {
ChaperoneTabController.applyChaperoneProfile(chaperoneProfileComboBox.currentIndex - 1)
chaperoneProfileComboBox.currentIndex = 0
RowLayout {
spacing: 18
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
MyPushButton {
id: chaperoneDeleteProfileButton
enabled: false
Layout.preferredWidth: 200
text: "Delete Profile"
onClicked: {
if (chaperoneProfileComboBox.currentIndex > 0) {
chaperoneDeleteProfileDialog.profileIndex = chaperoneProfileComboBox.currentIndex - 1
MyPushButton {
Layout.preferredWidth: 200
text: "New Profile"
onClicked: {
GridLayout {
columns: 5
MyText {
text: "Visibility:"
Layout.rightMargin: 12
MyPushButton2 {
text: "-"
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
onClicked: {
chaperoneVisibilitySlider.value -= 0.05
MySlider {
id: chaperoneVisibilitySlider
from: 0.3
to: 1.0
stepSize: 0.01
value: 0.6
Layout.fillWidth: true
onPositionChanged: {
var val = (this.value * 100)
chaperoneVisibilityText.text = Math.round(val) + "%"
onValueChanged: {
MyPushButton2 {
text: "+"
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
onClicked: {
chaperoneVisibilitySlider.value += 0.05
MyTextField {
id: chaperoneVisibilityText
text: "60.00"
keyBoardUID: 301
Layout.preferredWidth: 100
Layout.leftMargin: 10
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
function onInputEvent(input) {
var val = parseFloat(input)
if (!isNaN(val)) {
if (val < 30.0) {
val = 30.0
} else if (val > 100.0) {
val = 100.0
val = 100.0
var v = (val/100).toFixed(2)
if (v <= {
chaperoneVisibilitySlider.value = v
} else {
ChaperoneTabController.setBoundsVisibility(v, false)
text = Math.round(ChaperoneTabController.boundsVisibility * 100) + "%"
MyText {
text: "Fade Distance:"
Layout.rightMargin: 12
MyPushButton2 {
id: chaperoneFadeDistanceMinus
text: "-"
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
onClicked: {
MySlider {
id: chaperoneFadeDistanceSlider
from: 0.0
to: 2.0
stepSize: 0.1
value: 0.7
Layout.fillWidth: true
onPositionChanged: {
var val = this.from + ( this.position * ( - this.from))
chaperoneFadeDistanceText.text = val.toFixed(1)
onValueChanged: {
ChaperoneTabController.setFadeDistance(this.value.toFixed(1), false)
MyPushButton2 {
id: chaperoneFadeDistancePlus
text: "+"
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
onClicked: {
MyTextField {
id: chaperoneFadeDistanceText
text: "0.00"
keyBoardUID: 302
Layout.preferredWidth: 100
Layout.leftMargin: 10
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
function onInputEvent(input) {
var val = parseFloat(input)
if (!isNaN(val)) {
if (val < 0.0) {
val = 0.0
var v = val.toFixed(1)
if (v <= {
chaperoneFadeDistanceSlider.value = v
} else {
ChaperoneTabController.setFadeDistance(v, false)
text = ChaperoneTabController.fadeDistance.toFixed(1)
MyText {
text: "Height:"
Layout.rightMargin: 12
MyPushButton2 {
text: "-"
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
onClicked: {
MySlider {
id: chaperoneHeightSlider
from: 0.01
to: 5.0
stepSize: 0.01
value: 2.0
Layout.fillWidth: true
onPositionChanged: {
var val = (this.from + ( this.position * ( - this.from))).toFixed(2)
if (activeFocus) {
ChaperoneTabController.setHeight(val, false);
chaperoneHeightText.text = val
onValueChanged: {
ChaperoneTabController.setHeight(value.toFixed(2), false)
MyPushButton2 {
text: "+"
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
onClicked: {
MyTextField {
id: chaperoneHeightText
text: "0.00"
keyBoardUID: 303
Layout.preferredWidth: 100
Layout.leftMargin: 10
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
function onInputEvent(input) {
var val = parseFloat(input)
if (!isNaN(val)) {
if (val < 0.01) {
val = 0.01
var v = val.toFixed(2)
if (v <= {
chaperoneHeightSlider.value = v
} else {
ChaperoneTabController.setHeight(v, false)
text = ChaperoneTabController.height.toFixed(2)
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 32
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneCenterMarkerToggle
text: "Center Marker"
Layout.fillWidth: false
onCheckedChanged: {
ChaperoneTabController.setCenterMarkerNew(this.checked, false)
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperonePlaySpaceToggle
text: "Play Space"
onCheckedChanged: {
ChaperoneTabController.setPlaySpaceMarker(this.checked, false)
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneForceBoundsToggle
text: "Force Bounds"
onCheckedChanged: {
ChaperoneTabController.setForceBounds(this.checked, false)
MyToggleButton {
id: chaperoneDisableChaperone
text: "Disable Chaperone"
onCheckedChanged: {
ChaperoneTabController.setDisableChaperone(this.checked, false)
chaperoneFadeDistanceMinus.enabled = false;
chaperoneFadeDistancePlus.enabled = false;
chaperoneFadeDistanceSlider.enabled = false;
chaperoneFadeDistanceText.enabled = false;
chaperoneFadeDistanceMinus.enabled = true;
chaperoneFadeDistancePlus.enabled = true;
chaperoneFadeDistanceSlider.enabled = true;
chaperoneFadeDistanceText.enabled = true;
Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
MyPushButton {
id: chaperoneWarningsConfigButton
text: "Proximity Warning Settings"
Layout.preferredWidth: 350
onClicked: {
Item {Layout.fillWidth: true}
MyPushButton {
id: chaperoneAdditionalButton
text: "Additional Chaperone Settings"
Layout.preferredWidth: 400
onClicked: {
ChangeOrientationGroupBox { }
Item { Layout.fillHeight: true; Layout.fillWidth: true}
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
MyPushButton {
id: chaperoneResetButton
text: "Reset"
Layout.preferredWidth: 250
onClicked: {
Item { Layout.fillWidth: true}
MyPushButton {
id: chaperoneReloadFromDiskButton
text: "Reload from Disk"
Layout.preferredWidth: 250
onClicked: {
Component.onCompleted: {
chaperoneVisibilitySlider.value = 10;
if(chaperoneVisibilitySlider.value < 0.3){
chaperoneVisibilitySlider.value = 0.3
function reloadChaperoneProfiles() {
var profiles = [""]
var profileCount = ChaperoneTabController.getChaperoneProfileCount()
for (var i = 0; i < profileCount; i++) {
chaperoneProfileComboBox.currentIndex = 0
chaperoneProfileComboBox.model = profiles