import socket import struct import ipaddress from io import BytesIO from datetime import datetime from ctypes import ( c_ushort as _c_ushort, c_ubyte as _c_ubyte, c_uint8 as _c_uint8, c_uint16 as _c_uint16, c_uint32 as _c_uint32, c_uint64 as _c_uint64, c_short as _c_short, c_byte as _c_byte, c_int8 as _c_int8, c_int16 as _c_int16, c_int32 as _c_int32, c_int64 as _c_int64, ) from levin.exceptions import BadArgumentException class _CType: def __init__(self, value, endian=None): self.value = value self.endian = endian @classmethod def from_buffer(cls, buffer, endian: str = 'little', padding: bytes = None): if isinstance(buffer, BytesIO): buffer = elif isinstance(buffer, socket.socket): buffer = buffer.recv(cls.NBYTES) if len(buffer) < cls.NBYTES: if not padding: _bytes = 'bytes' if cls.NBYTES > 1 else 'byte' raise BadArgumentException("requires a buffer of %d %s, received %d" % (cls.NBYTES, _bytes, len(buffer))) func_padding = bytes.ljust if endian == 'little' else bytes.rjust buffer = func_padding(buffer, cls.NBYTES, padding) _endian = '<' if endian == 'little' else '>' type_struct = cls.TYPE_STRUCT if hasattr(cls, 'TYPE_STRUCT') else cls.TYPE._type_ value = struct.unpack('%s%s' % (_endian, type_struct), buffer)[0] return cls(value, endian) def to_bytes(self): if isinstance(self.value, (int, bool)): type_struct = self.TYPE_STRUCT if hasattr(self, 'TYPE_STRUCT') else self.TYPE._type_ return struct.pack('%s%s' % ('<' if self.endian == 'little' else '>', type_struct), self.value) elif isinstance(self.value, bytes): if self.endian == 'little': return self.value[::-1] return self.value def _overflows(self): if isinstance(self.value, int): try: self.value.to_bytes(self.NBYTES, byteorder=self.endian, signed=self.SIGNED) except OverflowError as e: raise OverflowError("Value \'%d\' does not fit in %s." % (self.value, self.__class__.__name__)) def __len__(self): if isinstance(self.value, bytes): return len(self.value) if isinstance(self.value, int): return len(bytes(self)) return len(bytes(self.value)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(self.value, int): return self.value == other def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): return self.value != other def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): # Bitwise AND return self.value & other raise NotImplementedError() def __lshift__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): # Bitwise Left Shift return self.value << other raise NotImplementedError() def __rshift__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): # Bitwise Right Shift return self.value >> other raise NotImplementedError() def __rlshift__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): # Bitwise Right Shift return self.value << other raise NotImplementedError() def __rrshift__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): # Bitwise Left Shift return self.value >> other raise NotImplementedError() def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): # Bitwise OR return self.value | other raise NotImplementedError() def __mod__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): return self.value % other def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): return self.value + other def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): return self.value + other def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): return self.value > other def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _CType): other = other.value if isinstance(self.value, int): return self.value < other def __bytes__(self): return self.to_bytes() def __hash__(self): return self.value def __int__(self): return self.value class _IntType(_CType): def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(_IntType, self).__init__(value, endian) self._overflows() def __repr__(self): _signed = 'unsigned' if not self.SIGNED else 'signed' _bytes = 'bytes' if self.NBYTES > 1 else 'byte' _cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ return '\'%d\' - %s - %s %d %s' % (self.value, _cls_name, _signed, self.NBYTES, _bytes) class c_int16(_IntType): TYPE = _c_short NBYTES = 2 SIGNED = True def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_int16, self).__init__(value, endian) class c_uint16(_IntType): TYPE = _c_ushort NBYTES = 2 SIGNED = False def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_uint16, self).__init__(value, endian) class c_int32(_IntType): TYPE = _c_uint32 NBYTES = 4 SIGNED = True def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_int32, self).__init__(value, endian) class c_uint32(_IntType): TYPE = _c_uint32 NBYTES = 4 SIGNED = False def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_uint32, self).__init__(value, endian) @property def ipv4(self) -> str: return str(ipaddress.IPv4Address(self.value)) @property def ip(self) -> str: return self.ipv4 class c_int64(_IntType): TYPE = _c_uint64 TYPE_STRUCT = 'q' NBYTES = 8 SIGNED = True def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_int64, self).__init__(value, endian) @property def date_utc(self): return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.value) class c_uint64(_IntType): TYPE = _c_uint64 TYPE_STRUCT = 'Q' NBYTES = 8 SIGNED = False def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_uint64, self).__init__(value, endian) @property def ipv6(self) -> str: val = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, self.value) if val.startswith("::ffff:"): val = val[7:] return val @property def ip(self) -> str: return self.ipv6 @property def date_utc(self): return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.value) class c_byte(_IntType): TYPE = _c_byte NBYTES = 1 SIGNED = True def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_byte, self).__init__(value, endian) class c_bytes(_CType): def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_bytes, self).__init__(value, endian) class c_ubyte(_IntType): TYPE = _c_ubyte NBYTES = 1 SIGNED = False def __init__(self, value, endian='little'): super(c_ubyte, self).__init__(value, endian) class c_string(_CType): ENCODING = 'ascii' def __init__(self, value): super(c_string, self).__init__(value) if isinstance(value, bytes): self.NBYTES = len(value) else: self.NBYTES = len(self.value.encode(self.ENCODING)) class c_bool(_CType): TYPE_STRUCT = '?' NBYTES = 1 def __init__(self, value, endian=None): if value not in [True, False]: raise BadArgumentException('bool') super(c_bool, self).__init__(value)