You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
2.6 KiB

from time import time
import random
6 years ago
from io import BytesIO
from collections import OrderedDict
from levin.constants import *
from levin.ctypes import *
6 years ago
class Section:
def __init__(self):
self.entries = OrderedDict()
def add(self, key: str, entry: object):
self.entries[key] = entry
def __len__(self):
return len(self.entries.keys())
def from_byte_array(cls, buffer: BytesIO):
from levin.reader import LevinReader
x = LevinReader(buffer)
section = x.read_payload()
return section
def handshake_request(cls, my_port: int = 0, network_id: bytes = None, peer_id: bytes = None):
if not network_id:
network_id = bytes.fromhex("1230f171610441611731008216a1a110") # mainnet
if not peer_id:
peer_id = random.getrandbits(64)
section = cls()
node_data = Section()
# node_data.add("local_time", c_uint64(0x4141414141414141))
node_data.add("local_time", c_uint64(int(time())))
node_data.add("my_port", c_uint32(my_port))
node_data.add("network_id", c_string(network_id))
node_data.add("peer_id", c_uint64(peer_id))
section.add("node_data", node_data)
payload_data = Section()
payload_data.add("cumulative_difficulty", c_uint64(1))
payload_data.add("current_height", c_uint64(1))
genesis_hash = bytes.fromhex("418015bb9ae982a1975da7d79277c2705727a56894ba0fb246adaabb1f4632e3") # genesis
payload_data.add("top_id", c_string(genesis_hash))
payload_data.add("top_version", c_ubyte(1))
section.add("payload_data", payload_data)
return section
def create_flags_response(cls):
section = cls()
section.add("support_flags", P2P_SUPPORT_FLAGS)
return section
def stat_info_request(cls, peer_id: bytes = None):
if not peer_id:
peer_id = random.getrandbits(64)
signature = bytes.fromhex(
section = cls()
proof_of_trust = Section()
proof_of_trust.add("peer_id", c_uint64(peer_id))
proof_of_trust.add("time", c_uint64(int(time())))
proof_of_trust.add("sign", c_string(signature))
section.add("proof_of_trust", proof_of_trust)
return section
def __bytes__(self):
6 years ago
from levin.writer import LevinWriter
writer = LevinWriter()
buffer = writer.write_payload(self)