You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
5.4 KiB

6 years ago
import sys
import struct
import socket
6 years ago
from io import BytesIO
from levin.section import Section
6 years ago
from levin.constants import *
from levin.exceptions import BadArgumentException
from levin.ctypes import *
6 years ago
class Bucket:
def __init__(self):
self.signature = LEVIN_SIGNATURE
6 years ago
if self.signature != LEVIN_SIGNATURE:
raise BadArgumentException('Bender\'s nightmare')
self.cb = None
self.return_data = None
self.command = None
self.return_code = None
self.flags = None
self.protocol_version = None
self.payload_section = None
def create_request(cls, command: int, payload: bytes = None, section: Section = None):
bucket = cls()
bucket.return_data = c_bool(True)
bucket.command = c_uint32(command)
bucket.return_code = c_uint32(0)
bucket.protocol_version = LEVIN_PROTOCOL_VER_1
if payload:
bucket.cb = c_uint64(len(payload))
bucket.payload_section = payload
6 years ago
if section:
bucket.payload_section = bytes(section)
bucket.cb = c_uint64(len(bucket.payload_section))
6 years ago
return bucket
6 years ago
def create_response(cls, command: int, payload: bytes, return_code: int):
bucket = cls()
bucket.cb = c_uint64(len(payload))
bucket.return_data = c_bool(False)
bucket.command = c_uint32(command)
bucket.return_code = c_uint32(return_code)
bucket.protocol_version = LEVIN_PROTOCOL_VER_1
def create_handshake_request(my_port: int = 0, network_id: bytes = None,
peer_id: bytes = b'\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41'):
Helper function to create a handshake request. Does not require
parameters but you can use them to impersonate a legit node.
:param my_port: defaults to 0
:param network_id: defaults to mainnet
:param peer_id:
handshake_section = Section.handshake_request(peer_id=peer_id, network_id=network_id, my_port=my_port)
bucket = Bucket.create_request(1001, section=handshake_section)
print(">> created packet \'%s\'" % P2P_COMMANDS[bucket.command])
header = bucket.header()
body = bucket.payload()
return bucket
6 years ago
def from_buffer(cls, signature: c_uint64, sock: socket.socket):
if isinstance(signature, bytes):
signature = c_uint64(signature)
# if isinstance(buffer, bytes):
# buffer = BytesIO(buffer)
bucket = cls()
bucket.signature = signature
bucket.cb = c_uint64.from_buffer(sock)
bucket.return_data = c_bool.from_buffer(sock)
bucket.command = c_uint32.from_buffer(sock)
bucket.return_code = c_int32.from_buffer(sock)
bucket.flags = c_uint32.from_buffer(sock)
bucket.protocol_version = c_uint32.from_buffer(sock)
if bucket.signature != LEVIN_SIGNATURE:
raise IOError("Bender's nightmare missing")
raise IOError("payload too large")
if bucket.command.value not in P2P_COMMANDS:
raise IOError("unregonized command: %d" % bucket.command.value)
bucket.payload = sock.recv(bucket.cb.value)
while len(bucket.payload) < bucket.cb.value:
bufsize = 2048
remaining = bucket.cb.value - len(bucket.payload)
if remaining < bufsize:
bufsize = remaining
bucket.payload += sock.recv(bufsize)
bucket.payload_section = None
print("<< received packet \'%s\'" % P2P_COMMANDS[bucket.command])
from levin.reader import LevinReader
bucket.payload_section = LevinReader(BytesIO(bucket.payload)).read_payload()
print("<< parsed packet \'%s\'" % P2P_COMMANDS[bucket.command])
return bucket
def header(self):
6 years ago
return b''.join((
6 years ago
b'\x01' if self.return_data else b'\x00',
def payload(self):
return self.payload_section
def get_peers(self):
# helper function to retreive peerlisting where buckets.command was 1001
if self.command != 1001:
raise Exception("Only handshake has peerlisting")
peers = []
if 'local_peerlist_new' not in self.payload_section.entries:
for peer in [e.entries for e in self.payload_section.entries['local_peerlist_new']]:
if 'adr' not in peer or 'addr' not in peer['adr'].entries:
addr = peer['adr'].entries['addr'].entries
last_seen, m_ip, m_port = peer['last_seen'], addr['m_ip'], addr['m_port']
# reinterpret m_ip as big endian
m_ip = c_uint32(m_ip.to_bytes(), endian='big')
'last_seen': peer['last_seen'],
'ip': m_ip,
'port': m_port
# sort on last seen
peers = sorted(peers, key=lambda k: k['last_seen'], reverse=True)
return peers