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This file is part of MXE.
See index.html for further information.
let on_expose_event widget _ =
let open Cairo in
let drawable = widget#misc#window in
let cr = Cairo_lablgtk.create drawable in
let i = ref 1 in
while !i <= 10 do
let i' = float !i in
set_source_rgba cr 0. 0. 1. (i'*.0.1);
rectangle cr (50.*.i') 20. 40. 40.;
fill cr;
incr i
let () =
let window = GWindow.window
~position:`CENTER () in
(on_expose_event window));
ignore(window#connect#destroy GMain.quit);
window#misc#set_app_paintable true;
window#set_default_size ~width:590 ~height:80;
window#show ();
GMain.main ()