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# This file is part of MXE. See for licensing information.
PKG := $(basename $(notdir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
$(PKG)_FILE = $(qtbase_FILE)
$(PKG)_PATCHES = $(realpath $(sort $(wildcard $(addsuffix /qtbase-[0-9]*.patch, $(TOP_DIR)/src))))
$(PKG)_SUBDIR = $(qtbase_SUBDIR)
$(PKG)_DEPS := cc gcc-host make-host qtbase winpthreads-host
# main configure options: -platform -host-option -external-hostbindir
# further testing needed: -prefix -extprefix -hostprefix -sysroot -no-gcc-sysroot
# and keeping options synced with qtbase
define $(PKG)_BUILD
$(SED) -i 's,BUILD_ON_MAC=yes,BUILD_ON_MAC=no,g' '$(1)/configure'
cd '$(BUILD_DIR)' && '$(SOURCE_DIR)/configure' \
-prefix '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5' \
$(if $(BUILD_STATIC),-static,-shared) \
-release \
-c++std c++11 \
-platform win32-g++ \
-host-option CROSS_COMPILE=${TARGET}- \
-external-hostbindir '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5/bin' \
-device-option PKG_CONFIG='$(TARGET)-pkg-config' \
-device-option CROSS_COMPILE=$(TARGET)- \
-force-pkg-config \
-no-icu \
-no-sql-{db2,ibase,mysql,oci,odbc,psql,sqlite,sqlite2,tds} \
-no-use-gold-linker \
-nomake examples \
-nomake tests \
-opensource \
-confirm-license \
-continue \
# generate remaining build configuration (qmake is created by configure)
$(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j $(JOBS) \
# build other tools
$(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)/src' -j $(JOBS) \
# install tools and create `qt.conf` for runtime config
cp '$(BUILD_DIR)/bin'/*.exe '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5/bin/'
(printf '[Paths]\r\n'; \
printf 'Prefix = ..\r\n'; \
) > '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5/bin/qt.conf'
# test compilation on host
# windows can't work with symlinks
$(and $(BUILD_STATIC),
rm -f '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/libpng.a' && \
cp '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/libpng16.a' '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/libpng.a';
rm -f '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/libharfbuzz_too.a' && \
cp '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/libharfbuzz.a' '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/libharfbuzz_too.a';
# copy required test files and create batch file
mkdir -p '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5/test-$(PKG)'
cp '$(PWD)/src/qt-test.'* '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5/test-$(PKG)/'
cp '$(PWD)/src/' '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5/test-$(PKG)/'
(printf 'set PWD=%%~dp0\r\n'; \
printf 'set PATH=%%PWD%%..\\bin;%%PWD%%..\\..\\bin;%%PWD%%..\\lib;%%PWD%%..\\..\\lib;%%PATH%%\r\n'; \
printf 'set QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=%%PWD%%..\\plugins\r\n'; \
printf 'mkdir build\r\n'; \
printf 'cd build\r\n'; \
printf 'qmake ..\r\n'; \
printf 'make -j $(JOBS)\r\n'; \
printf '%%PWD%%\\build\\release\\test-qt5.exe\r\n'; \
printf 'cmd\r\n'; \
) > '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5/test-$(PKG)/test-$(PKG).bat'