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# This file is part of MXE. See for licensing information.
PKG := libatomic_ops
$(PKG)_DESCR := The atomic_ops project (Atomic memory update operations portable implementation)
$(PKG)_IGNORE := 7.6%
$(PKG)_VERSION := 7.4.8
$(PKG)_CHECKSUM := b985816abc69df5781d6d9fcf081e03a3a1e44032030d0a2c28f8de731e7f20f
$(PKG)_GH_CONF := ivmai/libatomic_ops/tags,v
$(PKG)_DEPS := cc
define $(PKG)_BUILD
# build and install the library
cd '$(SOURCE_DIR)' && autoreconf -fi
cd '$(BUILD_DIR)' && '$(SOURCE_DIR)/configure' \
$(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j '$(JOBS)'
$(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j 1 install
# create pkg-config file
# the *_gpl lib has extra functions needed for test program
$(INSTALL) -d '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig'
(echo 'Name: atomic_ops_gpl'; \
echo 'Version: $($(PKG)_VERSION)'; \
echo 'Description: $($(PKG)_DESCR)'; \
echo 'Requires: atomic_ops'; \
echo 'Libs: -latomic_ops_gpl';) \
> '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig/atomic_ops_gpl.pc'
# compile test
'$(TARGET)-gcc' \
-W -Wall -Werror -pedantic -std=c99 \
'$(SOURCE_DIR)/tests/test_stack.c' -o '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/test-$(PKG).exe' \
`'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' atomic_ops_gpl --cflags --libs`