# This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. # WIDL is called "Wine IDL Compiler"; but we use mingw-w64's copy of it to # avoid downloading Wine's entire tree. PKG := widl $(PKG)_WEBSITE := https://www.winehq.org/docs/widl/ $(PKG)_DESCR := Wine IDL Compiler $(PKG)_IGNORE = $(mingw-w64_IGNORE) $(PKG)_VERSION = $(mingw-w64_VERSION) $(PKG)_CHECKSUM = $(mingw-w64_CHECKSUM) $(PKG)_SUBDIR = $(mingw-w64_SUBDIR) $(PKG)_FILE = $(mingw-w64_FILE) $(PKG)_URL = $(mingw-w64_URL) $(PKG)_DEPS := define $(PKG)_UPDATE echo $(mingw-w64_VERSION) endef define $(PKG)_BUILD cd '$(1)/mingw-w64-tools/widl' && ./configure \ --host='$(BUILD)' \ --build='$(BUILD)' \ --prefix='$(PREFIX)' \ --target='$(TARGET)' $(MAKE) -C '$(1)/mingw-w64-tools/widl' -j '$(JOBS)' install # create cmake file mkdir -p '$(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_DIR)' echo 'set(CMAKE_WIDL $(PREFIX)/bin/$(TARGET)-$(PKG) CACHE PATH "widl executable")' \ > '$(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/$(PKG).cmake' endef