# This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. PKG := mxe-conf $(PKG)_VERSION := 1 $(PKG)_UPDATE := echo 1 $(PKG)_TARGETS := $(BUILD) $(MXE_TARGETS) define $(PKG)_BUILD # create basic non-empty directory hierarchy for d in bin include lib share; do \ mkdir -p "$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/$$d" && \ touch "$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/$$d/.gitkeep" ; \ done # install target-specific autotools config file # setting ac_cv_build bypasses the config.guess check in every package echo "ac_cv_build=$(BUILD)" > '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/share/config.site' endef define $(PKG)_BUILD_$(BUILD) # install config.guess for general use mkdir -p '$(PREFIX)/bin' $(INSTALL) -m755 '$(EXT_DIR)/config.guess' '$(PREFIX)/bin/' #create script "wine" in a directory which is in PATH mkdir -p '$(PREFIX)/$(BUILD)/bin/' (echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash'; \ echo 'exit 1'; \ ) \ > '$(PREFIX)/$(BUILD)/bin/wine' chmod 0755 '$(PREFIX)/$(BUILD)/bin/wine' endef