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# This file is part of MXE.
# See index.html for further information.
# Runtimes can/will have different implementations,
# but the pre-requisite package and test are the same.
PKG := pthreads
$(PKG)_VERSION := POSIX 1003.1-2001
$(PKG)_DEPS := gcc
define $(PKG)_BUILD
# install and test pkg-config
$(INSTALL) -d '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig'
(echo 'Name: pthreads'; \
echo 'Version: $($(PKG)_VERSION)'; \
echo 'Description: Posix Threads ($(PKG))'; \
echo 'Libs: -lpthread'; \
) > '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig/pthreads.pc'
# test pkg-config and libgomp
'$(TARGET)-gcc' \
-W -Wall -Werror -ansi -pedantic \
'$(TOP_DIR)/src/$(PKG)-test.c' -o '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/test-$(PKG).exe' \
`'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' --libs pthreads`
'$(TARGET)-gcc' \
-W -Wall -Werror -ansi -pedantic \
'$(TOP_DIR)/src/$(PKG)-libgomp-test.c' -o '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/test-$(PKG)-libgomp.exe' \
# test cmake
mkdir '$(1).test-cmake'
cd '$(1).test-cmake' && '$(TARGET)-cmake' \
-DPKG=$(PKG) \
$(MAKE) -C '$(1).test-cmake' -j 1 install