{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}


Enjoy the music :)

Now playing:
Nothing here yet

Command list:

!np         - current song
!tune       - upvote song
!boo        - downvote song
!request    - search and queue a song by title or YouTube id
!dj+        - add a YouTube ID to the radiostream
!dj-        - remove a YouTube ID
!ban+       - ban a YouTube ID and/or nickname
!ban-       - unban a YouTube ID and/or nickname
!skip       - skips current song
!listeners  - show current amount of listeners
!queue      - show queued up music
!queue_user - queue a random song by user
!search     - search for a title
!stats      - stats



Library (by user)


{{ settings.irc_host }}:{{ settings.irc_port }}
{{ settings.irc_channels | join(" ") }}
{% endblock %}