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import 'package:cake_wallet/bitcoin/bitcoin_address_record.dart';
class BitcoinUnspent {
BitcoinUnspent(this.address, this.hash, this.value, this.vout)
: isSending = true,
isFrozen = false,
note = '';
factory BitcoinUnspent.fromJSON(
BitcoinAddressRecord address, Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
BitcoinUnspent(address, json['tx_hash'] as String, json['value'] as int,
json['tx_pos'] as int);
final BitcoinAddressRecord address;
final String hash;
final int value;
final int vout;
bool get isP2wpkh =>
address.address.startsWith('bc') || address.address.startsWith('ltc');
bool isSending;
bool isFrozen;
String note;