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class PreferencesKey {
static const currentWalletType = 'current_wallet_type';
static const currentWalletName = 'current_wallet_name';
static const currentNodeIdKey = 'current_node_id';
static const currentBitcoinElectrumSererIdKey = 'current_node_id_btc';
static const currentLitecoinElectrumSererIdKey = 'current_node_id_ltc';
static const currentFiatCurrencyKey = 'current_fiat_currency';
static const currentTransactionPriorityKeyLegacy = 'current_fee_priority';
static const currentBalanceDisplayModeKey = 'current_balance_display_mode';
static const shouldSaveRecipientAddressKey = 'save_recipient_address';
static const allowBiometricalAuthenticationKey =
static const currentTheme = 'current_theme';
static const isDarkThemeLegacy = 'dark_theme';
static const displayActionListModeKey = 'display_list_mode';
static const currentPinLength = 'current_pin_length';
static const currentLanguageCode = 'language_code';
static const currentDefaultSettingsMigrationVersion =
static const moneroTransactionPriority = 'current_fee_priority_monero';
static const bitcoinTransactionPriority = 'current_fee_priority_bitcoin';
static const shouldShowReceiveWarning = 'should_show_receive_warning';
static const shouldShowYatPopup = 'should_show_yat_popup';