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import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:cw_haven/api/structs/pending_transaction.dart';
import 'package:cw_haven/api/structs/ut8_box.dart';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
typedef CreateWallet = int Function(
Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef RestoreWalletFromSeed = int Function(
Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int, Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef RestoreWalletFromKeys = int Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>,
Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int, Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef IsWalletExist = int Function(Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef LoadWallet = int Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, int);
typedef ErrorString = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef GetFilename = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef GetSeed = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef GetAddress = Pointer<Utf8> Function(int, int);
typedef GetHavenFullBalance = Pointer<Int64> Function(int);
typedef GetHavenUnlockedBalance = Pointer<Int64> Function(int);
typedef GetFullBalance = int Function(int);
typedef GetUnlockedBalance = int Function(int);
typedef GetCurrentHeight = int Function();
typedef GetNodeHeight = int Function();
typedef IsConnected = int Function();
typedef SetupNode = int Function(
Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int, Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef StartRefresh = void Function();
typedef ConnectToNode = int Function();
typedef SetRefreshFromBlockHeight = void Function(int);
typedef SetRecoveringFromSeed = void Function(int);
typedef Store = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef SetListener = void Function();
typedef GetSyncingHeight = int Function();
typedef IsNeededToRefresh = int Function();
typedef IsNewTransactionExist = int Function();
typedef SubaddressSize = int Function();
typedef SubaddressRefresh = void Function(int);
typedef SubaddressGetAll = Pointer<Int64> Function();
typedef SubaddressAddNew = void Function(int accountIndex, Pointer<Utf8> label);
typedef SubaddressSetLabel = void Function(
int accountIndex, int addressIndex, Pointer<Utf8> label);
typedef AccountSize = int Function();
typedef AccountRefresh = void Function();
typedef AccountGetAll = Pointer<Int64> Function();
typedef AccountAddNew = void Function(Pointer<Utf8> label);
typedef AccountSetLabel = void Function(int accountIndex, Pointer<Utf8> label);
typedef TransactionsRefresh = void Function();
typedef GetTxKey = Pointer<Utf8> Function(Pointer<Utf8> txId);
typedef TransactionsCount = int Function();
typedef TransactionsGetAll = Pointer<Int64> Function();
typedef TransactionCreate = int Function(
Pointer<Utf8> address,
Pointer<Utf8> assetType,
Pointer<Utf8> paymentId,
Pointer<Utf8> amount,
int priorityRaw,
int subaddrAccount,
Pointer<Utf8Box> error,
Pointer<PendingTransactionRaw> pendingTransaction);
typedef TransactionCreateMultDest = int Function(
Pointer<Pointer<Utf8>> addresses,
Pointer<Utf8> assetType,
Pointer<Utf8> paymentId,
Pointer<Pointer<Utf8>> amounts,
int size,
int priorityRaw,
int subaddrAccount,
Pointer<Utf8Box> error,
Pointer<PendingTransactionRaw> pendingTransaction);
typedef TransactionCommit = int Function(Pointer<PendingTransactionRaw>, Pointer<Utf8Box>);
typedef SecretViewKey = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef PublicViewKey = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef SecretSpendKey = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef PublicSpendKey = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef CloseCurrentWallet = void Function();
typedef OnStartup = void Function();
typedef RescanBlockchainAsync = void Function();
typedef AssetTypes = Pointer<Pointer<Utf8>> Function();
typedef AssetTypesSize = int Function();
typedef GetRate = Pointer<Int64> Function();
typedef SizeOfRate = int Function();
typedef UpdateRate = void Function();