import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/services/user_service.dart'; part 'authentication_store.g.dart'; class AuthenticationStore = AuthenticationStoreBase with _$AuthenticationStore; enum AuthenticationState { uninitialized, allowed, denied, authenticated, unauthenticated, active, loading, created, restored, readyToLogin } abstract class AuthenticationStoreBase with Store { AuthenticationStoreBase({@required this.userService}) { state = AuthenticationState.uninitialized; } final UserService userService; @observable AuthenticationState state; // @observable // String errorMessage; Future started() async { final canAuth = await userService.canAuthenticate(); state = canAuth ? AuthenticationState.allowed : AuthenticationState.denied; } @action void created() { state = AuthenticationState.created; } @action void restored() { state = AuthenticationState.restored; } @action void loggedIn() { state = AuthenticationState.authenticated; } @action void inactive() { state = AuthenticationState.unauthenticated; } @action void active() { state =; } @action void loggedOut() { state = AuthenticationState.uninitialized; } }