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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class Palette {
static const Color green = Color.fromRGBO(39, 206, 80, 1.0);
static const Color red = Color.fromRGBO(255, 51, 51, 1.0);
static const Color darkRed = Color.fromRGBO(204, 38, 38, 1.0);
static const Color blueAlice = Color.fromRGBO(231, 240, 253, 1.0);
static const Color lightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(172, 203, 238, 1.0);
static const Color lavender = Color.fromRGBO(237, 245, 252, 1.0);
static const Color oceanBlue = Color.fromRGBO(30, 52, 78, 1.0);
static const Color lightBlueGrey = Color.fromRGBO(118, 131, 169, 1.0);
static const Color periwinkle = Color.fromRGBO(195, 210, 227, 1.0);
static const Color blue = Color.fromRGBO(88, 143, 252, 1.0);
static const Color darkLavender = Color.fromRGBO(229, 238, 250, 1.0);
static const Color nightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(46, 57, 96, 1.0);
static const Color moderateOrangeYellow = Color.fromRGBO(245, 134, 82, 1.0);
static const Color moderateOrange = Color.fromRGBO(235, 117, 63, 1.0);
static const Color shineGreen = Color.fromRGBO(76, 189, 87, 1.0);
static const Color moderateGreen = Color.fromRGBO(45, 158, 56, 1.0);
static const Color cornflower = Color.fromRGBO(85, 147, 240, 1.0);
static const Color royalBlue = Color.fromRGBO(43, 114, 221, 1.0);
static const Color lightRed = Color.fromRGBO(227, 87, 87, 1.0);
static const Color persianRed = Color.fromRGBO(206, 55, 55, 1.0);
static const Color blueCraiola = Color.fromRGBO(69, 110, 255, 1.0);
static const Color darkBlueCraiola = Color.fromRGBO(53, 86, 136, 1.0);
static const Color pinkFlamingo = Color.fromRGBO(240, 60, 243, 1.0);
static const Color redHat = Color.fromRGBO(209, 68, 37, 1.0);
static const Color shineOrange = Color.fromRGBO(255, 184, 78, 1.0);
static const Color paleBlue = Color.fromRGBO(225, 228, 233, 1.0);
static const Color violetBlue = Color.fromRGBO(56, 69, 103, 1.0);
static const Color periwinkleCraiola = Color.fromRGBO(229, 232, 242, 1.0);
static const Color moderatePurpleBlue = Color.fromRGBO(57, 74, 95, 1.0);
static const Color moderateLavender = Color.fromRGBO(233, 242, 252, 1.0);
static const Color wildLavender = Color.fromRGBO(224, 230, 246, 1.0);
static const Color gray = Color.fromRGBO(112, 147, 186, 1.0);
static const Color wildPeriwinkle = Color.fromRGBO(219, 227, 243, 1.0);
static const Color darkGray = Color.fromRGBO(122, 147, 186, 1.0);
static const Color shadowWhite = Color.fromRGBO(242, 245, 255, 1.0);
static const Color niagara = Color.fromRGBO(152, 172, 201, 1.0);
static const Color alizarinRed = Color.fromRGBO(233, 45, 45, 1.0);
static const Color moderateSlateBlue = Color.fromRGBO(129, 93, 251, 1.0);
static const Color brightOrange = Color.fromRGBO(255, 102, 0, 1.0);
static const Color dullGray = Color.fromRGBO(98, 98, 98, 1.0);
// FIXME: Rename.
4 years ago
static const Color eee = Color.fromRGBO(236, 239, 245, 1.0);
static const Color xxx = Color.fromRGBO(72, 89, 109, 1);
class PaletteDark {
//static const Color distantBlue = Color.fromRGBO(70, 85, 133, 1.0); // mainBackgroundColor
static const Color lightDistantBlue = Color.fromRGBO(81, 96, 147, 1.0); // borderCardColor
static const Color gray = Color.fromRGBO(140, 153, 201, 1.0); // walletCardText
//static const Color violetBlue = Color.fromRGBO(51, 63, 104, 1.0); // walletCardAddressField
//static const Color moderateBlue = Color.fromRGBO(63, 77, 122, 1.0); // walletCardSubAddressField
//static const Color darkNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(33, 43, 73, 1.0); // historyPanel
static const Color pigeonBlue = Color.fromRGBO(91, 112, 146, 1.0); // historyPanelText
static const Color moderateNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(39, 53, 96, 1.0); // historyPanelButton
static const Color headerNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(41, 52, 84, 1.0); // menuHeader
//static const Color lightNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(48, 59, 95, 1.0); // menuList
static const Color moderatePurpleBlue = Color.fromRGBO(57, 74, 95, 1.0); // selectButtonText
static const Color backgroundColor = Color.fromRGBO(25, 35, 60, 1.0);
static const Color nightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(35, 47, 79, 1.0);
static const Color wildNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(39, 53, 96, 1.0);
static const Color distantNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(46, 57, 96, 1.0);
static const Color cyanBlue = Color.fromRGBO(99, 113, 150, 1.0);
static const Color darkCyanBlue = Color.fromRGBO(91, 112, 146, 1.0);
static const Color orangeYellow = Color.fromRGBO(243, 166, 50, 1.0);
static const Color brightGreen = Color.fromRGBO(88, 243, 50, 1.0);
static const Color oceanBlue = Color.fromRGBO(27, 39, 71, 1.0);
static const Color lightOceanBlue = Color.fromRGBO(32, 45, 80, 1.0);
static const Color lightNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(39, 52, 89, 1.0);
static const Color wildBlue = Color.fromRGBO(165, 176, 205, 1.0);
static const Color buttonNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(46, 57, 96, 1.0);
static const Color lightBlueGrey = Color.fromRGBO(125, 141, 183, 1.0);
static const Color lightVioletBlue = Color.fromRGBO(56, 71, 109, 1.0);
static const Color darkVioletBlue = Color.fromRGBO(49, 60, 96, 1.0);
static const Color wildVioletBlue = Color.fromRGBO(45, 60, 97, 1.0);
static const Color darkNightBlue = Color.fromRGBO(33, 45, 76, 1.0);
static const Color blueGrey = Color.fromRGBO(87, 98, 138, 1.0);
static const Color moderateBlue = Color.fromRGBO(60, 73, 118, 1.0);
static const Color deepPurpleBlue = Color.fromRGBO(19, 29, 56, 1.0);
static const Color darkOceanBlue = Color.fromRGBO(30, 42, 73, 1.0);
static const Color wildBlueGrey = Color.fromRGBO(125, 137, 182, 1.0);
static const Color darkGrey = Color.fromRGBO(118, 131, 169, 1.0);
static const Color dividerColor = Color.fromRGBO(48, 59, 95, 1.0);
static const Color violetBlue = Color.fromRGBO(59, 72, 119, 1.0);
static const Color distantBlue = Color.fromRGBO(72, 85, 131, 1.0);
static const Color moderateVioletBlue = Color.fromRGBO(62, 73, 113, 1.0);
static const Color deepVioletBlue = Color.fromRGBO(52, 66, 104, 1.0);
static const Color lightPurpleBlue = Color.fromRGBO(120, 133, 170, 1.0);
static const Color indicatorVioletBlue = Color.fromRGBO(59, 72, 119, 1.0);
static const Color granite = Color.fromRGBO(48, 51, 60, 1.0);
// FIXME: Rename.
static const Color eee = Color.fromRGBO(236, 239, 245, 1.0);
static const Color xxx = Color.fromRGBO(72, 89, 109, 1);