You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/wallet_info.dart';
4 years ago
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
4 years ago
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/core/wallet_credentials.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/wallet_type.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/wallet_creation_state.dart';
part 'wallet_creation_vm.g.dart';
class WalletCreationVM = WalletCreationVMBase with _$WalletCreationVM;
abstract class WalletCreationVMBase with Store {
{@required this.type, @required this.isRecovery}) {
4 years ago
state = InitialWalletCreationState();
name = '';
String name;
WalletCreationState state;
final WalletType type;
final bool isRecovery;
Box<WalletInfo> _walletInfoSource;
4 years ago
Future<void> create({dynamic options}) async {
try {
state = WalletCreating();
await process(getCredentials(options));
final id = walletTypeToString(type).toLowerCase() + '_' + name;
final walletInfo = WalletInfo(
id: id,
name: name,
type: type,
isRecovery: isRecovery,
restoreHeight: 0);
await _walletInfoSource.add(walletInfo);
4 years ago
state = WalletCreatedSuccessfully();
} catch (e) {
state = WalletCreationFailure(error: e.toString());
WalletCredentials getCredentials(dynamic options) =>
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<void> process(WalletCredentials credentials) =>
throw UnimplementedError();