import React, { useContext } from 'react'; import { AppContext } from './ContextProvider'; import { ToCoins, ToDate, ToHashes } from '../helpers/utils'; const Pool = () => { const { state } = useContext(AppContext); const { pool } = state; const { config, networkStats, stats } = pool; const { pool_statistics: poolStats } = stats; const networkHashRate = Math.floor(networkStats.difficulty / 300); const poolPercentage = poolStats.hashRate / networkHashRate * 100; return (


welcome good friend <3 thank so much for mining!

very mining with you from blocke 62

such good pool:

all wow miners:

this pool miners: {poolStats.miners} miners digging (only {poolPercentage.toFixed(2)}%)

world blocke: {networkStats.height} with discovered {}

pool blocke: {poolStats.lastBlockFound} discovered {}

) }; export default Pool;