import pickle from os import path, remove from datetime import datetime, timedelta from requests import post as r_post from json import dumps from flask import session, current_app from suchwow.models import Moderator, Post from suchwow.wownero import Wallet from suchwow import config def allowed_file(filename): return "." in filename and \ filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1].lower() in config.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS def is_moderator(username): m = Moderator.filter(username=username) if m: return True else: return False def get_session_user(): if "auth" not in session or not session["auth"]: return None return session["auth"]["preferred_username"] def post_webhook(msg): try: if current_app.config["DEBUG"]: msg = "[DEBUG] " + msg data = { "text": msg, "channel": config.MM_CHANNEL, "username": config.MM_USERNAME, "icon_url": config.MM_ICON } res = r_post(config.MM_ENDPOINT, data=dumps(data)) res.raise_for_status() return True except: return False def get_activity(): posts = w = Wallet() data = {} for p in posts: data[p.timestamp] = {'type': 'post', 'post': p} for tx in w.incoming_transfers(p.account_index): if 'timestamp' in tx: data[tx['timestamp']] = {'type': 'tx', 'post': p} dates = sorted(data, reverse=True) new_data = [] for d in dates: new_data.append(data[d]['post']) return new_data[0:20] # Use hacky filesystem cache since i dont feel like shipping redis def rw_cache(key_name, data=None): pickle_file = path.join(config.DATA_FOLDER, f'{key_name}.pkl') try: if path.isfile(pickle_file): mtime_ts = path.getmtime(pickle_file) mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime_ts) now = diff = now - mtime # If pickled data file is less than an hour old, load it and render page # Otherwise, determine balances, build json, store pickled data, and render page if diff.seconds < 3600: print(f'unpickling {key_name}') with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f: pickled_data = pickle.load(f) return pickled_data else: if data: print(f'pickling {key_name}') with open(pickle_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(pickle.dumps(data)) return data else: return None else: if data: print(f'pickling {key_name}') with open(pickle_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(pickle.dumps(data)) return data else: return None except: return None